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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Pulsers don’t speed up time, they slow down time just for the bubble. Very interesting thought light distortion, maybe?
  2. The first adventure starts screaming because after all, there is still a hole in his foot what is going on
  3. A post I saw by @Munin talking about Samuel Jackson as Sazed, you can find it Here about half way down. This will be my second year at dragon steel, and I am most excited to see the costumes and hopefully another scavenger hunt. My favorite hat is a one I got at last years dragon steel, me and a group I was working were the first to complete the Wayne scavenger hunt so the gut gave me one of the hats they had hidden around as a reward(manly because I asked). I am not really into sports but I like playing baseball and Volleyball with friends. I just finished Tress of the Emerald Sea and it was AMAZING! 11, one to bring snacks the other 10 to argue over what radiant order the lightbulb is in. And no that was not to many questions. What do you mean by that?
  4. “AAAAAAAAAAAA, holy cow is just notice how nice your shoes are AAAAAAAAAA” Second says still panicking as they help get the foot out of the spike
  5. It depends on what you mean as powerful. Like you could argue the surge of Division is more powerful then any allomancy because you can kill/destroy almost anything with a touch. But you could also say Bendalloy is more powerful then any surges because you can affect time itself with it. So my answer is ???
  6. It would depend on where the spikes are. I would say 4 but you would likely need more. It’s said in the books that because of all the spikes the Inquisitor’s are just as much of a new species as the Koloss or Kendra also I like your new profile image
  7. “Yep! You need to always keep an eye out in this line of work.” The First Adventure says, right before stepping on leaf covered spike that goes through their foot
  8. Stiles form Teen wolf, Lightspren,152, and are we talking about the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel or the Malabar giant Squirrel? (Serially look up the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, its so cute I about died) Hot liquid with surprises in it. Leaded, it taste better.
  9. Hi, it seem every one has one of these so here’s mine. So I guess ask me anything
  10. My bad, thought this was just a general discussion called “Ask me anything” not @Cruciatus_heart’s specific ask me anything. Sorry and thanks for letting me know
  11. I have to disagree with the Reen as name. Yes, she does still love him and she knows he never betrayed her, but I think she wouldn’t wont one of her kids to share the name. She would want to move past what he had done to her and naming a kid after him just feels wrong to me
  12. To all air sick low landers I am making this just to try and start general discussions Dragon Steel 2023, such as are you planing on attending, is this your first time at Dragonsteel or are you a returning fan, are you planing on cosplaying, what are you most looking forward to, and finally what are your predictions for the events, booths, and secrets this years conventions will hold?
  13. How did you put the text in the bottom of the post, the one with all you links?
  14. The second adventure doesn’t seem to register that they are being talk to. Their eyes begin to close, slipping into unconsciousness. Then suddenly their eyes snap open, focusing, not on the first adventure but on something else.
  15. Hey, I saw on your post that it shows your knight Radiant test scores at the bottom. I was just wondering how you did that

    1. Aeoryi


      They are outdated, but there is link somewhere in the 17s discusion on a thread called 'share your radiant quiz results!' 

      Try googling it if that doesn't work.

    2. Aeoryi


      You can take the test via the link in my signiture.

      Signitures can be edited in account settings.

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