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The Honorable One

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About The Honorable One

  • Birthday 04/01/2024

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    O be wise; What can I say more?
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Naboo, Tatooine, Coruscant, Naboo again, Coruscant again, Kamino, Geonosis, Coruscant again, Utapau, Coruscant one more time, Mustafar, Polis Massa, Tatooine, Hoth, Dagobah, the Forest Moon of Endor, Takodana, and Exegol.
  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Interstellar, Princess Bride, Star Wars, Studio C, Percy Jackson, Napoleon Dynamite, Dune, Star Wars, The Owl House, Spiderverse, Star Wars, and Obi-Wan.

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  1. It would be pretty depressing if a kid who didn't have any legs tried to sing "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes."

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