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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. This is my rant for tonight:


    I’m storming tired. So why won’t I let myself go to sleep? I’m not going to do anything tonight, no matter how much I should. I know I should get some sleep, I know I need it. So why won’t I, why can’t I?

    I think it’s maybe to prolong the inevitable. I’m going to have to wake up early tomorrow, like almost every school day. My day will be filled with boring, yet exhausting, school, then I’ll get physically tired at track. I’ll be dealing with the stresses of things I know I need to do but don’t. I’m going to have to try to interact with people, which I’m terrible at. I’m going to try to plan for prom after a wrench got thrown into my previous plans because of past mistakes I’d almost thought I had moved passed, that I was finally starting to make peace with.

    So I stay awake late into the night, trying to stop all this. But I can’t. It’s going to come.

    I guess I might as well try to be a little better rested then. We’ll see if I can make myself try to sleep.

    Goodnight, hopefully.

  2. ok i know i’ve posted twice already today


    heres a mini life-update



  3. image.thumb.jpeg.16d26dbfb3a9dc9f5754ca188bf25b55.jpeg
    Blue and orange tiles?

    Perry the blue and orange tiles!

  4. you guys 

    i have discovered a way

    to access school-blocked websites 🤫

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I KNEW IT!!!! Everyone said I was crazy, but who’s laughing now! They can shape shift. I HAVE BEEN VINDICATED!!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I have an idea.

    My dear Sharders, My dear Radiants and Allomancers, and my dear socks and bookies, and writers, and cyborgs, and snake monsters, and hobbits, and Fremen, artists, rangers, writers, and nerds. *Eddie stands up "Not Nerds!"* and nerds. Today is my third shardiversary: I am three years on the Shard today!

    I hope you are all doing well as much, or perhaps more than, I am. I shall not see you long. I have written this post to bring you all together for a Purpose. Indeed, for Three Purposes!

    First of all, to tell you that I am immensely fond of you all, and that three years is too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable sharders.

    I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

    Secondly, to celebrate my shardiversary. I should say: OUR shardiversary. For it is a group effort. My time here has been one of joy and fun thanks to all of you. Together we are a community of great people.

    It is also, if I may be allowed to refer to ancient history, the anniversary of my second Shardiversary post; though the fact that it was my second shardiversary post slipped my memory on that occasion. I was bad at math then, and keeping track of time did not seem so important. Then I said "My third shardiversary and to more to come!" I now repeat it more correctly: thank you very much for collaborating with me on three years of the Shard!

    I wish to make an ANNOUNCEMENT

    I regret to announce that - though, as I said, three years is far too short a time to spend among you - this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. 











    Okay, I'm not actually leaving. I don't think it's the right thing right now. It is 100% not the time to leave the Shard. I just really wanted to make that joke. Come on, you gotta admit it: that was funny.

    I joined the shard 3 years ago. Three years! can you imagine it? I was so much younger then... I hadn't even started MC role-play, I was a smol child, fresh with the opinion that I knew a lot about fantasy when I was and still am clueless. Ahhh, yes, those were the days... I can still remember exactly when I started. I was sitting in my breakfast nook, having just received my mom's permission to get an account. It was bright outside. Ahhh, to go back to that house with the old furniture and sit there while going onto the Shard.

    My life changed that day. I'd like to think that it was for the better.

    This community provided me with different perspectives. This community has helped me to realize a fundamental fact. "People think different than I do and that is entirely okay." I thank all of you so much for helping me to realize that and other things about the world and the people who populate it. 

    All of you are wonderful people and I can't name everyone who means a lot to me. I love all of you so much (yes, even you). My PMs are open to anyone who needs to talk! Just know that I may ask that we wait for a little bit before talking because I'm an idiot who has terrible priorities. (Ie, watching strongbad instead of soldiering through Inheritance so I can read more Terry Pratchett and Brandon Mull). 

    *raises jar of Root and slice of pumpkin pie* I have no idea how long I will be on the Shard, nor how long any of you will be, but this I do know.

    I lost the game.

    *Eats pie and downs Root*

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Happy shardiversary. 

      And dang it I lost the game

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. To the theatre, regarding security:


    I hate you.

    Did you know that?

    And I’m tired of you.

    Because you are mine.

    I know you,

    And so I can hate you.

    You no longer dazzle me,

    And so I can be exhausted. 

    The hours I spend serving you

    Are no longer magical

    And that’s all right.

    I am becoming a part of you,

    As you are becoming a part of me.

    You are familiar,

    Even if I don’t always understand you.

    You are home,

    Even if you aren’t always safe. 

    The extremes fade away, leaving routine in their wake.

    And routine…

    I used to think I would never stop being awed by you. 

    But I have. 

    And I’m glad. 

    Because instead of my hero you’re becoming my mentor. 

    Instead of my dream you’re becoming my friend. 

    Someone I’d sit by on a bus,

    Someone I’d ask to watch my things,

    Someone I’d take a selfie with,

    Someone I’d laugh with,

    Someone I’d cry with.

    Your magic falls away and in its place I find something genuine.

    And now there is no question if it will last,

    Because even if it doesn’t,

    You cannot forget me

    As I cannot forget you.

    So thanks,

    My friend,

    For being my friend. 


    My friend,

    For letting me inside. 

    And thanks,

    My friend,

    For the promise of tomorrow.



    …wow I don’t even know how long it’s been since I wrote one of these.

    Anyway…tech week starts tomorrow, so we’re getting to the point where my entire personality gets replaced by theatre again. I also found out I’m on theatre presidency for next year, which is super exciting. As soon as our musical closes (the 29th), I have a couple really tough auditions.

    One is for the Shakespeare class, which I think I’ll make it into…except that there’s another level to it. We go to the Shakespeare festival in cedar city every October, but this year he took 50 people, and next year he’s only taking 17. 8 techs, 9 actors. And that’s determined by the audition into the class. (Which, by the way, we don’t have the date for because he wants to see how quickly we can prepare. So he’ll tell us on a Monday and we’ll audition that Friday.)

    The other is MDT (musical dance theatre) auditions. I’m not a great singer or dancer, but I really want to make it in. So…fingers crossed.

    Anyway, if I survive the next couple weeks then I’ll have a huge party and you’re all invited as long as you don’t burn my house down. (Speaking of which, I won’t really be able to RP this week…sorry everyone in the insanity clinic)

    How do you all do on this wonderful sabbath day?


    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Congrats on being in the presidency, although presidents and theater don’t have a great track record I’m sure you will be fine.

      also what’s tech week?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Alright, yall

    i have seen four of the X-men films now. I intend to watch at least two more. I will also watch X-men origins at one point, if only to laugh at its ridiculousness. 

    First and foremost, I have watched the following films: X-men, X2, X-men the last stand, and X-men first class. The next ones I will watch are: The Wolverine and Days of Future Past. 

    (hey, you, yes, you. I recommend watching the movies I did before reading this. All of the ones I’ve listed and watched are pretty good, except the last stand, but it’s a necessary evil. X2 is phenomenal.)

    Before I get into the meat of what I want to talk about, I will summarize my reactions to the first two of these films.

    X-men: this movie was pretty fine. Had some great and meh parts, which was to be expected. Felt like  prologue or first chapter. Highlight of the film was Rogue and Wolverine’s father daughter relationship. 7/10

    X2: I loved this movie. This felt like the beginning and middle of the story. This was amazing. The writing was glorious. Cyclops felt more like a human in this one. I actually liked Logan this time. Rogue was great too. Magneto is phenomenal as usual. 9/10. 

    the last stand and X-men first class are of very different qualities. While one is an enjoyable, illogical, horribly written romp through a world we love with characters we enjoy, the other is an enjoyable, illogical, well written adventure through a world we love with characters we enjoy. I would call the first two acts of both films of a similar quality from a viewers standpoint. The major difference being that first class felt more intentional with how it was done and with the way they handled the characters. It felt like First Class was respecting the characters and having fun with them. They were making them feel like how they were before and respecting previous writers. X3 was just throwing together characters and respected none of the previous arcs and build up or the characters whatsoever. 

    The major differences come in each film’s third act. It is at this point that the differences between the films which I noted before become glaringly clear. One film had a well executed and focused set of action scenes, one film made it grounded in characters, one film sought to complete arcs and do proper moments.

    it ain’t the last stand.

    the last stand, to be fair, isn’t a bad movie. It’s merely fine. It’s just okay. It’s enjoyable, has shining moments, but ultimately fails in being the big movie it needed to be to be a sequel to X2. 

    you need to have good motivations for your characters set out and at least a little relatable if you are going to make your reader, viewer or listener care about your characters and what they are going through in most cases. First class vs the Last Stand is just such a good study for this because of Magneto.

    magneto in the last stand felt divorced from the Magneto we got in X2, he felt like ge was doing so many things he just wouldn’t have done without some sort of explanation or reasoning to why, no matter how twisted that reasoning it is. Magneto just did dumb things in the last stand while in First class he did dumb things because it fit his motivation perfectly. The music really helped in first class too, to make those scenes work as well as they do. 

    The Last stand is a 5/10. First class is an 8.5/10.

    all in all, these movies are worth a watch. They have great parts and things that make them worth while. They’re fun and entertaining with good studies on character. I will most likely rewatch the first two and first class at some point. 

    Mutant and proud.

  8. Two pieces of good news!

    1: My father remembered something I said months and months ago, and surprised me with a denim jacket! I am now filled with an insatiable desire to fill it with Sanderson and other nerd patches. Pic below



    Secondly: my PhD is now paid for! I can go to grad school without worrying about tuition. So praise the Lord! 

    That is all. Anyone else got good news?

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Nice jacket. As for my good news. I finished my wood working project, it didn’t come out as good as I would have liked it but it is nice that its done

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey guys you should read the Webtoon Realta, it's what the bird in my new pfp is from and it's incredible.

  10. My shoes for prom came today. Prom is in a week.

    They make me like 3-4 inches taller which makes me feel really tall right now.

    However my there will still be a decent gap in height between my date and I.

    I'm just gonna be giggling all through prom because he's still taller and yet I'll feel so tall.

    It's gonna be awesome.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      What’s the height difference?😆

      also hope you have a great prom

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. The poky place where they put my IV in is sore 😭 

    and so is where they cut my face open



    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Sorry to hear your in surgery, hope everything goes ok

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hey Y'all...

    We might be doing a bit better...

    Not super sure, the only thing on my mind right now is how vastly deprived of physical attention I am...

    Oh, for the record, my love language is very much touch! :P

    Like, if you would meet me IRL and randomly just grab my hand and hold it, I'm your bestie!

    Anyway... I had a point to this SU I think?  



    OH YEAH-

    Our hamsters had babies!! 11 or 12 of them, we lost 3, but that's okay and to be expected.

    Pictures coming soon!


    Love you all,

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  13. @Everyone


    Wit here, if you want to ping people you think would be interested in seeing this, please do. I simply can't name all the people I am grateful for here.

    I am taking a break of the shard for a bit. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe longer. Maybe a few months. Maybe forever. I don’t think I will be gone forever though. I’d like to ask these things.

    @Just-A-Stick, I won’t be there for the therapy rp. Act as if he just hung up randomly.

    @justice magician, @Invisible, @TheRavenHasLanded, @Scars of Hathsin @RoyalBeeMage, on the Everything and Anything rp, I really want you guys to continue it. I have no claim in any random people besides Dragon. I would say that he had to spontaneously leave to check on something you don’t know about. He said he would be back shortly. Don’t let it die. Do a heist! I look forward to reading it on return. I have no other pans beyond that. Elan, I summoned you, because I hope you can return to do the One of Worlds and all that drama, as we try to lure her there.

    The room. Piling is currently on the North wall, someone…never mind.

    TLT, not a ton of action there right now. Yeah.

    Insanity Clinic. Technically Wit is in there somewhere. Ignore that like it has been for the past months.

    HG, well, mage, I appreciate you doing that with me.

    The pirate one is kinda dead… Remember that httyd interest thread? Well, I did fully plan on starting that as soon as HG ended. I didn’t have any specific idea for that, but make it happen! I was going to make a planning doc though.

    On the topic of planning docs, the one that JM made, the rp, unfortunately I won’t get to participate in. I will be still on the doc. Also, if there is anything new or idk, on docs, I will be active if you want to ask me something I’ll be there.

    Why? Well, I was thinking. I feel like I am at the point in my life where what I spend my time on now will ultimately be my skills for the rest of my life. I’m the broad spectrum of it, the shard, while great, is not something that I can cultivate into what I want to define me. Things that I have spent my whole life and things that I feel are more substantial are what I want to focus on. The shard is great. A community of tight knit people who will never stop their support. Role plays also are technically helping me be a better writer. However, I want to focus on the real substantial things. Things that I want to be. I am also cutting a lot of my things down in my life. Anyways, I hope you guys continue in your awesomeness. Be good. Stay strong. Anything I forgot… I don’t know. 

    Favorite hymn: A Poor Wafering Man of Grief

    Favorite scripture: D+C 122: 7-9

    Favorite Quote: Well, that's complicated

    When I made that long list of quotes, I maintained one constant. My favorite quote is this:

    "Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right." -Brandon Sanderson.

    But I'd like to ask Brandon if I can alter it. I actually slightly disagree with this century old notion.

    "Someone has to start. Somebody has to step forward, even when it is hard. Even when all the world is against you. When the popular decision is to be with the unrighteous. When all seems to be lost, when there seems to be no hope, when you are lower that you thought anybody in the world could be. When you feel so unloved, so unknown. When you find yourself stuck in the same place, the same endless circle of sin that you thought you could make it out of. When you lack purpose. When you feel like the world has done nothing but hedge your way to what you feel in your soul to be the things of life. Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, not only because it is right, but because there is a God who knows you. Because, out there, watching and smiling at you, is a God who Loves you. Step forward and do what is right because it is the way of Him. Step forward and do what is right because it is right. Step forward. Do what is right, and carry along those who have yet to find the strength to join you. Step forward."

    God be with you till we meet again.

  14. NightCafe (AI art creator) Is the art platform I use and I made a challenge there that's Brandon-related :D 

    Here's the link if you wanna be a dear and join me and @TwinSouls in the challenge!

    Accounts are free and easy to use!


    (also, if you use my link I get a tiny reward xD)

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I joined, but so far non of my art is any good, we’ll see though

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. What have I done? Denied Him?
    What have I done?
    So now am I no different from the men
    Who take Thy bread then turn again?
    Oh... What have I done? What have I done?
    I hear their filthy tongues, their vicious scorn.
    The lies they spin with Satan's yarn.
    I watch them spit and strike Thy face, 
    They mock Thy name in foul disgrace.
    And when Thou lookest for a friend, 
    Thou findest none, for I have fled! 
    Oh God! What have I done?
    As Thou hast taken stripes for me, 
    Could I not take but one for Thee?
    I cannot watch them take my Lord.
    I can't endure their cruel hand upon Him.
    While His own hands are tied with cord.
    Those hands with pow'r to raise the dead, 
    Command the storm, now bound instead, and
    I cannot hear them mock His name.
    I cannot bear their foul breath upon Him.
    I dare not look upon His face
    And see the very Son of God, 
    His brow so bruised and stained with blood
    His eyes that shed my sorrow's tears, 
    And watch as all hope disappears, 
    I will not watch them crucify my Lord! 
    For I know this Man! 
    I know Him! I know this Man! 
    I cannot watch what He must bear.
    For surely He must carry all my burden.
    Forgive me, Lord, that I'm not there... 
    But, when my eyes have closed in death, 
    These words will hang on my last breath:
    I know Him.”

    —I Cannot Watch Them, Rob Gardner

    Happy Easter, everyone. 

  16. Peace is not the absence of disagreement, but the absence of conflict.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      That…. Is surprisingly insightful for 1 in the morning. Well said 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Kittens are coming!

    Sapphire is in labor, so far she's had four and three of them didn't make it. :( 

    There might be more, but we'll see.



    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom


      I am sorry that happened. I hope the others stay ok

      and you didn’t kill anything

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Well, I’m home. NYC was incredible, life changing in some ways. But I missed my mountains. And I don’t know how you big city people do it, I don’t think I could ever live in a city bigger than like…Provo. Nah, Provo’s too big for me. 

    Anyway, it was so fun, and now I have like 4 F’s and I perform Saturday but that’s not important! Life is good :)

    ALSO, I decided I wanted a place to put my pins so I did that. 



    I forgot to iron the fabric first though…oh well. 

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      How did I totally miss you were in NYC. 

      Also hope things get worked out in school

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. Behold the silly little doodle I drew during therapy




  20. We’re done performing! On the “hours without sleep timer” (which, yes, I did already start) we’re at about 6 hours, though I was actually awake before that. I don’t know why I keep track though xD

    during warmup, we stood in a circle, held hands, and sang the ballad. My director went around giving hugs to everyone, and I was SOBBING within the first three lines of the song 😭

    our performance was lowkey fire, and I’m really hoping we’ll make finals. Fingers crossed!!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  21. I  need a writing prompt, any writing prompt.

  22. Helloooo

    Yesterday, we apparently had to get more animals, because 

    6 chickens, some assorted fish, 4 cats, (1 pregnant) andalltheothersican'tremebermybrainhurtsowch-

    Aren't enough animals

    so now we have these:


    image0.jpeg.9c455005419dfafe5d5bfa3a54b5e454.jpegMale hamster named Puff 

    image1.jpeg.df39a237cfa17dd3d20cf26a3b5e5e93.jpeg Female hamster named Coco

    Coco+Puff= CEREAL- 

    *eats animals*




    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  23. The romance drama in my seminary class I swear. 

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I can not even imagine being awake enough during seminary to talk to a girl much less ask someone out

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. *flop*

    You know when you feel really sick and super tired, and yet...

    Here you are...

    At school...

    That's where I'm at right now.

    I wanna curl up and sleep until my stomach settles and my head stops pounding...

    *raises weak fist*



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