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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times.

    If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen.  

    I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight 

    Your friends and fellow world hopper

    Evan (aka Silver Phantom)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Experience


      I'm in San Diego. I finish in a couple of months.

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Nice, I’m  in Utah

    4. Experience


      That's awesome!

  2. So two things today. First is I finally finished my woodworking project. To be clear, I made this only because I am a Lord of the Rings fan and I specifically really like Gandalf. So…. I made his pipe





    Again I dont intend to actually smoke with it. Nor do I think I actually could. How a made it was not how a real pipe is made so I pretty sure I would die if I tried to smoke with it. Anyway it was a really fun project and I am planing on making a few more


    Also today was my first day of my new work out retune (and my first ever workout retune) my goal is to be able to dunk a basketball before end of summer. I will be posting my progress here weekly. The NBA regulation hight for there hoop is 10ft. My reach is 7 feet 9 inches. And my current standing jump hight is 8 feet 11 inches. It is also recommended to have about 6 inches above the rim in your jump in order to dunk. So I have 19 inches to go for standing. Yes I know that my running jump is higher, but I don’t have a way to measure that short of running and then jumping full speed into a wall, so I will get back to y’all on that  

    1. Cash67



  3. Happy birthday 

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi



  4. I totally do, its better most of the time TPBM has watch the TV show “The Rookie”
  5. I am starting twilight princess again, hopefully I beat it this time
  6. These look great. I have actually been working on a few myself
  7. Lady’s and gentleman, I give you Dino Nugget (yes, she will be going by Dino)






  8. I just put up a poll to name my new chicken, if y’all what to be apart of that go check it out. I also am almost done with my woodworking project and I can’t wait to show you guys

  9. I wanted to put this up to a vote. My grandmother got chickens and I get to name one of them. I put the names I am thinking of in the poll. What ever one has the most votes by the tomorrow afternoon win and i will post the photo of the newly named baby chick update: I give you Baby Dino
  10. I just fond this thread and now I am having a good day, thanks @King Oreo
  11. Why do your profile pics always go so hard? 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Heehee thank you!!

  12. So this was going to be a post where I put up a pole to name my new chicken, but I can’t figure out how to do a pole, can anyone help?

  13. Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all have a nice Sunday and get to spend time with love ones think of what’s important 

  14. Welcome to the cult family
  15. We got chickens!!! I need names!!!


    I will only get to name one, mayber two of them. I have a few ideas in mind. I will take those and my favorites from the comments and make a poll.

    No bad idea, I give you all totally free rain, go wild

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Name them after Aviar.

      Name them after dinosaurs, because that's what they are.


      I can't think of anything else...

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Chicken nugget, McChicken, Chick-Fil-A

  16. I just saw I won the day on march tenth!! First win baby!!!


  17. I actually really like how its kind of random How many of them have you read. I am trying to find a copy of 9 right now
  18. Thanks Just lots of practice and a good audio book in the background
  19. IMG_2836.thumb.jpeg.e4389b6eb5779998d54fe1c7518175ca.jpeg


    Spoilers for Rhythm of War


    “Life before death. Strength before weakness. journey before destination, you bastard!”

    Navani Kholin, being awesome 


    More on my painting page

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Oh dang, that's beautiful! Love your colour choices.

  20. Finally finished Navani. And this is my new favorite model It looks darker than it is but lighting is a pain so what ever. Anyway this was a really fun one to paint. I based it on my mom’s costume from dragon steel and will be sending it to her as her birthday present. The paints are as follows as always a base coat of Mechanicus Standard grey. The gloves, hair, boots, and rim of base is Abaddon black. All gold is Retributor Armour with a shade of Reikland Fleshshade. The satchel is Rhinox Hide, shade of Agrax Earthshade, and dry brush of Mournfang Brown. Her skin is Knight-Questor Flesh, shade of Reikland Fleshshade. Finally all the red is a base of Mephistopheles red, then I put a layer of the contrast paint blood angels red to give depths. I put several layers of it on the deepest folds of the back of you cloak, to really give it depths. I then hit it with a high lit of dry brushing Evil Sunz Scarlet
  21. adbay otbay

    get piglatined



    By some miracle we caught it early enough that nothing was ruined besides maybe the rug. We still had to take everything out and are waiting for tomorrow for the plumbers to come

    Enjoy the the cameo of my grandfather who help save my stuff

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Grandpas are the best.

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I’m glad your stuff is okay! Hopefully it’ll get fixed.

  23. I use citadel as well. depending on how long you have had your paint, they could have change how the metallic ones work. They change the recipe a few years ago
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