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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Just location wise, I would say Ireland.
  2. I actually never said he ran a book store but I really like that Idea so lets go with it and say he does his I.T. work in the back. Ideas for the name of the daemon book store anyone?
  3. I like them there fun. Make me hungry If a song played every time you walked in a room, what song would it be?
  4. Is this is available to join if so here he is Name: Dave Wilson age: 30 gender: male PCP: can see into the 5th dimension and communicate with the creatures there (demons, Cthulhu, Kevin Bacon) Occupation: works for said creatures as there I.T. support on why there dark rituals aren’t working Notable Battles: trying to explain to Larry the Demon Lord why using “I can’t believe its not blood” for his spells is a bad idea Education: knows a lot about dark rituals (don’t ask) Weapons, technique: A really cool umbrella that is great for waking sense into clients who think they know better them me. He will summon lesser demons who owe him favors to help fight Other: He has a pet Japanese flying dwarf squirrel (look it up, its adorable)
  5. Guys, drop everything!! I just learned that there is a animal called the Japanese flying dwarf squirrel and we need to talk about it

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      RIght! I feel like if I held one it would feel like a marshmallow! 

    3. SmilingPanda19


      How much are they? How can I get them? Where are they? How can they be mine?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Depending on where you live they can be legal to own as pets

  6. Yes, I used to play the violin in grade school (my school required you to play and instrument) and I haven’t touch one scene I switched school in 3rd grade. Also sorry about the hidden content thing, I don’t know how I added it and I don’t know how to get ride of it What is your favorite dumb/funny pickup line?
  7. I just saved up and bought my V.I.P tickets. Would you guys cosplay?
  8. When you give him more spikes he’ll probably ask for a hammer first off, this is one of the greatest books of all time. Second, this got really dark really quickly
  9. Hey, thank you for the fallow and comment. I saw on your “about me” that you like Carbon Leaf. i just checked them out and loved it

  10. Hi, this is the first time I have tried to draw since my middle school art class ( which feels like forever ago). This is a character I had made in the back of my head awhile ago so I figured I’d give it a shot. I will be trying to post one once a day and here are the first two.
  11. Ok, so I know I just said I would be doing one a day but I got excited so I look up a video on how to draw faces so… voila!


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  12. Hey everyone, I have never drawn before and I have decided to start messing around with it. I am going to be practicing with the same character I have created. Here is the first photo, I drew this with no practice at all. I will trying to post every day with a new attempt 

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      You said you created this character, what for?

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      It was just a thought in the back of my head for a character in “Pillars of Eternity”

    4. Weaver of Lies
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