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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Your new PFP looks so cool. Another AI image?

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thanks!! Yeah it is.

  2. After literally a month I finished another stormlight miniature. Go check it out on my “painting stormlight miniatures page” 

  3. Warning!!! Very miner spoilers for Yumi and the Nightmare painter Sorry this literally took a month, but here he is. You know him, you love him, you possible worship him as every member of your pantheon. IIIIIITS! HOID!!! I decided to go with this version of Hoid when I realized I wanted these miniatures to be more me. Not saying that the others weren’t, but I wanted to put my spin on one, and this felt like the perfect one to do. Yumi is my favorite Brandon Sanderson book. I fell in love with it right away and I wanted miniatures for it. But since none have been announced this is the best I can do. I will be trying to get a better photo. I need some new lighting stuff, but this is the best I could do for now as for the paints and what I did to the model… this is the first of the models I kitbashed (simply meaning that I altered the model before I painted it). I took off his sword and cut up a cheap necklace for the hooks. His original base was of him on stone floor and since the book is pretty clear that its wood floor in the shop, I got some wooded coffee stirrers and made a wood floor. I don’t love how the floor came out but I can always fix the base latter The paint I used are as fallows base spray paint coat of “mechanicus standdard grey”, Hoid is a “runelord brass” with a “reikland flesshshade” shade, and a “skullcrusher brass” dry brush. The planks are “rhinox hide” and a dry brush of “mornfang brown”. And the rim of the base is “abaddon black” as alway all the paint I used is from citadel colours. I got the coffee stirrers from a Micheals, and the neckless I cut up from Hobby Lobby. If you have any question just comment and please show off any of your stormlight miniatures you might be working on
  4. PLEASE READ!! As many of you know I went dragonsteel last year dressed as Kaladin. What many of you might not know is that my mom went as well. She had loved my photos of all the costume from dragonsteel 2022 she finally caved, and after a decade of begging her two she read way of kings. This lead her to coming to dragonsteel 2023 day one as Navani and day two as Vail. She loved it so much and was so happy that people liked her costumes. 

    For her birthday I want to do something if you guys are willing to help. Below is the photos of her costumes. If you feel like it, please leave a comment about what you like about her costumes. Bonus point if you remember seeing her at the con. I will send them all to her for her birthday along with the other stuff I have in mind. Please tag anyone you think might be interested. I am really trying to show her how amazing her costumes were and how supportive this community is.



      @Aeoryi, @Canada Lover, @Cash67, @DefiantAllomancer, @Edema Rue, @Evie, @InfiniteInsanity, @Just-A-Stick, @Lotus Blossom, @Robin Sedai, @RoyalBeeMage, @SmilingPanda19, @Szeth_Pancakes, @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, @Weaver of Lights, @DramaQueen

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cash67


      I loooove the symmetry of the Navani and how it breaks with the safehand 

    3. Anguished_One






    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Oh my goodness, she looks amazing! The red outfit in particular... wow. I'm genuinely blown away

  5. I just got back from dune part two. Never have i been to a movie that powerful 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yesssssss I loved it too!!

  6. I am so excited. If this is what he is revealing now, I cant wait to see what he reveals at dragonsteel 2024
  7. One of these days he is going to post a video and be like “the mistborn movie is in theaters this week end, have fun”


  9. Officially started saving up for both dragon steel 2024 and for the stormlight rpg. This is going to take awhile 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      If it’s the same as last year. 50 for regular admission, 200 for vip. Also, what continent 

    3. RoyalBeeMage


      I live in south east Asia. I might be in England for the Christmas period but not sure 

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      hah, good luck!

  10. Just started “Justice lunge crisis on infinite earths part one”

    hopefully its good, let yall know

  11. Guy! Just learned they are going to remaster epic mickey for the switch


    1. Cash67


      I never finished that game when I was a kid, now’s my chance for redemption!!!

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      It is one of the greats

  12. I am finally getting my cars registration updated so I will be getting a custom license plate. It will be Brandon Sanderson related. Very excited

  13. Happy birthday you manifestation of the fury of nature 

  14. I love it so much. I also went through all your other stuff. They all look amazing
  15. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Hope you all either got to spend it with someone you love. Or like me, went to therapy then played resident evil 1. Either way I would like to share one of my favorite love story’s. I am sure most if not all of you have heard the song “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter. But I am willing to bet most of you haven’t seen the music video. I will link it here. It is super sweet and cute and highly recommend watching it. It has a whole story in there.

    1. Cash67


      Taught school and binged Log Horizon, so a successful day

  16. “I am a trapper and hunter. And I have some friend in the wilderness. I should have us covered. Assuming everyone else besides you eats the same as me.”
  17. How about RuneScape, or Starwars the Old republic
  18. 1. Yumi, by along way. This was my first romance book. Turns out i am a sucker for it. I finished it in two day. In three sitting 2. Tress, managed to get it signed by the artist 3. Frugal 4. Sunlit
  19. It’s great to have you. I main Sora/cload bring it on. also youngest sibling. Let’s burn the world down together and then blame it on the older kids
  20. “I have some supplies, enough for myself for that long. But only for two days for all of us.”
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