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icefenix7198's Achievements



  1. All your ideals seem around empowering others , but you haven’t done a mention of accepting limits. Maybe your Fifth Ideal could be something along the lines: “I will give people the space to become strong on they own” or something like that Also, it would be cool if you could write any resonance of Surge combo that the order posses, with the name I picture something along the lines of linking ligth weaving to thin air like Shallan links it to Pattern or an sphere with storm ligth. Last, and is more of a suggestion than an obligation, having the same type of true spren as another radiant order is kinda strange, you can do whatever you want with your creation but I think it would be more interesting to create an unique and new type of Radiant Spren for the Airshiners But having the radiant traits is a very cool inclusion
  2. Radiant Order - Worldshakers (Tension/Iluminaion) Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will accept the truth. World shakers were an order formed of a great variety of people, miners, constructors, even scientist,but all of them had a thing in common: They undestood that sometimes to create something greater you need to destoy. During the desolations they acted as adaptable support units on land, being able to disrupt the battlefield, comunicate over long distances, hide their presence using ligthweaving or destroying objects but not as good as the other more specialized orders. Surges: Tension and Ilumination Tension can be used to manipulate the soft axial force of objects, making them more stiff or flexible. Ilumination can be used to ligthweave, making visual or sonorous ilusion. Due to the interaction with its other surges the ilusions aren't as detailed as other orders with the same surge but the ilusion fuzzes very little in comparison to other orders when an objects passes through it. Surge Combo: Combining they surges Worldshakers can make objects violently shake by making them vibrate at their resonance frequency, allowing them to send waves of force though them or make them break like glass against high frequency (breaking objects this way is less efficient and powerful than the division surge and has less meticolous control).With enogh practice is posible to use this ability as a radar. Resonance: Worldshakers have an incredible precision determinating the direction of sound, being able to pinpoint the sound source with almost no room for error. True Spren: Rumblespren (not sure with this one, working on it). . Platespren: Noisespren. Ideals: The ideals are centered about accepting that life isn't perfect. First: LBD/SBW/JBD Second: I accept that life can be cruel. Third: I accept that life isn't allways fair to everyone. (This Ideal is about stop envying other people lifes if they seem easier) Fourth: Although life isn't fair I won't give up on trying to make the world a better place. Fifth: I will make the world a more just place for everyone.
  3. This ability is very interesting. They disrupt other people investiture using their respective antitones or what was your idea?
  4. Knight Radiant Order: Order of Soulshifters Order Theme/Ideal Theme: I will experience. Soulshifters have allways been a curious order, allways wanting to explore and never commiting to anything , which went against most of Honor teaching , which gived them a bad reputation amonsgt the Knight Radiants. It was not a surprise that after the reacreance with the return of the Radiant Knigths and Odium they allied with a less restrictive god joining Odium side on the battle for Roshar. Surges: Abrasion - Transformation Abrasion is used to reduce friction allowing the radiant to slick. Transformation is used to soulcast, turning objects into another of the ten essences. Surge Combo: Soulsliding - Soulshifters can partially and temporarily soulcast object or beings into other essences.This type of soulcasting is less expensive than normal but only last for a few seconds, maximun of 10, before the object returns to their original self. Also, when they soulcast in this way the target may become a inbetween state of the two essences. For example they could make stone temporarly inflamable like oil but maintaing its shape and hardness, or make metal become gasseous like smoke but equally dense. With enogh practice they can even soulcast themselves to become an essence temporary without dying, becoming incorporeal like air or hard as steel, but this is very dangerous as they become more easy to soulcast by other surgebinders in that state and if they are in a different shape not suitable for a human being they may materialice incorrectly and need to heal using stormligth. True Spren: Chaosspren Plate Spren: Fermentationspren Resonance: Soulshifters have an easy time learning the basic things of any new skill, although this don't apply to mastering. For example they would swiftly learn the basics of how to play an instrument but would have the same dificulties as a normal person in becoming an expert musician. Oaths: Soulshifters oaths revolve about self exploration wanting to explore all things they can do. First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD Second Ideal: I will try to experience all this world has to offer to understand it better. Third Ideal: I will try even if I don't want. Fourth Ideal: I accept I won't be able to experience all as time is finite. Fifth Ideal:
  5. Thanks, this forum was the final push that made me make an account on the 17th shard so I wanted to at least fill each spot of the chart
  6. Radiant Order - Ligthbenders (Ilumination/Abrasion) Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will stay true to myself. Ligthbenders are an order of artistic or phylosophical people. People who want to express something new to the world. During the Desolation they prefer to avoid direct confrontation, working more as distraction group on the battlefield, or giving people on the hinterland something else to think about and mantain the morale and hope. Surges: Ilumination and Abrasion Ilumination can be used to ligthweave, allowing them to create visual or sound ilusions. Abrasion can be used to reduce friction, allowing the radiant to become frictionless. Combining they surges they can freely modify their ligthweaving without the need to absorb the stormligth and breath it out again, allowing them to make ilusions more confusing and adaptable. They could for example change their look rapidly from one person to another. Resonance: Ligthbenders can manipulate their connection unconsciuously, becoming more difficult to remember if they want to pass undetected or are feeling shy, or giving them more pressence making them more easy to remember and more "detectable" if they want to be heard.This ability is compleatly uncontrolable by the surgebinder and works sligthly different from person to person. True Spren: Mirrorspren - mirrorsprens represent the true selfs of people , the things that we hide to all others but ourself due to fear of being vunerable. In the physichal realm they look like various fragments of a broken mirror floating in different shapes. On the cognitive realm they look like faceless humanoids made of reflective crystal until they look to another person, at that moment they change mimicking the facial and distintive Platespren: Passionspren Ideals: The ideals are centered around being true to themeselves and not changing to fullfill others wishes. First: LBD/SBW/JBD Second: I won't let others change me to fulfill their standards. Third: I won't change to fulfill others desires, no matter the pressure they impose to me. Fourth: I accept that some parts of me aren't good and I need to improve. Fifth: I will stay truth to mysef each day as I become a better men/women/etc .
  7. Radiant Order - Stonebinders (Cohesion/Adhesion) Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will mantain people united. Stonebinders are an order of people who want to mantain connection, they are similar to Bondsmiths but instead of trying to unite other people they focus on mantaining people who's already united together, they migth not be the leaders of a team but they are the glue that manteins them together. Surges: Cohesion and Adhesion Cohesion can be used as usual to stoneshape, allowing the radiant to mold solid materials as if they were soft clay. Adhesion can be used as usual to make Full Lashing, sticking two objects together with enourmus force. Combining they surges they can infuse stone (or other solid material although is more dificult and less eficient) with stormligth and give it a simple comand, like "be a bridge to cross this chasm" , "follow me and protect me from arrows" or "hold that person still". Then, the stone will shift its form automatically like water as if it was affected by the Cohesion surge to fulfill the given command without need for the Stonebinder to do anything until it runs out of Stormligth. The process of infusing the stone isn't fast as is needed to convince the spren of the stone to perform the act and some may refuse to obey the command, like telling a stone statue to change its form. Resonance: Stonebinders had an easier time connecting to the land, allowing them to more rapidly learn and incorporate the traditions of new places, which granted them an ability to rapidly learn new languages and manners as if they were natives of a geografical place. (Due to Reshi Islands not being placed over continental mass but over the caparaces of gigant greatshells their resonance don't work there) True Spren: Unitysprens - In the physical realm they look like floating stone fragments with a face made of gem, like a broken geode, that can take various forms, althogh they normaly look just like a rock. On the Cognitive Realm they look as humans made of stone with cracks that float mainting their human shapes. Platespren: Bindsprens Ideals: The ideals are centered about maintaing people unite and understanding them. First: LBD/SBW/JBD Second: I won't let the united be divided. Third: I will try to understand what divide my people. Fourth: I accept that some conflicts cannot be fixed by me. Fifth: (No idea, fifth ideals are allways complicated).
  8. I thought their spirit web would be more broken due to their madness (Mistborn HoA) Although it make sense that not all Ruinholders would be equally broken or maybe not broken at all, when I have time I will rework a little bit the resonance, thanks for the feedback The Mistborn reference part was pure luck in the combinations of the two , the first one was intentional, specially with the resonance Don’t worry for posting, school always go first, I also don’t have a lot of time so probably I would disappear a little for a time.
  9. Knight Radiant Order: Ruinholders (Tension/Division) Ideal Theme: I will destroy evil Ruinholders is an order composed mostly by former dangerous people, pryomaniacs, assasins, and other criminals, as Havocsprens liked to help people redirect their desctructive nature to something more profitable. Even then , a lot of orders despised the Ruinholders for their ease to kill and cause colateral damage. Even the Stormfather disliked them due to how little they respected the first oath of the Radiant Knigths allways being near breaking it, due to this , little Ruinholders ever existed and only in times of great necesity. On combat, the order acted away from the direct conflict on the battlefield, breaking supply lines, creating traps like landmines with their Ruinholding, and making gaps in the walls of enemy fortifcations. Surges: Tension+Division Tension is used to alter the stiffness of an object as normal, which allow them to make a material rigid or brittle. Division is used to make things decay, burn or break up as normal. Combining their surges they can apply a division to an object or person but with a delay (this ability is called Ruinholding), only releasing the destructive surge after a condition is meet, like some amount of force is aplied or some time has passed (for example, a Ruinholder could infuse a bridge with Ruinholding to relase its energy when a great amount of weigth is over, so a person could walk over without danger but when a cart passes over the threshold is reached and the division is realesed, setting in fire the bridge and the cart over it). True Spren: Havocspren. Havocspren represnts the inavitable chaos and destruction that will come one day. In the physical realm , Havocspren look like a small storm made of fire and ligthning, and although they cannot become invisible or change their size they can use a little bit of division to ignite things like paper, firewood or candles. In the cognitive realm they look like humanoid made of swirling fire with chunks of stone moving around they bodies shaping more they figure. Plate Spren: Furyspren. Resonance: Ruinholders resist less investiture, with makes them positive investiture effects like healing more efficient in them, but also negative effects like Soulcasting or Emotial Allomancy a little bit more easy to do on them. Also, the more broken is the spirit web of the Ruinholder (which is very common due to that most of their members are "crazy¨or inestable) more pronunced is this resonance. Oaths: Their oaths revolve about destruction . First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD Second Ideal: I will destoy the evil of the world. Third Ideal: I will destroy even what I love to better the world. Fourth Ideal: I will accept that some problems cannot be destroyed. Fifth Ideal: I will become destruction. Note: Odium has a great interest in convince this sprens to join its side, althogh it hasn't been yet archived.
  10. Knight Radiant Order: Bodysforgers (Tension/Progresion) Ideal Theme: I will push my limits Bodyforgers were an order formed normally by persons that in their past failed to accomplish a task due to their physical (and sometime emotional but normally those people would be choosen by other radiant sprens) weakness, and that failure caused a point of inflexion in their lives , maybe losing a beloved, maybe failing to accomplish their dream. Either way, Endeavourspren encouraged them to try again and become better. In battle during the desolations Bodyforgers stayed at the second line , enhacing the other Radiants and mundane troops with their powers and swiftly jumping into action when necesary in case something failed. They also healed when necesarry but prefered to let that task to other Orders more centered and specialized in healing like Worldhealers or Edgedancers. Surges: Tension+Progresion Tension is used to alter the stiffness of an object as normal, although they can also use the surge on living beings, but is more difficult as they have more innate investiture. Progresion is used to Regrowth , allowig to heal the soul and body of people as normal. Bodyforgers have also the ability to use Growth to accelerate the growth of organic beings, although they aren't as efficient with it as other orders, so they use less this surge. Combining their surges they can enhace the physichal charactheristics of others such as skin hardness, strength , explosiveness etc. This ability is more easy to do on themselves than others. True Spren: Endeavorspren. Endeavourspren represent the impossible made posible, the capacity and determination of humanity to overcome new challenges each day. In the Physical Realm they look like braided roots that have a small humanoid form like a marionette or mannequin , larger like the majority of other sprens. In the cognitive realm they look like very tall and muscular humanoid made of wood that look like muscular fibers, their eyes made of iron. Plate Spren: Exhaustionspren. Resonance: The Bodysharpeners have an enhaced flexibility. Oaths: Their oaths revolve about pushing the limits of themeselfs and others. First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD Second Ideal: I will push my limits and those of the people I care to become better. Third Ideal: I will continue and push myself, even when I wish to give up. Fourth Ideal: I will accept that some limits must not be broken as the consequences . Fifth Ideal: I will become better every day. (Fifth Oaths are always complicated)
  11. Oh, I like more Pathcarvers, thanks for the suggestion Regarding the resonance I don't see a very big difference although english is not my native languaje so could be my directly translating in my head, I will change it Thanks for the feedback
  12. Knight Radiant Order: Pathcravers (Division/Transformation) Ideal Theme: I will clear the way and advance. Altough they posses both of the more destructive surges, historically Pathclearers always acted more of a support order instead of a combative one, helping create tunels, clear obstacles like rock slides and rescue people from fires and collapsed buildings by opening a way. Although they preferd to act as rescue units during the Desolation they also acted as demolisher of enemies structures using they powers and resonance. After the recreance some Crumblespren become resentful with the Radiant Knigth, choosing to only bond Singers and join forces with Odium to destroy the past and create a "new and better world", bonnding Knigths and giving them less restrictions at the moment to destroy thinghs. Surges: Division+Transformation Division is used to touch an object and cause it to burn, turn to dust, or decay in other ways. Pathclearers have a very fine control over what they affect with division and can access this surge since the beggining, but can only be used on unliving matter until the fourth ideal is reach. Transformation is used to soulcast. Due to the interaction of their Surges, Pathclearers are more efficient (consume less Light) in Soulcasting to non solid materials - those covered by the Essences of Spark/fire, Vapor/smoke, and Zephtr/air but have problems soulcasting other things in a non decay form, being able normally to only soulcast into thinghs like rusted metal, rotten grain or frail stone. Combining their surges they can apply division in investiture itself, allowing them to destroy kinetic investiture (for example destroy a time bubble of a allomancer, a surgebinding lashings or a Forgery on an object, but they wouldn't be able to depleat the stormligth a Radiant has breath or the metal an allomancer has ingested) and send it back to the spiritual realm. Note: This ability isn't instantanous so its dangerous to use it on incoming projectiles at risk of dying before can be destoyed. True Spren: Crumblespren. Crumblespren represent the pass of time and the inevitability that all things one day must fall. In the Cognitive Realm they look like persons made of chiseled stone and metal full of cracks, rust and plant growing in them, like if they were made of ruins. On the Physical Realm they can only move in surfaces like Cryptics but instead of showing a pattern they make things where they pass over look as ruinous and destroyed, plants appear withered, flesh rotten, stone broken, etc. Plate Spren: Decay sprens (or Dustsprens if in any moment is confirmed to be the Dustbringers/Releasers Plate Spren). Resonance: The Pathclearers have the ability to more easily detect flaws on structures or people (they can more easily see weak structural points like cracks, rust, spot errors in patterns or percive if a bone isn't fully healed) . Oaths: Their oaths revolve about avancing in their objectives through the difficulties. In the case of Odium aligned Knigths their ideals take a more destructive and murderous path against its obstacles (the Radiant Knigths and humanity). First Ideal: LBD/SBW/JBD Second Ideal: I will persevere in my journey no matter what obstacles I encounter Third Ideal: I will help others advance even if it means having to wait. Fourth Ideal: I will accept help of others when I cannot continue my path alone. Fifth Ideal: I will clear the obstacles that I carry myself. (This oath refers to eliminating fear/doubt/ or other weaknesses)
  13. (Triple surge, because why not) Radiant Order - Willcarriers (Illumination/Transportation/Adhesion) Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will give voice to the unheard. Willcarries are sometimes compared to Bondsmiths and Edgedancers. Their proupurse is to unite people, but instead of acting as leaders like the Bonsmith, they act as representatives and communicators, making sure nobody is ignored, even the lowest or despicable. Surges: Illumination, Transportation and Adhesion Illumination can be used to Ligthweave, although the ilusions made by the Willcarriers aren't as realistic as for example the Ligthweavers, but they can make more brigth ligth and louder sounds in comprasion. Transportation can be to peer into the Cognitive Realm , allowing them to listen and see what is happening there, and to travel to Cognitive Realm from the Physichal Realm or viceversa. While peering in the Cognitive Realm they can hear the Rythms. Adhesion is used to manipulate create full lashings and creating Connections. Combining Ilumination and Transportation they can Ligthweave in the Cognitive Realm though the physical real, allowing them to create becons in the Cognitive Realm, or comunicate with other beings there without entering. Illumination an Adhesion is used to connect a Ligthweaving to a person, due to not being the Radiant itself the ilusion aren't very good but allows the person to speak more loudly (or even speak if its mute) and create images of the ideas they want to represent. Finally, using adhesion and transportation they can link two objects in various ways (normally gems as they hold stormligth way better), conjoining them as if they were fabrials, or making them resonate or reflect the same thing as the other, allowing to create communication devices that work from any distance. Resonance: They have the capacity to hear frecuencies normally inaudible to humans. True Spren: Pure Harmonysprens Platespren: Musicspren Ideals: The ideals are centered about giving voice to the Unheard. First: LBD/SBW/JBD Second: I will speak for the ignored. Third: I will give the ignored the capacity to speak from themselves. Fourth: I accept that I cannot hear all voices. (This has two meanings, first that they won't be able to know or help all the ignored people, and also that sometimes they need to make decision without listening to everyone) Fifth: I will unite all the voices I can to choose our future.
  14. Odium serving orders seam very cool, although sadly we only know very little about the powers related with Voidbinding, we only know about seeing the future But Odium knigth orders similar to Renarin with one of its surge changed with an Odium voidbindingg could be a blast to make.
  15. Radiant Order - Realmjumpers (Abrasion/Transportation) Order Theme/Core Ideal: I will become better from my failures. Realmjumpers are an order that have a great variety of diferent people, from ligtheyes nobles to pilfers, but all of them have something in common: A failure or bad decision have changed their lives for the worst. In the Radiant Knigths they act more as infiltrator or prisioners liberators than a militia, using their ability to easily change between realm in an area to sneak away, transport other people to a safer place, destoy or steal key items and ignore walls and other obstacles. They normally liked to avoid direct confrontation and when forced to figth they became unpredictable appering and desapearing in a blink of an eye Surges: Abrasion and Transportation Abrasion is used to reduce friction, allowing the Radiant to slip in surfaces and become dificult to restrain or make other objects frictionless. Transportation is used to transition from the Physical Reakm to the Cognitive Realm and viceversa (Elsecalling). Realm Blinking: Combining their surges they can create an area (the size depends on the skill and current Oath of the Realmjumper but varies from 3 meters/10 feet of diameter to 30 meters/100 feet) that looks like a mix of mist and diluted stromligth where they can Elsecall very efficiently in and out of the Cognitive realm (this effect only affect the Realmjumper as is Identity Keyed), allowing them to quickly appear and dissapear within the area. Additionally, due to the distorsion of distances between the two realms, they can reappear in places further away that were they entered , always within the cloud of stormligth. It is possible to make the cloud move over the time in one direction but is an skill that requires practice. Resonance: Realmjumpers breath in Stormligth faster than most radiants and can do it from a sligthly larger distance. True Spren: Loopspren - Loopspren are the representation of new beginings and rebirth, like the water of the storms that after raining down evaporates to rain again. In the physical realm they look like a ring of descending water and raising mist that is constantly flowing. In the cognitive realm they look like humans made of water in its center that gradually become mist and vapor as its reaches its extremities and hair. Platespren: Rainspren Ideals: The ideals are centered about learning from mistakes. First: LBD/SBW/JBD Second: I will accept that I may fail and continue foward. Third: I will learn not only from my experience but also from the others, even my enemies. Fourth: I will not repeat my failiures, and improve each day. Fifth: I will help the world remembrer their mistakes to not repear them. Lore: Altough they were seen as cowards by other orders more centred in the direct confrontation like the Windrunners, Edgedancer or Stonewards they had good relationships with orders more centered in the subterfuge as Thruthwatchers and Ligthweavers.
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