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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Dave tilts his head, looks at the Bison, the demon, and the guy waving his gun in the air. “This is the second weirdest thing I have seen in a 7/11.” He then raises his hands and shouts “Tenrehte elbac!” And computer cords shoot out of his hands and start wrapping the demon.
  2. The VIP badge includes, all the merch, early access to the main hall, a VIP lounge, and there is a VIP line to enter. Price wise, if you buy every swag bundle/merch on the dragonsteel website and a normal badge it is more then a VIP badge, but you might not want all of the different merch so you might not save. But all of this is moot because as of now the VIP tickets are sold out. Though you could still get one if someone cancels their order.
  3. Dave leans over to @Aeoliae and in a whisper says “keep talking I am going to try something”
  4. I just managed to get my hands on a copy of Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls for the GBA, IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGING!!  

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  5. Ok, so for me, this would be the opening song to either a Stormlight or Mistborn anime, In The End by Black Veil Brides
  6. So, after my plane got delayed twice then cancelled late Sunday night and then my rescheduled morning plane got delayed, and then we waited in the plane on the tarmac for almost 40 minutes, then I came home and slept for 5 hours. I HAVE RETURNED!!!

  7. Nice to have you. What’s your favorite color
  8. Hey, I am going out of town for the next few days so I won’t posting until I am back Monday.

  9. Dave jumps out the window as well, then pulls out his umbrella from his pocket dimension and Mary popping this thing right to the feet of the Demon “KEITH! That is you. Listen I know you have had it ruff with the breakup and everything but this is kind of our gas station so you have 30 seconds to stop or I will call in every favor that is owned to me and have everyone from ,Beelsebub the demon lord of flies, to Kevin Bacon down here and we will kick your but”
  10. I would if I had a computer, but I do put some on my water bottle what would you put on mars just to mess with scientist when they get there.
  11. Dave squints at the Demon and then turns around “its either Asmodeus or Keith. I can’t tell form this distance.”
  12. “If you want something bad, you have to fight for it. Step up your game Scott, break out the L word.”
  13. Dave sticks his head out the window and shouts at the demon coming out of 7-11 “Asmodeus! I swear if this is about the knife I am going to kill you! I told not to use a sacrificial knife you got of Wish.com but noooo you had to go and save some money!”
  14. DAY 8, VICTORY!!! Finally got a face that looks good (relatively speaking). Here is Malinda again. Also thank you to every one who has commented and given these reputation. It has helped a lot and I would have stoped by now if not for you guys

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    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yay!! I didn’t see the first 7 days :P but this one looks really good! Drawing faces is so hard, stick with it!

    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Nice! Looking at some other earlier drawings, and you have definitely improved! That’s a compliment by the way. Your drawing are really cool

  15. I got a VIP ticket as well. I hope to see you there
  16. I have taken down a few now, mostly late at night when I am one of the few people on. It’s fun to hear the screams of those I have sent to damnation
  17. “First, I got the blood last year. I went on a fishing trip some friends from work, including Cthulhu, and long story short thing got wild. Second I have no idea what side effects it might have but it has strong magic property’s and it has a cool green color so it will both look good and probably give some protection. Plus if drinking some didn’t cause me any harm I doubt wearing it will.”
  18. Dave perks up “I’ll come to, i have been wanting to ask Knalya if she can make me a vest and shirt out of some eldritch god blood that I have”
  19. Ok, day 7, sorry I haven’t posted much recently i have been really busy. I also have not had time to practice but i need to start back up so here it is. 

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  20. Here is the link to the dragon steel website there is a lot of info there. I am also happy to share some tips on what to expect as well as some suggestions on what to bring. I am assuming this year is going to be a lot like last years so ill just describe that. The convention really had three main areas, one was a large open area with a bunch of booths featuring different creators; like authors, painters and much more. If you have ever been to a Job/club convention at a school gymnasium you have a ruff idea on what it was like, just scaled up. That area had Brandon Sanderson merch and books, finally it had game area with a bunch of free board games for any one to go and play. The second area was actual a bunch rooms that held different discussions and talks throughout the day. The rooms were spread out on three different floors. The last area was the room were Brandon gave His announcements and answers question and other stuff like that. There were also a scavenger hunt you could participate in and these fake mistborn coins that you could collect and tried in for prizes. Now to the actual advice, to be clear Dragon Steel 2022 was my first convention ever so I am far from an expert but here are something’s I learned form my mistakes. First wear comfortable shoes and bring a backpack, pure, or something like that. Whether you are cosplaying or not this is important, you will be doing a good amount of walking and standing around so you feet will take a betting if you shoes aren’t up for it. Something to put stuff in is also vital, they will give you tout bags with merch you buy but its easer to put it in something more comfortable, even if you are cosplaying you can always set the bag to the side for photos. Second for the financial side, have plan on how much you are willing to spend at the convention and try not to go over. There are some obvious purchases like the convention exclusive shirts and pins but there is a lot of other stuff and some of it is expensive. I went in without a budget just saying to my self I will buy a little bit of what I thought was cool and things started to add up quickly. Third bring a water battle for sure There were water fountains but a water bottle is more convenient. As for food I would recommend snacks at the very least. They had food at the convention last year and the location is across the street form a mall with a food court. But again it’s easier and cheeper to bring you own stuff.
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