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Everything posted by Hyper129

  1. I would recommend reducing the amount of power the MCs have. Start them with either one power they have semi-control of or two powers they barely have control of. Then, as the story progresses, they could grow in their control of power, unlocking new powers and wresting greater control of their previous ones. Afte that, come up with an antagonist. Maybe the antagonist could be unaware of the MCs, then some sort of incident happens publicly with each of them and the antagonist starts to take action, sort of like the Black Riders from LOTR. Other than that, I love the concept. Keep working hard! My friend @iLewoArtist29 is an avid writer, so she'd probably have some pointers for you.
  2. hahaha vroom vroom Wouldn't the strings, y'know, sever your soul?
  3. Hey! (I know your name in real life but what shall I call you here?) Want a cookie?
  4. little bits of grape fall into the sink lol
  5. I was never part of the cult of the stick it doesn't count If I can't burn it them I shall consume it *eats stick*
  6. These are all so good XD thanks a ton
  7. you should get therapy or something depression is real bad
  8. *Summons spren Plumeria as a Shardlighter, lights holy stick on fire*
  9. I used another ender pearl to get back (I forgot to mention that part)
  10. *Sticks a few more playing card sticky bombs on your hand*
  11. *Turns out the playing card was a sticky bomb that sticks to Block's fingers and blows them apart*
  12. *Uses Shardenderpearl to teleport down and get the souls*
  13. Hello, gingers. My name is Hyper, with the brunette cult. I am here to wipe you from existence. I summon my companions, @Doomslug Doomslug Doomslug and @LightRinger! *Summons spren Plumeria as a Shard-M249 Squad Automatic Weapon*
  14. *blinks* What the heck Why Stop right now or else! We are at war with the Gingers! Let's go attack their thread! *raises Shardshovel triumphantly*
  15. *Puts hand on shoulder* My friend. Companion. Compadre. I just wanted my chocolate milk. You could've asked me to get you one at Wawa. But you shall never come between an Edgedancer and his Chocolate Milk.
  16. *Shoots Doom. Then shoots her again. And again. And again. Reloads quickly then shoots her another four times.* You are now dead, my friend. I am no traitor *Shoots Block pointedly* and simply wanted my Chocolate milk back.
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