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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Working in painting Talenel. I will be finished with the main model tonight. And I will start working on Rock tomorrow. I am taking a break right now but will get back to it soon.

  2. I have realized a lot in the past 24 hours and I am kind of freaking out

    I realized that I have reach 500+ reputation (thank you everyone)

    I realized that I will be turning 21 one week form today and I swear if a single one of yall call me old agian ,looking at you @Edema Rue, I will come and beat you with my walking stick. Seriously though, 21! I can’t believe it. I don’t feel like I have anything figured out

    I realized that the youngest WW2 veterans are 95-96. It’s weird knowing that within a few years the last pass away. One of my biggest regrets in life is that the one time I met a WWII veteran (I was 11 at a restaurant with my Dad) I didn’t  listen to him when my dad stuck up a conversation with him. I just zoned out. These people gave everything for us, and I may have lost my only chance to have a meaningful conversation with one. And then I kind of feel bad for feeling bad, because I know some of them don’t wan’t to talk about it so who am I to feel like I need to bring this up to one of them

    I realized that by the time my Dad my my age he already had met my Mom they were engaged not long after.     I HAVE BEEN ON LIKE 4 DATE MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! AND THEY WERE ALL IN HIGH SCHOOL!!! AND ONLY ONE OF THOSE DATES WAS ACTUALLY ROMANTIC LIKE. THE OTHER 3 WAS JUST FRIEND DATING!!!!. Its fine though, if I die alone, at least I save money on coffins.

    And I also realized that no kids these days, and I am willing to bet a good number y’all, didn’t grow up with blues clues. I mean come on. Blues Clues is the greatest infant-child show of all time 

    anyway, how are all of you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      I'm out of high school and I remember 😜

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I didn’t watch kids shows…

      *freezes halfway through calling you old*

    4. Cash67


      Oh I feel you man. I’m currently only 1.5 years younger than my dad when he got married to my mom. 


      Honestly I think it’d be funny to break his precedent. 


  3. The poppy war was so good
  4. Wish I could join, but am just to busy, hope you all have fun
  5. I first got into it at tail end of the lock down. Just when some places were opening back up. I was so sick of watching tv/video games I decided to try models. I went to my local Warhammer store and been in love with it ever since. I also hate it every know and then but that a whole other story. My biggest advice for anyone wanting to start is to find a local hobby store and go talk to some people there. I don’t mean like hobby lobby, more like a small private store. If you want more advice and some good beginner models, paints, and tools, pm me
  6. I finished Teft And @Jprtr I love your stuff, they both look great
  7. Finished Teft, took forever to get the right paint for the skin

  8. I didn’t like how she look when transparent. You couldn’t see any details and it was all just one color. I have actually decided to restart Syl again. In order to go even brighter and get it even more glow like
  9. I only just manage to get decent at it. I like it better then contrast paints though Thanks
  10. Got most of Teft done. Just need to wait for my paint store to open so I can get what I need for his skin

  11. Here is Teft so far. He isn’t finished because my paint shop is closed so I can’t get what I need for his skin. Warning to everyone getting into painting, skin tones will make you want to die. But ignoring that, I am very happy on how he is going, especially the stormlight smoke. Spoiler warning for Oathbringer
  12. About half way done with Teft. I will finish him tomorrow. I would show you guys a photo but the lighting I need to get a good photo is a whole ordeal to set up, so y’all just have to be patient 

    1. Visual Sparrow

      Visual Sparrow

      Looking forward to seeing Teft! Take your time with the lighting setup. Can't wait!

  13. Halfway done with the next model. I will now go into detail about how I painted syl I did a base coat of Mechanicus standard grey, I then painted syl completely with nightlords blue. I then did a dry brush of administatum grey over the ground followed by one application of the shade Agrax Earthshade. I then did multiple dry brushes going brighter and brighter in color, one dry brush of each color. Started with Macragge blue, then thousand sons blue, and finally temple guard blue. Hope other will start posting about there stormlight miniatures. If you have any question let me know
  14. Going to a friend to watch some movies, when I get back I will start painting Teft 

  15. I will be starting my next miniature tomorrow. I am going to leave it up to you guys to decide on what I paint. The options are

    Vail, Nale, Venli, Taravangian, Moash, or Teft

    Let me know who you want to see next

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue
    3. Weaver of Lies
    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Um? So since it is currently a tie. I will be going with Teft because he was the first to be mentioned. Unless someone breaks the tie by tomorrow 

  16. Currently rereading the Percy Jackson series
  17. When your brother says he ships Syl and Kaladin. And you have to hold yourself back from killing him
  18. This is great, cant wait to see more
  19. This is amazing. What did you do it on?
  20. So far this long weekend has been great. How has it been for you guys

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I am about to go sledding tomorrow so….

    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Good, I got some stuff done yesterday and plan to do a load of writing on Monday.

  21. After 4 and a half hours, 3 complete resets, 12 different paints, 6 different brushes, 1 can of soda, 6 paper towels, a few choice words I will not repeat here, building an entire lighting set up just so I can get good photos, holding a light in my mouth to get said setup to work right. I have finished one model Storms… I love this hobby Not all the paints I used can be seen because of the resets, so here is the full list of the ones in the final version Abaddon Black, Mechaicus standard grey, administratum grey, agrax earth shade, night lords blue, macragge blue, thousand sons blue, temple guard blue
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