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Everything posted by Hyper129

  1. *Resummons Plumeria as a Shard-RPG, crouches, slicks self, fires ShardPG (is Shard-RPG or ShardPG better?) backward, uses power from recoil to slide really fast towards @Block, re-forms Plumeria as a Shardshovel (with sharpened edges), slices through @Block's chest, severing his soul* Nyeh-heh-heh! (Papyrus moment)
  2. *I look around for @strmblsd, then hop into an old Vietnam-era jeep, mounting my SHardgun on the little turret bit*
  3. *Feeds a new chain into Shardgun (would a Shard-M249 need ammunition or would the spren make it?) and cocks the bolt* Hahahaha new thread, more destruction! Unde"side"ed, with me! *Raises Shard-M249 Squad Automatic Weapon*
  4. I haven't read WoF in like three years lol I barely remember any of the characters
  5. A/B (Dirty blond, although predominantly brown) *Cocks Shard-M249, aims at @Block* Any last words before your soul is burnt by my Shardgun? (Votes to make Shardguns canon?)
  6. *Summons Plumeria as a Shard-M249 Squad Automatic weapon* Who am I supposed to be shooting?
  7. *slides into the battle (because of my Edgedancer powers) holding a Shard-M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (my spren Plumeria likes guns lol)* WHAT'S UP GUYS? *Starts spray-firing everywhere*
  8. *Rises from a weird portal in the floor, sitting in a fold-out chair and holding a Yu-Gi-Oh deck* What is happening? *Looks around for a second* Ah man, does anyone have a deckbox? *I search for a moment then find a deck box in my pocket. I put the deck into it and summon my Cultivationspren Plumeria as a Shard-M249 Squad Automatic Weapon* I think there's a fight. Where is the fight? (Oh also I'm joining the Unde"side"ed)
  9. Yesssssss *nom nom nom* Me neither, haha!
  10. It's the saddest thing, actually. I am gluten free, and so I can't eat bagels. before I was gluten free, yes, they are amazing. (Everything bagels are the best change my mind)
  11. I'm with the brunettes. (I have dirty blond hair so its like a half-deal)
  12. *Slides in (because Edgedancer powers)* *Sees two cultists beating the life out of a button* "What the..."
  13. As a matter of fact, yes! My profile picture is a little commission I got done of one of my old RainWing OCs, named Anteater. I know the name sucks, but I got it off of a name generator and it stuck!
  14. nah bro let me join the brunette cult
  15. *Slides on knees through door (using Abrasion)* "Hyper, reporting for duty!" *Salutes*
  16. No, unfortunately. Of course, my mom and brother are both gingers. Somehow I got the short straw.
  17. I have dirty-blond hair
  18. It'd be really funny if Gulav was an Edgedancer and Slicked the whitespine's feet and claws
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