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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. What do you think of also being able to do it if you are a pewter/Nicrosil twinborn and storing a ton and tapping it all at once?
  2. I recently got to go to a butterfly garden and saw a Luna moth in person
  3. Or maybe ramen, but only ingredients you could get in extremely dry and hot regions
  4. In my defense I wrote this at midnight and I hope to get more work done at the humanitarian center I work at, read more scriptures, and paint more
  5. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon
    3. Aeoryi


      How did you make this?

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      There were silicon molds of the slugs in one of the Sanderson boxes. I just poured some epoxy in them. I can send you the exact brand if you want

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR🥳. I hope everyone will have a great year and would like to thank everyone again for welcoming me into this website.

    I do have some exciting new. I am a big fan of batman and love the movie “the batman”. I was doing some research on it and found out that the actor who plays the riddler in that, wrote his own comic about the origins of his riddler. And after several months of waiting and collecting, I have finally gotten the last of the 6th issue series. And would put all together the different comics cover art makes



    The story is very good and would recommend it to everyone. 

    Just a warning it does deal with some dark topics

  7. Happy new year every one. I just thought I put this up to see what people are looking forward to in 2024. And what the maybe hope to do better in
  8. Happy almost new year, it 9:41 for me right now. I will be on for my midnight. In the mean time I used the Doomslug silicon mold and made this on my second attempt


    chocolate Doomslug with nerds in it. 

    1. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      Nice! I’ll have to break mine out here soon

  9. About to leave for the Seattle airport. It’s been great visiting my parents for the holiday's, but i am very excited to get back to my own bed in Utah. Lets hope it another great year



    1. Anguished_One


      I hope you get home safely! <333 

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Utah’s a wonderful place, have a good flight!!

  10. I am so excited. I really like both episodes. My only complaint is that I feel like Luke didn’t get enough time showing him as a friend to Percy, but we will see
  11. I also love bugs. I find them so fascinating. Currently been looking into the Weevil. So weird but cool
  12. Been listening to a lot of “Panic at the Disco”
  13. I do, been playing KOTOR again TPBM does not live in the United States
  14. Just finished Sunlit man and I liked it I am holding of full judgment until we see how it ties in (yes I know it is going to be awhile) I feel that it’s incomplete. It almost feels like a Novella that takes place in between two stormlight books. I do thinks its really good, however I am worried that he is not going to touch it for awhile
  15. Amazing work as always. Thank you for sharing these with all of us Merry Christmas
  16. Marry Christmas everyone. Today has been great. Thought I would share the coolest present I got this year.

    Backstory of this gift is my brother has been in the Middle East studying Arabic for the past three months. He only got back a week ago. And his gift to me this year was..



    A batman comic in Arabic!!!

    Arabic is read from right to left so it’s so interesting seeing the panels in the opposite order 

  17. I am almost 21, and I am preparing for Christmas like a man


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      man, I should watch that... Maybe if I'm still awake after watching the Chosen's holy night special thing.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. Cash67
  18. Merry Christmas Eve everyone. I feel so lucky that I joined this community this year and can’t wait for next. I hope you all have great holidays. Will be on late tomorrow talking about all the stuff that went down

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Can't wait for another year too!

  19. First things first, new profile pic, yeah!!

    second cat



    Third, sorry I haven’t been on much, have been busy and traveling. 

    Fourth. I AM IN WASHINGTON!! My parent moved up here so now I get to spend Christmas in this beautiful state.

    Fifth, I finished “Sunlit Man” and it was so good, with that all I have to do is read white sands and I am up to date with the Cosmere 

    Six and finally I watch the Percy Jackson episodes and the Monk movie and loved both

  20. Getting ready to go to my first Christmas party of the season, marry Christmas everyone   



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      What have I ever said on this website that didn’t make you think I was a skinny nerd who’s more white then mayonnaise?

    3. Anguished_One



      Idk your pfp, maybe lol :P 

    4. Edema Rue
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