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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. You shall all feel the sting of may blade severing your soul from you body also @CalanoCorvus I also got a VIP ticket so excited to see you. What mistborn character are you going as?
  2. Just finished my painting my newest model 


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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      DnD, I got a large bundle of miniatures for cheap. But I do also paint Warhammer 

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Cool! How do you do those tiny details?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Small brushes, patients, practice, and a lack of caring if I get arthritis.

      If your interested in starting painting models I can give some advice all through I am far from an expert 

  3. @Deathicorn Dave hears the explosions. “Um should we go help with the demon problem or do you think they have it covered. I am very late for work”
  4. Everyone you can get tickets to events at Dragonsteel. I manage to be in the first group that gets to play test the soon to be released Stormlight RPG

    1. The Sibling

      The Sibling

      Lucky! That sounds awesome!

  5. Everyone you can get tickets to events at Dragonsteel. I manage to be in the first group that gets to play test the soon to be released Stormlight RPG
  6. I ordered parts of my costume for dragon steel and they should be here any day. I am so excited 

  7. Hey everyone, my cousin just got back form his mission in Texas and I am so happy to see him
  8. Hey everyone how is everyone doing and what is going on?
  9. Nice to have you. Question, I am assuming that your first language Polish, do you also know English or are you using a translator?
  10. Welcome to the cult. Sacrifices on Monday, summonings on Wednesday, and shuffle board on Saturday.
  11. Dave sticks out his hand to shake. “Pleasure to meet, Dave Wilson, I.T. and customer service for the demonic, eldritch, and Kevin Bacon.”
  12. Part of my costume for dragonsteel just got here


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  13. I didn’t not know that, I was looking older photos of him, so never mind he could totally play wax
  14. Hey, its great to have you. I also love Shallan and think she has one of the best arcs and am excited to see what’s next, but truth be told I would rather be one of Lift’s squire’s just to be there for the chaos
  15. Happy birthday, and thank you for being a moderator

    1. Kaymyth


      It has begun.



  16. Hey, my dad finally finished Yumi and the nightmare painter so I got to read it. I did it in two days and it might be my new favorite Sanderson book. 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yay!! It was so good!

  17. I have to get a new license plate and I figured might as well get a custom one that is Sanderson themed. It is aloud to have up to 7 letters or numbers, no other symbols. I would love any ideas you guys have, my only one so far is Mistborn but like “MST BRN” do you think that works?
  18. “Chadwick? Are you sure about this. I know he’s your brother but last time you invited a new person to move in was so horrific I am still having nightmares about bongos.”
  19. I am currently binging the OG Pokemon series and watch smallville in between
  20. Dave dives though the window umbrella first ready to fight what ever new threat this is. And is confused to see nothing but Chadwick, chadwinny and a floating shark plushie. Then realization dawns on his face “ahhh, ghosts I see.” Dave raise his hands again and whispers “ees tahw si ton” and his eyes become one solid shade of a dark metallic green.
  21. Why does it work so well? also I have a new one, for if stormlight was an anime, this would be the closing credit song Warbringer by Thefatrat
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