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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Lady’s and Gentleman. I give you the exact moment my sister, her friend, my mom, and myself, watched the Chief (aka Tayler Swift boyfriends team) win the Super Bowl




    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Anguished_One



      I love the fact that someone could get that excited


      Mid air jumps looks so cool

      why did it take me 4 tries to spell "air" *facepalm* 

  2. “How long will the first leg of the journey take”?
  3. So let’s talk about The Lopen. Here is the first model I have some real issues with. They decided to do slave Lopen. So he is in rags and a jerkin. This is fine, but I have trouble finding interesting things to do with the model. I made the Jerkin dull green to match Sadeas’s army’s color. With Lopen being a slave, I did the rest of his clothes brown. I am just really unhappy with the end result. It’s just drab, but I don’t know how else to painted that makes sense for the slave outfit. Anyway, here it is
  4. A lot. I will post a full list tonight. But I am busy right now. I will finish The Lopen tonight
  5. “Ah yes. I have heard of this. Public buses”
  6. Have you guys ever had inspiration hit you like a ton of bricks. That what happened to me just a little while ago. I was working on the The Lopen miniature and was painting his shirt when all of a sudden I got an amazing idea for what to do with the Hoid miniature. I am not going to spoil it, but I am now more excited to paint the Hoid miniature then I am any other miniature. My only hint, is I am going to need to figure out how to make molding putty look like cloth

  7. “Wait… Really? Can you teach me that?”
  8. “What are we doing to Odin?” Agmundr says as we enters the room
  9. I will be working on the Lopen when I get home. Do yall think I should move this to the Sanderson Fan Work forum or is this where it should be?
  10. Been messing around on my family tree and I am around 11th cousins twice removed to the thrown of England. So all I need is one family reunion to go really bad and I am the king. Your right, Highprince one hundred percent counts
  11. Yay! More amazing work from you. Are you planning on doing character from other books, or will you just stick to stormlight? Either way can’t wait to see more
  12. Dude these are sick. I would love for us to get a stormlight game in the hollow knight style. But maybe mistborn would work better? How did you makes these?
  13. Ok, just voted. And I pick wax and Wayne verses the vanishers, the duel, and other. My other is Kaladin, Adolin and Dalinar fighting Szeth. Also the wax and Wayne fight I am thinking of is the one at the wedding. It so good.
  14. Great to have you. You’re going to love it.
  15. I am approaching 500 post. I plan on picking up the pace and posting more. In the next few days you will be seeing three new models, some dumb jokes, and I am thinking of joining an RP. Also no promises, but I want to make some drawing of Kaladin to go to a song. Can’t wait to show all of you

    1. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Sounds exciting, I can't wait..

  16. Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo in hiding
  17. Here is Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor lets break it down This is the first model I do have an issue with. It’s a small thing. But on the other side of his head, his beard and collar of his shirt kind of meld. And it’s not clear where one ends and the other begins. But on the whole it was great Base coat of Machanicus standard grey. The belt, boots and glove are Abaddon black with a dry brush of mechanicus standerd grey on the boot. The buttons and belt buckle is Balthasar gold. The uniform is macragge blue with a shade of tyran blue with a dry brush of Russ grey. The wood, including the floor bowl and ladle are rhinox hide with a shade of agrax and a dry brush of mournfang brown. The stud is simply bugsman glow. The hair is Mephiston red and a very light dry brush of trollslayer orange. The skin is Chadian flesh tone, shade of guilliman flesh, and a dry brush of kislev flesh.
  18. Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. It means a lot. I have only been on the shard a few months but it has made such an impact. I feel so lucky to have made some actual friends and even more lucky that I got to meet some of you in person at Dragon Steel. You all have given so much support and this is truly an amazing community. I will be continuing to work on the stormlight miniatures and I will be getting the stormlight RPG when it comes out. I can’t wait to share it all with you all. I am proud to call myself a sharder and even prouder to call myself your friends. 

    Love you guys

    1. Anguished_One



      WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!


  19. Nothing as of yet. Am about to sit down to finish him
  20. Didn’t finish Rock, but got the base colors done
  21. Everyone listen!! I need your help. I was on lego idea and found a Brandon Sanderson Model! It looks realy good and I want to let people on here know about it, but I do not know where to post this? Please let me know what yall think 

    here is the link for the Model

    you could also just go to lego Idea and search Brandon

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hahaaaa I’ve seen that!! It’s so cool!!

  22. Just finished painting Talenel


  23. I mostly finished Talenel I don’t have what I want for yet. And I don’t know what to do with the ground yet, but I think he came out pretty good. As for how I did it. As always base coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey. The skin is Mournfange brown, shade of Agrax earthshade, drybrush of Gorthor brown. Armor is retributor armour, a single thin layer of guilliman flesh, then drybrush of skullcrusher brass. The tassels are khorne red and a dry brush of skullcrusher brass. The sandals are XV-88, and agrax earthshade. The hair is abaddon black, drybrush of Corvus black, drybrush of mechanicus standard grey. I will be doing Rock tomorrow
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