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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. I agree that the style is important. I was thinking something like Attack on Titian. But to be fair that the only anime I have watch fully so I may be a little bias. Also sorry about double posting only been on like 3 days
  2. My dream is that it would be an anime series. I think that would be the best way to do justice to the world and magic system
  3. I like this idea but I think he would make a better Wayne, I feel like wax needs to be older
  4. (Spoiler warning for Mistborn era 1) I got to thinking a little bit ago about this and would love to here everyone’s thoughts. If things had worked out differently so that Sazed fixed everything but both Vin and Elend survived, do you think they would have had kids? Also for fun what would there names be? I personally think yes but not for a few years and even then probably only one. As for names maybe Kelsier for a boy and Mare for a girl
  5. I will be casting both eras of mistborn. Please let me know what you guys think of this but Bill Skarsgard as Zane David Tennant as either Club or Wax Jason Momoa as Miles Hundred lives Jack Black as Breeze James Mcavoy as Wayne And Simon Baker as Kelsier (this one is I hill I will die on)
  6. I just joined as well, its good to meet
  7. Hi everyone, I am glad to finally be here. I have been a fan of Brandon for years now and am excited to join the community. I also am very excited about DragonSteel 2023 and hope to see you all there.
  8. Hey every one I was wondering on your thoughts on the matter of when Tress of the Emerald sea takes place in the Cosmere timeline and where did the rocket come from? My thought is that, like sixth of dusk, it has to be pretty late because of the space ship. If I understand correctly Scadrial is the first to reach the space age and is the only one we know of to do so. The only other explanation is that one of the organizations of world hoppers could have invented them before scadrail. What do you guys Think?
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