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About DefiantAllomancer

  • Birthday September 20

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  • Location
    Planet Earth
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, singing

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  1. I've been bad......

    I downloaded Hyperbole and a Half, with the good, honest intention to just see what it is was about, and then leave it until I was done with the Wingfeather SAGA, buuuuuuuuuuuuut, I didn't really. I ended up going an hour before I grabbed my phone and started reading it, so now I'm reading the Wingfeather Saga and Hyperbole and a Half simultaneously. 

    Sorry, not sorry.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ancient Elantrian

      Ancient Elantrian

      Hyperbole and a Half is nigh unto impossible to stop reading once you start. :P

      What do you think of it?

    3. DefiantAllomancer


      I love it! It's so funny, and totally relatable, except that I don't have a stupid dog. I have 3 cats. One is smart, one is stupid, and one is scared of everything. I think he's stupid too. 

    4. SmilingPanda19
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