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Silver Phantom

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Status Updates posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Ok so I got a good amount to say. First is my costume is almost done. My sandals came and my spear is almost done. Second I somehow convinced my mother to read stormlight after years of trying and she is enjoying it. How I managed this was by showing her all the cool photos from last dragonsteel of all the cosplayers and since she likes making costumes she decided to go. Day one she will be going as Navani and day two as Veil. What is really funny about all of this is that she still say that Way of Kings is to big and that it drag alone. And I just found out that she doesn’t like either Shallan or Jasnah and that she will sometimes skip ahead a little bit to get through those section quicker. I am now conflicted. On one hand I love my mother so much for trying and really giving her all in an attempt to be apart of the community I am. She is even going to Sanderson 101 and the convention. But on the other I can’t ignore this grieves sin of skipping some of the book and not liking Jasnah or Shallan. I mean I kind of get it because we don’t see a lot of the real them in the first book and shallan grows so much in book two, but it still hurts. 

    So basically what I am asking is has anyone else gone through this and side question, is anyone else bringing family/friends to dragonsteel who are just not quite Sanderson fans yet?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ooh, thanks Phantom! Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      So @Edema Rue first piece of advice is for your first time cosplaying choose something simple with one show piece in there. For example last year I went as Spook. All I needed for that was some basic close that could pass as old fashioned and a wool blanket I used as a cloak. The show piece was that I got some cool looking canes and I wore a blind fold the entire time. So basically go for someone like Vin or Vail, instead of Shallan or Venli.

      Second piece of advice is don’t worry about shoes. What I mean by this is that its more important to were shoes that are comfortable then that fit you costume perfectly. When in doubt just wear black Nikes or something similar.

      finely use YouTube for ideas and if you need help making stuff. And if you don’t want to make stuff try thrift stores near you. 

      If you have any question feel free to PM me

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thanks so much!! I might try it for dragonsteel!

  2. Just found this Gem for only 2 bucks at a thrift store

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  3. Just finished my painting my newest model 


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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      DnD, I got a large bundle of miniatures for cheap. But I do also paint Warhammer 

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Cool! How do you do those tiny details?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Small brushes, patients, practice, and a lack of caring if I get arthritis.

      If your interested in starting painting models I can give some advice all through I am far from an expert 

  4. Everyone you can get tickets to events at Dragonsteel. I manage to be in the first group that gets to play test the soon to be released Stormlight RPG

    1. The Sibling

      The Sibling

      Lucky! That sounds awesome!

  5. I ordered parts of my costume for dragon steel and they should be here any day. I am so excited 

  6. Part of my costume for dragonsteel just got here


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  7. Happy birthday, and thank you for being a moderator

    1. Kaymyth


      It has begun.



  8. Hey, my dad finally finished Yumi and the nightmare painter so I got to read it. I did it in two days and it might be my new favorite Sanderson book. 

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yay!! It was so good!

  9. I just managed to get my hands on a copy of Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls for the GBA, IN THE ORIGINAL PACKAGING!!  

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  10. So, after my plane got delayed twice then cancelled late Sunday night and then my rescheduled morning plane got delayed, and then we waited in the plane on the tarmac for almost 40 minutes, then I came home and slept for 5 hours. I HAVE RETURNED!!!

  11. Hey, I am going out of town for the next few days so I won’t posting until I am back Monday.

  12. DAY 8, VICTORY!!! Finally got a face that looks good (relatively speaking). Here is Malinda again. Also thank you to every one who has commented and given these reputation. It has helped a lot and I would have stoped by now if not for you guys

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    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Yay!! I didn’t see the first 7 days :P but this one looks really good! Drawing faces is so hard, stick with it!

    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Nice! Looking at some other earlier drawings, and you have definitely improved! That’s a compliment by the way. Your drawing are really cool

  13. Ok, day 7, sorry I haven’t posted much recently i have been really busy. I also have not had time to practice but i need to start back up so here it is. 

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  14. Day 6, just some dude

    I really don’t like how this one turned out, especially the hair, but I’ll work on it and probably stay away from hair for now

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  15. Day 5. The Dark Knight

    I didn’t have much time today so I rushed this but I think its ok

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    (Also I have been using video guides for all of these, if anyone wants them let me know and I will post the link)

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom
    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      Your welcome, I want to start learning to draw at some point. It would be nice to be able to draw some of my  own concept art for my books. But you know, time is limited.

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I wish you luck. All of the drawings I have done so far I have just looked up a twenty or so minute video 

  17. Ok, here’s day three. Back to Malinda or “Lin” as she prefers to be called. Still working on a last name

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    1. The Sibling

      The Sibling

      Awesome! I love the outfit!

    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      That’s already really good!

  18. Oh yay this is for an RP that is going on right now called Regular wizards  started by @Channelknight Fadran

  19. Learning to draw day 2


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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. SmilingPanda19


      I just imagine Little River evil cackling for some reason, is that just me?

    3. Aeoryi


      Uh yeah... They can get over-the-counter in terms of emotions, but remains really shy for the most part.

    4. Veledsier


      So cool!!!!!!!!

  20. Guys, drop everything!! I just learned that there is a animal called the Japanese flying dwarf squirrel and we need to talk about it

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      RIght! I feel like if I held one it would feel like a marshmallow! 

    3. SmilingPanda19


      How much are they? How can I get them? Where are they? How can they be mine?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Depending on where you live they can be legal to own as pets

  21. Hey, thank you for the fallow and comment. I saw on your “about me” that you like Carbon Leaf. i just checked them out and loved it

  22. Ok, so I know I just said I would be doing one a day but I got excited so I look up a video on how to draw faces so… voila!


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  23. Hey everyone, I have never drawn before and I have decided to start messing around with it. I am going to be practicing with the same character I have created. Here is the first photo, I drew this with no practice at all. I will trying to post every day with a new attempt 

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      You said you created this character, what for?

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      It was just a thought in the back of my head for a character in “Pillars of Eternity”

    4. Weaver of Lies
  24. Hey, I saw on your post that it shows your knight Radiant test scores at the bottom. I was just wondering how you did that

    1. Aeoryi


      They are outdated, but there is link somewhere in the 17s discusion on a thread called 'share your radiant quiz results!' 

      Try googling it if that doesn't work.

    2. Aeoryi


      You can take the test via the link in my signiture.

      Signitures can be edited in account settings.

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