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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. I finished 



    Please check out my thread were I go into detail about it. 

  2. I don’t care if it takes me all night. I will finish painting Sylphrena( the Honored Daughter, a splinter of Honor, spren of storm blessed)

    any music suggestion to keep me going?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      What did you listen to from two steps out of curiosity?

    3. Silver Phantom
    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That's a very good one!!

  3. So tonight is going to be super late for me. I am working on some painting and this is the third time I have messed up and had to redo a part. I will be checking in at midnight
  4. Long story short I messed up syl. It will be fine. and I will be done with her tonight. But it will kind of late
  5. About to start painting syl. Out of all the miniatures, she is the one I am most worried about. Just trying to get her glowing blue look is going to be tough
  6. I just wanted to check in on every one, but specifically @Shardwatcher01 and @Edema Rue, there were over 150 car crashes last night in the salt lake area alone and I know you guys are in Utah. Just hopping yall are right. Along with everyone else. Please drive safe

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’m good, thanks Phantom!! I’ve pretty much been staying within a mile or two of my house since it’s started dumping snow. It’s been freaky though, like even driving to school it’s slick and scary, and a lot of my friends are snowed in. 

      Yeah…snow is scary sometimes.

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Dang, and I thought the snow yesterday at my house was insane...

      Y'all down in Utah better stay safe.

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      We will <333

      …we finally have snow and I can’t even get to my favorite sledding hill because there’s too much 😭

  7. I just got some of the Kharadron Overlords. And I have some space marines. I don’t play either 40k or sigmar but I have been wanting to learn. What faction do you play in sigmar?
  8. I might go with the grass, thanks for the idea. What model are you working on?
  9. So here is the first miniature. Lighting is terrible but best I could do Here are the paints I used for Pattern. All are from Citadel Colour (no I did not miss spell color, its a European based company) Abaddon Black, Corvus Black, Mechanicus Standard Grey, Eshin Grey, and Administratum Grey I put on a coat of Abaddon Black, then dry brushed on each consecutive color. Focusing heaver on the face to make it stand out. Pattern is very nice for this technique because of his sharp edges. I then painted the hand Mechanicus Standard grey also to help them stand out. For clarification. Dry brushing is were you get a brush with a strait edge (like shown bellow) put some paint on it. Then brush it back and forth on a napkin to get almost all of it off. You then brush it over just the raised parts of a model (very lightly) and it highlight the edge. I am thinking of doing something else with the base. I don’t really like that ring of smoothness (don’t know if that’s a real word) but we will see @RoyalBeeMage I don’t really have a set plan for any model. I am obviously going to try to stick close to the color they are in the books. But I have a l lot of different shades of the same colors so I will end up just experimenting and seeing what works. I will be using only Citadel Colours though.
  10. I managed to get a couple of miniatures based coated before a storm hit. I should explain what base coating is. It’s were before you paint a model by hand you use spray paint over it. This helps the paint you put on later stick better and is a smoother finish. As you can see I base coated the shard bearer, the Lopen, Hoid, Rock, Syl, Taravangian, Patter, and Taln I used citadel Mechanicus standard gray. I will be starting Patter tonight
  11. I don’t really have anything to say sooo

    “When I was a young boy. My father took me into the city. To see a marching band”

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Such a banger

    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Gives me Kaladin vibes 

  12. Thank you everyone for the support. I will be trying to base coat it tomorrow. It still will be very cold but it just going to get colder so I have to risk it. If you any question just let me know. And good luck, I am sure they will turn out great I am in South Jordan
  13. It doesn’t stick as well, apparently. And obviously snow can ruin it
  14. That’s what I’m using. I am also working on a dark angles army I know. I just need one more afternoon that isn’t freezing for the spray paint to stick
  15. Finish cleaning the models. It’s too late and cold to base coat tonight. Hopefully tomorrow will be warmer
  16. Half way done with cleaning! Will finish tomorrow
  17. Happy late birthday 

    1. AonEne


      Not late, it's today! Thanks! 

  18. It has begun

    Painting the stormlight miniatures

    please check out my newest thread

  19. I will be painting all of the stormlight miniatures and will be posting about my progress here. I will share all the paints I use. If anyone else is painting them please share My first goal is to be done with cleaning the models by this weekend and start to base coat them.
  20. So here is epoxy Doomslug Mk2

    Blue, with red swirls 












    So it turns out getting a specific shade of a color is very hard. Sorry @Edema Rue and @The Paradoxical Phenomenon. I tried to get as close. I will be getting better at this so we will see in a few more try’s if I can get closer.

    also very disappointed on how the yellow came out

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash67


      Green looks the happiest, and purple looks the best!

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Hahaaaaaa the purple is so cool!!! It's cause purple is the best color and taynix are the best...uh...anything.

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      awww lil cuties :D

  21. Thank you for explaining. Now that I understand NOOOO…. Bastiodon. How could they do that to you
  22. What do you think of also being able to do it if you are a pewter/Nicrosil twinborn and storing a ton and tapping it all at once?
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