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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. “We have some empty boxes in the back” Dave notices what’s going on outside “uhhh… Steve you good buddy?”
  2. “No, we do not have a discount on purple books. But we do have more purple books in the Necromancy section if your interested.”
  3. The pain behind Daves eyes started to return “Ok, sir i can help you with your books here.” walking over the counter. He then notices your books color and raises and eyebrow
  4. A body of a 16 year old appears dead covered in blood and blown up at least a little bit, on a busy street in the middle of a day “well…. Who want to explain this to the cops”
  5. How many Chihuahuas could you beat in a fight at one time?
  6. Then suddenly the portal vortex widens and everyone get sucked in getting transported the the most regular place anyone could think of
  7. “Larry do your job, stop the invisible child that I have to assume is now covered in blood” Dave says as he yanking his arm and then his umbrella out of the water
  8. Larry sniffs the air and flys to the door and with a touch it turns to stone.
  9. No, i have never The person below me loves painting
  10. As Dave falls with is arm and umbrella stuck to his side shouts “Larry voco ut prohibere eam” and a demon that looks like a green gargoyle with pig tails appears
  11. “That’s fair, do you need us to validate your parking”
  12. “Sorry. Kghilis nice timing. What do you want to do with the kid”
  13. As she does this, Dave swings the umbrella and in mid swing appears suddenly right next to them, Dave feels the umbrella connect to something invisible
  14. Dave reaches to his right and a small portal. He pulls out and umbrella and holds it like a base ball bat “try it. Also how did you do the invisible thing because that was cool”
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