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About Rallohir

  • Birthday September 16

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    3rd Ideal Lightweaver
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  • Interests
    Books, books, music, also books, and art :)

Rallohir's Achievements



  1. Happy birthday!

    Want a cookie?

  2. Hey, it's been a minute.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Yeah I can whip something up for both of you guys. It may take a bit cause I got finals stuff. Should take like 2 or 3 days.
  4. Wassup? You doing good?

    1. Rallohir


      Yeah, it's going good, I just haven't been online. I've been slackin with the Shard, I even have some art that I haven't posted, just haven't gotten to it yet. 

  5. How are you?

    1. Rallohir


      Good, been absurdly busy these last few weeks, done a ton of CAD and then there was finals and I got a new phone, so things are pretty crazy

    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I totally get it. Well it is good to see you.

  6. Yeah, same question as earlier, would you like it put some more input into it, or would you like me to throw some creative curveballs in of my own
  7. Sure, would you like it put some more input into it, or would you like me to throw some creative curveballs in of my own
  8. Here is a custom Shardblade for @Shardwatcher01
  9. How's it going? You don't seem to have been around too much.

    1. The Aspiring Archivist
    2. Rallohir


      Hey, sorry it took this long to respond, with the holidays coming up, school was getting more strenuous and I didn't have the time to do anything I wanted to do. Along with that, my teachers have gotten better at not letting me just do what I want instead of working. I was also out of town for Christmas break. It's also been more difficult because wrestling started, leaving me with very little free time. Hopefully things will calm down and I can get back into the swing of things soon, but recently I haven't had a lot of time. 

    3. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      That's alright! Life before Shard, as they say. I mostly wanted to know whether everything was alright. Best of luck with everything!

  10. Rallohir


    Works much better thanks!
  11. Rallohir


    That's about what I was going for, thanks!
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