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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. As Dave falls with is arm and umbrella stuck to his side shouts “Larry voco ut prohibere eam” and a demon that looks like a green gargoyle with pig tails appears
  2. “That’s fair, do you need us to validate your parking”
  3. “Sorry. Kghilis nice timing. What do you want to do with the kid”
  4. As she does this, Dave swings the umbrella and in mid swing appears suddenly right next to them, Dave feels the umbrella connect to something invisible
  5. Dave reaches to his right and a small portal. He pulls out and umbrella and holds it like a base ball bat “try it. Also how did you do the invisible thing because that was cool”
  6. “Yell in that case you may be interested in this” leaning over Dave flicks a small bell on the counter and a book self flips around revealing even more books, but these ones clearly magical.
  7. Deciding to ignore the request from River, Dave looks over to Falchion “oh, yes that is a good.”
  8. “Listen, kid. With out ID the best I can do is ‘How to talk to kids about necromancy’ by Keanu Reeves”
  9. Takes money “enjoy” “And smell books McGee is right your not 20”
  10. “That will be $10” “Yes we have some of those right over there” he points “And yes we have a lot of dark magic here, thought that would be clear from the name of the store”
  11. “Yes sir, so will this be all for you? “One copy of the ‘smell of love’”
  12. “River did you do you want your book or not? and sir stop antagonizing the 15 year old”
  13. Dave sighs “Mahogany book shelf near the front, bottom shelf, grey spine.” “And sir we have a very nice book that is perfect for smelling in the fantasy section
  14. “Beelzebub. Demon prince of Flys. Good guy.” “And can you two stop fighting or I will call him on both of. What do either of you want anyway?”
  15. “We don’t kick people out, we just call beelzebub and he takes care of them.”
  16. “Sir please don’t call one of the customers doofus, even though they are insulting the amazing smell of books”
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