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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. day three of becoming female beowulf because i hated the pictures from last time…


    *tries to be excited*


    *but hormones…*








    i really don’t wanna go down to the woods today

  2. my sword hand/arm…

    is so sore…


    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Wait. Do you fence? Or are you just stabbing people because of the fact that most of humanity sucks?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Guys! On Sunday night we stoped when we saw a sign for free kittens! Here are pics!!

    :D :D ❤️ 



    IMG_5304.jpg.310d9c0b67cfb9ecbd9b7123d39c1b23.jpg < The girl kitten! (named snowball but I would have chosen Penelope)

    IMG_5317.jpg.c525e2299d597f3b0c54ce802d46d76c.jpg < The boy kitten! (named silkie but I wanted Nightblood-)

    That's all!

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  4. NO






    My heart is beating so fast




    Blood and bloody ashes.

    I actually made it in.

    Something about failing so often makes the success so much better. Don’t stop trying, okay guys? It hurts to lose today, but when you win tomorrow…

    Oh, it tastes so sweet.


  5. auditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditions

    I'm fine :) 

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      We all believe in you Eddie. Fingers crossed 

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  6. auditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditionsauditions

    I'm fine :) 

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Good luck, maybe switch to decaf, but good luck😄

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ok so I went to my cousin's graduation today, some highlights include:

    1. I have this list of names to use in various writing, because I'm bad at coming up with names...and then I started writing down graduates' names that I thought sounded cool...so now my list is considerably longer and I love the names people have, they'll be appearing in stories for quite a while.

    2. We went to Costco and my older brother and I ran around and found all the best samples, I felt like a five year old again (especially since I haven't been in a Costco for literally years)

    3. We went to a park for a picnic after and some of my cousins were playing spikeball...they got the spikeball stuck in a pine tree. So they threw their second spikeball up, and it got stuck. So my cousin threw his shoe up, and it got stuck. Next was a volleyball, then a frisbee, then several water bottles and then finally stuff started falling...then my cousin got stuck in the tree. Then my other cousin stood on her dad's shoulders and tried to reach the spikeball. After about 15 minutes, they finally got it down.

    Anyway, I'm about to go to my school's Morp, hope y'all are doing well!!

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      My sister graduated in child education. She is becoming a preschool teacher

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ok so I went to my cousin's graduation today, some highlights include:

    1. I have this list of names to use in various writing, because I'm bad at coming up with names...and then I started writing down graduates' names that I thought sounded cool...so now my list is considerably longer and I love the names people have, they'll be appearing in stories for quite a while.

    2. We went to Costco and my older brother and I ran around and found all the best samples, I felt like a five year old again (especially since I haven't been in a Costco for literally years)

    3. We went to a park for a picnic after and some of my cousins were playing spikeball...they got the spikeball stuck in a pine tree. So they threw their second spikeball up, and it got stuck. So my cousin threw his shoe up, and it got stuck. Next was a volleyball, then a frisbee, then several water bottles and then finally stuff started falling...then my cousin got stuck in the tree. Then my other cousin stood on her dad's shoulders and tried to reach the spikeball. After about 15 minutes, they finally got it down.

    Anyway, I'm about to go to my school's Morp, hope y'all are doing well!!

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      That’s crazy. We must of been within a mile of each other at the most. Sad we didn’t bump into each other.

      Also, what did your cousin major in?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Ok so I went to my cousin's graduation today, some highlights include:

    1. I have this list of names to use in various writing, because I'm bad at coming up with names...and then I started writing down graduates' names that I thought sounded cool...so now my list is considerably longer and I love the names people have, they'll be appearing in stories for quite a while.

    2. We went to Costco and my older brother and I ran around and found all the best samples, I felt like a five year old again (especially since I haven't been in a Costco for literally years)

    3. We went to a park for a picnic after and some of my cousins were playing spikeball...they got the spikeball stuck in a pine tree. So they threw their second spikeball up, and it got stuck. So my cousin threw his shoe up, and it got stuck. Next was a volleyball, then a frisbee, then several water bottles and then finally stuff started falling...then my cousin got stuck in the tree. Then my other cousin stood on her dad's shoulders and tried to reach the spikeball. After about 15 minutes, they finally got it down.

    Anyway, I'm about to go to my school's Morp, hope y'all are doing well!!

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I went to my sister graduations today to. Did your cousin graduate from UVU?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. *Kajsa has left the single pringle club*


    hehehhehehehhe 🥰🥰🥰



    ALSO i found this old preface for harlow

    and WHY does it kind of slap??






    “When the lost bird falls, surely the rain will cease.

    Every drop of broken blood will spill and touch the breeze,

    When the skies are grey, and

    No one’s around

    To settle the sound

    Of shattered calls

    That’ll be when the lost bird falls.”



    The bard sets aside his lute and takes a long swig of alcohol from a clay mug, setting it down on a weathered, wobbly stool that matches his own. The tavern is alive with applause and chatter, illuminated by warm firelight. Somebody calls out, asking where did the song come from, and the bard replies simply:




    I have a good view of our entertainer from my seat at the counter. He’s old and crinkled with age, but that doesn’t stop him from looking alive. His dark brown eyes shine with resilience, bushy white eyebrows more expressive than I’ve ever seen, gravelly voice somehow more beautiful than that of a siren. The stool he sits on is old and creaky, one I assume he carries with him wherever he goes. Backed by the firelight, he has an aura of kindness and mystery.

    He catches me looking at him and smiles, so I quickly turn away, staring at my hot drink. He’s probably thinking I’m too young to be here, wasting my earnings on spiked cider and hard bread. But he visits this tavern frequently, and I like to hear the songs he brings, especially the ones from Elysia. I never heard this one, even though I grew up there. It must be newer.

    I consider myself to be some kind of lost bird if I’ve understood the song right. 

    Though they don’t know it yet, I’ve done everything to protect them.

    That was always my job. I was never going to be queen. I was never going to lead armies. I was never going to be great, remembered, fearless.

    I was never going to have what I wanted. But that was okay, because I could keep them safe.

    I always knew I would protect them. 

    So here I sit in a tavern on break, tapping my own clay mug with my fingernails. 


    Clink, clink, clink.


    Here I sit with knives strapped to my belts and inside my boots, poisonous vials in my satchel, death carved in between the letters of my name, syncopated to the beats of my heart. 

    I have become the kind of dangerous nobody sees, the kind nobody expects. No man would expect a girl like me to pull a dagger from the waistband of her skirt and have him dead in a moment. 

    No man would expect a highborn to be a monster.

    But if I let it all go and be the person my world needs me to be, it will fall apart.

    Emptying my cup, I shake off my thoughts and push the mug towards the bartender. He fills it back up and adds its price to my final bill; nothing I can’t pay for.

    The bard leisurely picks up his lute once more, clearing his throat and carrying on to the second verse. I rest my head on my arms, feeling lonely, and listen.


    “When the sky burns red, bleeding crimson tears

    Blue flames will flow across the earth, and when the grey smoke clears

    Purple will be the color that scrapes against the skies

    Dancing across our deathbeds and relishing our demise…”


  11. DEATH






    So yeah.







    I willlll be heeeerrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee

    even if you decide to get rid of my favorite sweater

    This has been a small section of my brain as it fails to memorize everything and then some. Thank you for listening, please come again. 

  12. let’s just all take a collective moment to appreciate the music and fashion of 2000



    i wasn’t born yet but like IT WAS SO GOOD 😭







  13. Alright, two things:

    1) Ticket to ride is a great game. Long, but really fun

    2) the movie Escape from Germany is a wonderful movie. Everyone should watch it. And if you do, Elder McOmber is my uncle 3-4 times removed (he's the one with the camera). It's a great story, watch all of it including the credits, they have cool facts in them

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      That so cool your reflated to McOmber. I saw the movie a few days ago, it was great

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Oh mah gosh.

    My Adventures with Superman is the cutest thing ever.

  15. update:

    the elbow is not, in fact, broken. hooray!

    it still hurts, but i have a fair range of motion and was even able to wash my hair in the shower!

    also, my head injury is feeling better as well. it only hurts to the touch, and ive stopped getting headaches from it


  16. Just ordered my first part of my costume for dragon steel 2024. Will show y’all when it gets here also I have found a really good comic book. Speciality @Edema Rue @Kajsa I think you guys would like it but I would recommend this to anyone. Its called Gotham Academy and it a fun comic that is set in Gotham but doesn’t focus on batman or superhero’s. Heres the cover and the inside cover of the Trade paper back version 




  17. Just ordered my first part of my costume for dragon steel 2024. Will show y’all when it gets here also I have found a really good comic book. Speciality @Edema Rue @Kajsa I think you guys would like it but I would recommend this to anyone. Its called Gotham Academy and it a fun comic that is set in Gotham but doesn’t focus on batman or superhero’s. Heres the cover and the inside cover of the Trade paper back version 




  18. so i know i just posted but like

    i have another thing to share

    so basically i like taking writing inspiration from photos i get in my pinterest feed/emails

    and there was this one that worked perfectly for a moment Haly and i were planning for our characters anyway

    so i was like "yo we need a Xander/Nova moment like this" and she was like "YES OH MY GOSH" and they were already having a cute little indoor picnic anyway so it was perfect

    but yeah so here's the inspo:



    and here's the little blurb (i edited it a bit before posting just so it's more coherent haha since y'all don't know much, if anything, about Nova and Xander):


    Nova smiled across at him, a small blush tinting her cheeks as a wonderful idea swept over her. They were finally alone now, having a picnic on the floor in Xander’s room, and nothing was keeping them apart. No glass walls or bars, no lost memories (thank goodness Nova had those back), no tension between them--or at least nothing awkward. So why weren’t they together—really together?

    She took a sip of her own drink—fizzy, and bright. “Oh, this is good.”

    "Like soda good or good good?" he asked, skeptical.

    "Like good good. Do you want to try it?"

    He reached for the drink, but Nova pulled it out of his grasp and suddenly captured his lips in a nearly desperate caress. He’d had his picnic, after all, and she couldn’t wait another moment for her promised kiss.

    Surprised and slightly overwhelmed by her sudden hunger, he mumbled against her lips before giving in to the intoxicating sensation and kissing back with equal fervor.

    After a moment, he broke away. “I couldn’t taste it,” he told her, breathless.

    “Then maybe we should try again.” But instead, she set the drink down entirely, and their lips collided once more. It had been far too long since they had kissed like this, with no barriers--physical or emotional--between them.

    Nova could feel his walls finally crumble apart as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Her fingers roamed through his hair and back down to his neck again, along his spine, craving more of him. Everything was clear now. This was how it was supposed to be - just the two of them together, forever. They wouldn’t fight anymore, nor would they be separated; Nova would make hailing sure of that.


    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      on one hand, great writing, and the other hand what is that comic?!🤣

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. so uh we got bored

    and decided to become an elven princess turned pirate type thing

    uh yeah



    i considered doing my bedazzled fishnets instead of the snake ones but those are more silvery than gold and also they’re like kinda dirty


    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Looks amazing, where did you get the hats and boots?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times.

    If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen.  

    I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight 

    Your friends and fellow world hopper

    Evan (aka Silver Phantom)

  21. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times.

    If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen.  

    I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight 

    Your friends and fellow world hopper

    Evan (aka Silver Phantom)

  22. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times.

    If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen.  

    I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight 

    Your friends and fellow world hopper

    Evan (aka Silver Phantom)

  23. Life is so busy right now but I’m in such a good mood and I wanted to share the joy.

    i am so proud of myself for committing to getting something done, no matter how good or bad, and not expecting perfection from myself for once. Here it is.

    a webtoon im starting…



    please come read it! Like it! Comment! Or subscribe! It would mean so freaking much to me.

    thank you all for being so amazing

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Just read it. Looks amazing, excited to see what’s next

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. guys help

    i'm so burnt out

    i can't even like

    write a poem about it

    i'm so done

    i just want school to go away

    and never come back


    it's due tomorrow

    and it's a *test grade*

    like WHUT

    ugh i'm so done

    but yeah i'm feeling burnt out

    and stuck

    and empty

  25. I haven’t talked about this yet on here. But I am currently on a mission for my church.  I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints and am about 15 months into a service mission. It’s been really great and I have truly seen miracles and many amazing things. I know this may come as a surprise especially to those who I met at Dragonsteel because I didn’t mention it. But I just didn’t feel comfortable at the time. This post is more about me becoming more comfortable about sharing my beliefs than a life update. So if you’re not interested or don’t really care that’s fine. This is for me. This community has meant so much to me the past several months and has given me the motivations and courage to push my self to do more and be more proactive. You are all great and I know I am going to be here a long time. I hope this doesn’t make anyone feel alienated, that is the last thing I want, but I am who I am. And that is a son of God, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints, a Missionary of the Lord, and have depression, ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. I know this is a lot to say for one statues update but I felt that I needed to stope being afraid to have the discussions about my beliefs and my struggles. I have been on meds for years for both my depression and ADHD, and have been in some dark place both before and after I started the meds. I also have had my faith tested many time, but I also have had it reinforced countless times.

    If anyone has any questions about my faith, my mission, or my disability feel free to ask. And if anyone is struggling with dark thoughts, whether it do to depression or not, please know that I am always willing to talk about it. I have been in the deepest depths of depression before and I will all ways be here if someone need to talk, or even is they just need someone to listen.  

    I hope you all have a great day and cant wait to see what happens next on this amazing sight 

    Your friends and fellow world hopper

    Evan (aka Silver Phantom)

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