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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. “Yell in that case you may be interested in this” leaning over Dave flicks a small bell on the counter and a book self flips around revealing even more books, but these ones clearly magical.
  2. Deciding to ignore the request from River, Dave looks over to Falchion “oh, yes that is a good.”
  3. “Listen, kid. With out ID the best I can do is ‘How to talk to kids about necromancy’ by Keanu Reeves”
  4. Takes money “enjoy” “And smell books McGee is right your not 20”
  5. “That will be $10” “Yes we have some of those right over there” he points “And yes we have a lot of dark magic here, thought that would be clear from the name of the store”
  6. “Yes sir, so will this be all for you? “One copy of the ‘smell of love’”
  7. “River did you do you want your book or not? and sir stop antagonizing the 15 year old”
  8. Dave sighs “Mahogany book shelf near the front, bottom shelf, grey spine.” “And sir we have a very nice book that is perfect for smelling in the fantasy section
  9. “Beelzebub. Demon prince of Flys. Good guy.” “And can you two stop fighting or I will call him on both of. What do either of you want anyway?”
  10. “We don’t kick people out, we just call beelzebub and he takes care of them.”
  11. “Sir please don’t call one of the customers doofus, even though they are insulting the amazing smell of books”
  12. Dave walks back into the front room “sorry for keeping you waiting everyone. Who need help? And who is the dude in the romance section making the weird noises?”
  13. Oh yay this is for an RP that is going on right now called Regular wizards  started by @Channelknight Fadran

  14. Learning to draw day 2


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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      I just imagine Little River evil cackling for some reason, is that just me?

    3. Aeoryi


      Uh yeah... They can get over-the-counter in terms of emotions, but remains really shy for the most part.

    4. Veledsier


      So cool!!!!!!!!

  15. Ok here is day two. New character, I will be switching between a few. There character is for an RP going on right now called Regular Wizards by @Channelknight Fadran
  16. Walking over to the register “Ok, that will be $15.99” “And the silmarillion should be just there on your left miss, right next to ‘Secrets of xylophones, zombies, and Vampire cults’”
  17. “Mmm, let me see. ‘Agony lost’ ‘Armchairs through the ages’. Ah here it is ‘Notable Artificers throughout History’ Is that all for you?” Dave notices the teenager talking to the lady with a concerning amount of knives for the first time. “Uhhh, can I help you two?”
  18. Dave looks up form the books he is shelving and see’s Retan “Hello sir, what are you looking for?”
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