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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Hey guys, Iā€™m sort of freaking out. I just learned that I have to play a trumpet solo in less than an hour. Soā€¦ if I never post again, youā€™ll know why.

  2. Weā€™re done performing. I think we did good. I feel gross now though cause itā€™s such a high-energy show. Critique wasā€¦ fine. It was interesting. The judge was fricking confusing lol.

    im eating lunch rn, and I feel like Iā€™m breathing fire because this chicken sandwich is SO SPICY. MY MOUTH IS LAVA.Ā 

    I also have a donut. And skittles. And a smoothie :)Ā so yep. I canā€™t wait to see some other groups, take a long nap (Iā€™ve already been awake for 8 hours), and attend awards and watch finals ofc.


    Iā€™m currently feeling self conscious because of my outfitĀ 


    We were supposed to wear fancy stuff and I totally was half asleep when I picked mine out


    And I hate it


    And so now Iā€™m considering changing back into my sweats







    Iā€™ve already been awake for 4 hours (woke up at 3) and Iā€™m SO EXCITED. Iā€™m riding the bus with my bestie and itā€™s a blast.Ā 

  4. Y'all Liz is in my brainnnnnnn

    And so is Iennnnnnnnnnn

    And they're sufferinnggggg


    And um I just want to say I love y'all, and good can come from all days, because there is never a day where God is not with you.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Thanks Edema. I now this is kind of random. But I have been meaning to ask you. What is the insanity clinic about? And could I join it?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  5. image.png.ab07250ee202193ea74f6fc418d70bfe.png

    It is with great pleasure that I announce thatĀ thisĀ post has reached 17 reputation points, giving it a yellow thingy around it and the word "Popular" right next to it.


    And so, with Kaladin on her back and Syl zipping by with the fit of the giggles, Rainbowdash will ride into the sunset of Stormlight Five while the Keepers of the Coppermind are screaming in the background, trying to fit it into the continuity somehow.


    EDIT: I had the wrong link LOL. fixed it.

  6. Anyone if you see this please pray for Stick tonight. Please pray.

    She's struggling greatly tonight and prayers and love and well wishes, whatever you can give, please do.

    And please love those around you, the world is full of enough pain and self hate as it is. There's no reason to add to it. You never know what someone else is going through and how a kind or mean word can shape the rest of their life.

  7. Anybody else really want a fully sized golden doodle?

  8. Ouch headache.

    Do y'all have those days where you're like there but you're like not actually THERE? that's me rnĀ šŸ˜›Ā I've lowkey been absent all day. actually it ended up having a funny affect lol imma tell you a story (i'm just gonna copy/paste it)

    I was walking into the spanish hall and i wasnā€™t rlly paying attention cuz iā€™ve been kinda off today and anyway thatā€™s not the point so iā€™m walking into the hall and i try to go around this girl but this guy on the other side of her like ends up slamming into me and I donā€™t say anything i was just thinking like ā€œokay that was awkward and owwwā€ and then he goes (like ten seconds later) ā€œmy badā€ and itā€™s my frickin guy friend xDDDDDD so i punched him. then I walked him to his class and we talked a bit but like so weird and the fact that i didnā€™t even look at him when he ran into me is even weirder. he does that a lot actually so i shoulda known xD or he tries to. Usually i dodge. anyways.

    Yup. THat's my day so far. i also am lowkey sick and walked home with four metric tons of snow in my shoes in the -8 degree weather, so that totally helped my cold lol. to anyone who's having a rough day, I gotchu and i feel u.Ā 

    for intro to business class we're making hypothetical food trucks for like a business right andĀ  mine is a breakfast truck :D breakfast, bakery, and comfort food. best thing ever. anyways imma go lay down and see if my headache will go away. see y'all later and so sorry for the absolute mess this SU is :) love y'all

  9. Alright, student teaching update!

    Alright to all you high schoolers out there, y'all are great and y'all are worth it, but y'all areĀ exhausting. Turns out that managing a class of 20-30 for hours on end takes a significant chunk of your brain power. You also have the potential to be the nicest, funniest, and most driven people on the planet. Use your strengths!

    Anyway, I'm gonna be teaching my first lesson tomorrow on calorimetry and heat transfer, so wish me luck!

    (PS for the rest of the day I'm pretty much just writing essay and cleaning and doing musics so if you ping I'll probably respond. Going to bed around 9 CST though so keep that in mind.)

  10. Why am I so much more productive when I have a snow day cause I literally canā€™t make it to school? (My school didnā€™t cancel but I couldnā€™t get out of my house and on the roads- they didnā€™t have a delay either-)

    Like Iā€™m sitting here vibing to anime and doing my math homework- like this is so chill.Ā 

    If anyone wants to just chill with me or something Iā€™m here XD

  11. I will be starting my next miniature tomorrow. I am going to leave it up to you guys to decide on what I paint. The options are

    Vail, Nale, Venli, Taravangian, Moash, or Teft

    Let me know who you want to see next

  12. Not my best piece ever, but I finally finished it lol


    Kiesha Ebersol, ā€œCaptainā€ of The Winds of Chance

    (I lowkey hate the background lmao and I gave up on her face but whatever)2E509418-4680-4A03-9880-A779156D2B86.thumb.png.ff22e2ed1822f032489bd07162dda093.png



  13. Sketch is done! Now comes the fun part šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜




  14. *in Monsterā€™s Inc Abominable Snowman voice*
    Welcome to the Midwest!IMG_1110.jpeg.fb2f1657dd125f0ff2b674873e54f23e.jpeg

  15. First things first, new profile pic, yeah!!

    second cat



    Third, sorry I havenā€™t been on much, have been busy and traveling.Ā 

    Fourth. I AM IN WASHINGTON!! My parent moved up here so now I get to spend Christmas in this beautiful state.

    Fifth, I finished ā€œSunlit Manā€ and it was so good, with that all I have to do is read white sands and I am up to date with the CosmereĀ 

    Six and finally I watch the Percy Jackson episodes and the Monk movie and loved both

  16. All right, the fact that here and there don't rhyme is making me kind of angry at the moment.

  17. I saw you like Phineas and Ferb, and I found this on Pinterest. Enjoy.Ā 




  18. I donā€™t care if it takes me all night. I will finish painting Sylphrena( the Honored Daughter, a splinter of Honor, spren of storm blessed)

    any music suggestion to keep me going?

  19. I donā€™t care if it takes me all night. I will finish painting Sylphrena( the Honored Daughter, a splinter of Honor, spren of storm blessed)

    any music suggestion to keep me going?

  20. I donā€™t care if it takes me all night. I will finish painting Sylphrena( the Honored Daughter, a splinter of Honor, spren of storm blessed)

    any music suggestion to keep me going?

  21. I donā€™t care if it takes me all night. I will finish painting Sylphrena( the Honored Daughter, a splinter of Honor, spren of storm blessed)

    any music suggestion to keep me going?

  22. OUR SHOW CHOIR COMPETITION GOT CANCELLED BECAUSE OF THE SCUDDING SNOW šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ weā€™ve got like two feet of it and itā€™s not stopping and they cancelled it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ on the upside, I get more time to draw and chill now :)Ā also time to fix whatever the heck is going on with my back


    I have scoliosis, which is basically where your spine is curved. Thereā€™s two different kindsā€”I have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, itā€™s an s-curve with about 27 degrees in one and 36ish degrees in the other curve but you cant notice that much from the outside. It causes a lot of back pain though šŸ˜­

    Anyways imma go draw now

  23. I just wanted to check in on every one, but specifically @Shardwatcher01Ā and @Edema Rue, there were over 150 car crashes last night in the salt lake area alone and I know you guys are in Utah. Just hopping yall are right. Along with everyone else. Please drive safe

  24. Slide another plate

    Onto the bar

    That I struggle to lift.

    Add another ten,




    Iā€™ll get through it.


    Heavier weight,

    Makes for stronger muscles

    Even if it hurts now

    And theyā€™re sore for days after.

    The forge

    Melts the metal.

    The hammer

    Shapes the sword

    His vision

    Overcomes the imperfections.


    And between sets,

    Between blows,

    Between pains,

    There are moments of peace.

    There are times to laugh.

    And if now

    Is a time to cry,

    Then let the tears flow

    Let them soak your shirt,

    Your pillow,

    Your heart.


    But keep living.


    Does not demean your pain.


    Does not mean your hurt is worthless.

    Moving forward

    Does not let others down.



    Doesnā€™t have to meanĀ 



    The pain


    The forge

    The hammer

    The love

    In your Makerā€™s eyes

    As He shapes you

    Into His child

    His tool

    His servant.


    Do not

    Be overcome

    By the plates

    On your bar.

    Do not

    Be afraid

    Of the hammer

    Coming down.


    There is a moment of rest

    Just around the corner.

    There are lights

    In every dark place.

    There is laughter

    Through the deepest of sorrows.


    And the pressure

    The worry

    The anxiety

    The to-doā€™s

    The lists

    The failures

    The hopelessness



    Are not all

    That you are.


    So...on top of everything else happening this month, my mom got surgery today, which means I also need to make sure our animals (and my siblings) get fed and watered, and the house stays clean and in order, and a whole host of other things.

    But do you know what's strange? Despite all that's happening right now, I haveĀ hope.Ā And I know that many of you aren't Christian, aren't even religious, but I believe that that is the power of God.


    The ability to see light where there is none.

    The ability to smile as you cry.

    The ability to...well...to think celestial, even when your day to day life is determined to grind you into nothing.

    I love you all. And if you ever need anything, be it advice, laughter, a friend, or a poem forĀ you,Ā I'm here. And so many others are too, even when you can't see it.

    Keep breathing, okay? Keep what hope you have and let itĀ grow.Ā That's what makes this life so beautiful.

    One family.Ā 


  25. Since notifications for status updates have gone away, I wonder if posting them will become less and less of a thing as time goes on. Especially since newcomers to the Shard won't think of creating a custom feed to catch all of them.

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