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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. So I just finished  the show “Spy X Family”. Highly recommend it was very good. I also just listen to the song “the view Between Villages” by Noah Kahan and I am trying not to cry. I would highly recommend it as well 

    1. SmilingPanda19


      Just watched The Greatest Showman again for the 4th time. Still pulls at those heart strings. 
      I’ll have to do both of those. Thanks for the suggestion

    2. Slowswift


      I'll second that Spy x Family recommendation. It's one of my favorite series overall, not just in the realm of anime/manga.

  2. One for Kaladin “The View Between Villages” by Noah Kahan
  3. Ok, first I just looked up TSO and man they look cool. Second. I not sure what it will be exactly but last year they had a Q and A session and Brandon read some of stormlight 5, it was very hype. But it seems they might be stepping up their game this year so I have no idea
  4. Debra the over wait giant squirrel wakes up form her name ready to kill. Or eat. Or both
  5. I have finished painting the highlights and shades of Florf Nonono Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh

    the photo sucks because I don’t have a great camera but I think you can see the highlight I bit

    JPEG image 29.jpeg

    1. Weaver of Lies
    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      The discussion about the name went crazy like four times.

  6. Hi everyone just a letting everyone know that tomorrow morning at 10am MDT the tickets for the Drandonsteel Magic the gathering charity draft are going to open. I plan and getting one and would love to see any of y’all there.

  7. Here is another mini, i am going to shade and highlight it tomorrow. Need another name

    JPEG image 28.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I do theatre and debate. Improv is my absolute favorite thing in the world.

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    4. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I've done improv at school. I always tend towards being an assasin.

  8. Here is the first of today. I had several minis that needed finishing touches so I am trying to get those all done.

    I do need a name him. So if you could give me one that would be great.

    JPEG image 27.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Hmmm…for some reason he seems like a Jarrith to me. 

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      he looks like an Aerentak

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I dub the Jarrith Aerentak 

  9. Ok, today is painting day while I watch general conference. I’ll post some pictures in a minute 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Mmmmm I actually don't like downhill as much as I should xD 

      Mkay well that was a very happy tangent, anyway enjoy painting Phantom!

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I enjoy mountain biking too. I went to a mountain, back when I lived in New Mexico, called Anglefire. It was amazing, although I never went above green circle level

  10. Silver Phantom


    Looks great. I like the shading
  11. Yes, well maybe. How it works for me (I am doing this on an Ipad) is I go to my photos, click and hold on the one I want, hit the copy. Then I go to files and paste it in there. When I do this it changes to the correct format for me. It could be different depending on what device you are using. I also just look up a photo of that type of tortoises. STORM! Those things are cute!
  12. Eyes burned as the body hit the floor. Noko scream before being forced back to the cognitive realm. On the other side she wept. For she had just lost everything.
  13. Komadori lunges at Sage trying to get in close “YOU LET HIM GET A AWAY! YOU TRAITOR!”
  14. Komadori doesn’t stop swinging “GET OUT OF THE WAY FOOL, I DON’T WAN’T YOU!”
  15. A red haze seems to come over Komadori eye “I most keep the momentum” he swings the axe at Ezrium @Canada Lover
  16. Komadori, with all his strengths swings his axe at the back of Cthaelth head
  17. Komadori stumbles out of the illusion. Looks around and goes charging after Cthaelth with his axe raised. “Noko” he shouts at his spren, “district them” Noko flies in front of Cthaelth, reveals them selves and then flashes as brightly as they can @The Sibling
  18. Komadori stumbles loosing concentration on the stone. He then turn tries to tackle Cthaelth @The Sibling
  19. Komadori breaths in. Taking the power in from the perpendicularity. Then he slams his hand to the ground causing the rock to shift and move. Aiming to make Rolen loose there footing @Lightweaver2
  20. “Sorry” Komadori says “was aiming for Rolen”
  21. Komadori runs up and tries to swig his axe into the back of Amyra @Lotus Blossom
  22. Komadori round a bend in the canyon and see Sage and Rolen fighting. He raises his axe and charges to help. “Death to our enemy’s” he shouts @The Honorable One @Lightweaver2 @Canada Lover
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