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Silver Phantom

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Status Replies posted by Silver Phantom

  1. Since notifications for status updates have gone away, I wonder if posting them will become less and less of a thing as time goes on. Especially since newcomers to the Shard won't think of creating a custom feed to catch all of them.

  2. I don’t really have anything to say sooo

    “When I was a young boy. My father took me into the city. To see a marching band”

  3. In the rain, I don't walk alone

    It matters not if I'm far from home

    Because I can't see

    and do not know

    In the greyness of the storm.


    In the mist

    or in the fog

    the whole world fades

    and I just jog.


    When rain clouds smother

    what I can see

    then I'm not alone, 

    because next to me

    Are a hundred spirits,

    a hundred eyes

    Guiding me

    watching me

    through the pines.


    When the sun shines bright I cannot hide

    I can be seen by passers by


    I can be seen

    but not quite seen...

    but they can tell I walk alone.


    But it's not just them, it's me who sees

    The vacant path, through empty trees.

    know the path, and can't get lost

    and I know I can't continue this walk.


    Because when the fog fades,

    and the illusion is gone

    it's just me who walks

    -so lonely- along.


  4. So...some news from Eddie Land.

    January is quite a month for me. I'm in two performances. On weekdays, I have 3 hour rehearsals every night for the Crucible, as well as early morning rehearsals for an orchestra that's performing with our school's choir beginning of February. On Saturdays, I have rehearsals from 10-5. I'm also supposed to practice lines, choreography, songs, and debate at home. I'm also trying to balance homework for debate, math, chemistry, and other things between those, and of course working out daily, and going to school...and I'm in my young woman's presidency...oh, and I'm getting started playing dnd (which, by the way, is awesome).

    Anyway, it's...quite a month. I might spontaneously combust halfway through. We'll see.

    But...ah...because of that, my activity is going to be almost non-existent this month (if you see me spending a lot of time here, I probably need either hugs or to be yelled at or both). I'll still post writing and check SU's when I can, but I'm trying not to RP or really...well...do a lot of things.

    Mostly, I just got incredibly burnt out last semester, and the week after Christmas was...well. Darkest place I've been for a really, really long time. I have hope for this semester and the rest of life (which is great, a couple weeks ago I definitely did not) but...yeah. Just a heads up.

    Sorry bout that guys, if you need me mention or PM me and I'll probably respond eventually ❤️ 

    (oh, and I'll be more active again towards the end of January, beginning of February, when our next games start (no you don't get to know what they are) and I'm really excited!!)

    Love you guys, keep breathing and living. There is so much good in this world, even when you have to milk every second for all its worth.

    ❤️ Eddie

  5. Wishing you all a very belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

    Looks like I missed my shardiversary. It's kind of a lot of crazy it's been more than a year since I joined. It's been a year of getting to know all you wonderful people and indulging in chaos. Just how things should be :). 

    I don't really know what else to say about that, but thanks for being who you are and being cool with who I am. It means a lot. :) 


    If anyone wants to discuss Batman lore and the various Robins and their arcs and such, feel free to PM me. Or if you just want to talk about anything that's cool too.

    Wishing you all the best!

  6. Alright I start student teaching tomorrow! Waking up at 6 AM and then working until about 4 PM. Wish me luck! Falling asleep now. 

  7. Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just--

    just so good.

    I've been listening to the songs on this album on repeat for the past hour and a half and they're just incredible.

  8. I’m feeling music-y today. Since I don have anything better to do, I’m gonna prolly record/cover some songs. Do you guys have requests or suggestions? 👀 :ph34r:

    I prolly won’t do them today if I don’t already know them jfyi 

  9. Elan I just saw your scudding member title...


  10. Show choir comps are almost here!

    which means...

    six hours of rehearsal today

    One hour after school in Monday

    two hours after school on Thursday plus pictures

    and of course this is one of my classes so at least 40 minutes everyday

    Which leads to àn hour long bus ride to our first comp that Saturday!


  11. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


  12. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


  13. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


  14. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


  15. Epoxy Doomslug Mk1



    About to make some more, what is everyone’s favorite color


  16. Happy New Year!!!

  17. Sometimes… you simply must break the cycle... 

    Thoughts with Panda


    Ill give a better photo in the morning 


  18. 2000 posts!


    Me below 500 less than a month ago.


  19. Guys!

    I discovered a new show that I've been watching with my mom for a few days. It's called Poldark, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!

    The main character, (played by Aiden Turner) Looks almost like Kaladin (from SA) and acts like him to!

    (he's veryyyy fiiinneeee :P ) 

    But it's like.... super cool! Set in England during all the Hamilton stuff happening in America, it's amazing, and recommend it to anyone, but specifically @Edema Rue and @SmilingPanda19 because I feel like they would like it. (Feel free to mention anyone else who might like it, or, if you've seen it, we can have a discussion :D ) 


    spoiler: Fine man lol :P 




  20. Hey guys! I sang a song :P

    this is “Pretty Little Things” by The Crane Wives, covered by me (the bridge and third chorus are a mess lol so I apologize for that). I used a karaoke track on YouTube—I am NOT playing the guitar lol 

    Haly inspired me to do this after she tied this song to a character in an rp we’re doing so I thought it would be fun to cover it!

    …yup lol. Anyways! See y’all round and enjoy :) hope you had/are having (a) good holiday/s!


  21. Quiet


    I sit in my corner

    In the quiet.

    I breathe.

    I feel.

    I exist.

    I write.


    My words

    Flow in the silence.

    The feeling is magical.

    I can understand.

    I simply can’t write fast enough.

    My brain is a flurry of emotions and feelings.


    I understand them.

    I process them.

    I know where they come from,

    What they do.

    I pour them out on paper,

    They flood from my heart, into my pen, 

    And onto the page.

    Swirling, like my thoughts.


    A cascade, impossible to dam,

    Flows from my mind.

    I soon must return,

    To my silence,

    But it will be peaceful, 

    I know that I have an outlet.


    A place where I can spew my thoughts,



    Yes, it’s messy.

    Yes, it’s not perfect-

    Far from it, in fact!

    But it’s mine.

    I own the words

    I own the quiet.

    I am master here, in my safe space.






    ~ Stick 12-28-23



  22. I think I've officially received my best Christmas gift ever.

    drumroll please...


    Nothing can explain the pure joy I'm feeling.

    There are four in the litter- 2 girls, 2 boys.

    We're lower on the waitlist, so we don't get first choice, BUT ALL OF THEM LOOK ADORABLE. They're miniature golden retrievers. 75% english cream golden retriever (so they're white colored), and 25% cocker spaniel.




  23. Merry Christmas!

    I hope you have fun! I certainly won't. (And I'm not saying why)

  24. I think I've officially received my best Christmas gift ever.

    drumroll please...


    Nothing can explain the pure joy I'm feeling.

    There are four in the litter- 2 girls, 2 boys.

    We're lower on the waitlist, so we don't get first choice, BUT ALL OF THEM LOOK ADORABLE. They're miniature golden retrievers. 75% english cream golden retriever (so they're white colored), and 25% cocker spaniel.




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