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Everything posted by Hyper129

  1. ITS JUST-A-STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
  2. and that's three times. Hooray. *slowly sinks into a whirling abyssal pit of darkness*
  4. Thanks, I used the original shardplate art for a reference but changed a lot of it
  5. *Rises majestically from the floor, holding a microwavable cup of mac and cheese* First of all, Lewo, my literal brother is ginger and I'm still here so... *shrugs* Long story short, Lewo and I are both... m i n o r s... and Lewo's parents are really strict. She technically never got approval to make a 17th Shard account, so that's probably what happened? She hasn't texted me about it or anything so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Have we attacked anyone yet or are we still gathering troops?
  7. Hi, I'm not a runner but my friend @iLewoArtist29 is crazy for it and I don't think she's seen this so here ya go Lewo P.S. It's cool to see another guild here... is anyone here blond?
  8. Dude you asked me to give them to you and we haven't seen each other in a while and we probably won't so relax I'm sorry
  9. Cool, I forgot about the ship XD
  10. Other than the initial "ah crap it probably looks like I'm bleeding out cause I soulcasted this thing into blood" moment, what are some times when Shallan soulcasts? I feel like she doesn't take advantage of it as much as she should.
  11. I'm impressed at how quickly this grew, tbh.
  12. *Summons my spren Plumeria as a ShardDeagle and shoots @Aredor a couple times* DON'T DO IT.
  13. oh it's become mine... every non-sanderfan in my friend group is always so confused
  14. Don't click on this until he reveals himself but: My favorite Stormlight character is Syl, although Wit has some of my favorite quotes I've ever heard. (Like the one in my signature at the bottom)
  15. *Draws ShardDeagle, shoots @Block* Anyway.
  16. Storms, Lewo. How do you read so fast?
  17. Literally Oathbringer bondsmith moment spoliers for stormlight
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