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Silver Phantom

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Everything posted by Silver Phantom

  1. We are so close! I can hardly wait. What is everyone most excited for?
  2. We are glad to have you. I hope you enjoy mistborn
  3. Just got back from a performance of 42nd street that my cousin was in. LOVED IT

  4. Love the new profile photo

    1. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      thanks!! he's my new RP character, olviere (callsign junior) :D 

  5. So my dad finally finished the sunlit man and gave it to me. So now I have 3 days to finish it. Less if you include my work. 

    Lets do this thing

    also who of yall are going to dragonsteel?

    I know @Edema Rue and @Cash67 are. Any one else who follows me going?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash67


      See you there!!

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'm not going sadly -_-

      Is that soon?

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I am going, yeah it’s Monday and Tuesday!

      Aaaahhhh enjoy the Sunlit Man, it’s my favorite of them.

  6. Happy birthday. Stay safe. i am sorry you are going through this

  7. I don’t know about the babe in arms rule, but for the badges you can pick them up Sunday afternoon between 2pm and 8pm. You can also simply get them Monday morning but either way this should help make the line smaller. You can try to email dragonsteel directly for more info for your child
  8. Hey, i was just checking in. I know you were struggling a couple days ago when I posted about how hard I was having and was just wondering how you are doing

    1. SmilingPanda19



      To be honest, not really sure how I’m doing. It’s a lot of just a lot. Lots of emotions.

      Thanks for thinking of me though, it seriously means a lot


      I started tearing up after my really hard math test today because life is just a lot right now. Lots going on. 
      im scared for my grade tho, I have a C in that class right now and I’m struggling with 80 different things.


    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I am sorry to hear that. I hope things get better and I hope you know that you can alway talk about stuff on here. One suggestion I do have is to just write everything you feeling down. It helps me process stuff and realize what I am actually feeling.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *sneaks in to give you both hugs*

  9. I should get to bed, I am working at a humanitarian center tomorrow and I can’t be late. Nice to meet you @Just-A-Stick
  10. I will have to check it out. I have been meaning to mess around with AI Also, my mom is also going (finally got her into stormlight) and because her costume takes like two hour to get ready we just got a 2 rooms in the hotel connected to the salt palace
  11. What AI are you using? also I am losing my mind waiting for DragonSteel
  12. Hi Edema, love the new profile pic as always. And we don’t need sleep. Sleep is for the weak and the employed, and I am neither
  13. I just listen to the new AJR song Maybe Man. It’s great made me want to cry, but it was great

  14. Anyone else going to be picking up their ticket on Sunday?
  15. Thank you. I found it and sadly wont be able to make it. I won’t be at my hotel until around 4 or 5
  16. Hi everyone. We are a week out from Dragon steel and I am very excited. I will be at the Hyatt Regency hotel on Sunday. It is attached to the Salt Palace. I will be happy to see only of you there or at the convention. I will be posting photos of my self in full costume Saturday.

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