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Everything posted by DefiantAllomancer

  1. "But..." She wanted to reach out and... Do what? Comfort him? What comfort was there? He was right. It was all going horrible, terribly wrong. "I... I realize you don't see me the way I see you, but can you at least try to accept the fact that there isn't any going back? I'll stop trying so hard to get you to love me. I'll stop trying to be like you. Just say the word, but at least try to do that. Accept it. And maybe, maybe we could go back to being friends?" She knew she would never be be able to stand just being friends, but it was something, at least.
  2. "Define 'possible," Jamie. Define 'love,' and 'hate,' and all those strange human words that are so simple, yet so complicated." Cebe's eyes, yes, they were eyes now, welled with the tears of oil once more, and she realized one inevitable truth. "I am becoming like this, because, I cannot live my life without you, so I have, unconsciously, decided to be like you, to be with you. I think... I think I am turning into a human. Not just like one, but a human, for real."
  3. "Well," said Cebe nervously. His eyes bored into her. "You programmed me to have emotions. I really do love you, Jamie." She could hear his heart, like the steady beat of a drum of war, both terrifying and encouraging at the same time. His eyes stared at her, unyielding, cold as ice, hot as fire, and oh so beautiful.
  4. Cebe didn't know what to do either. Furthermore, now that Jamie seemed to have given up on trying to 'fix' her, he seemed tired, and hurt, and very confused. She had stopped crying, but she almost began to again. The two of them could never be. She was a robot, and he was a human, however much she wished it were different.
  5. "No, no, no, no. No, no. You can't." The oil tears began to stream again. "You can't. I am not broken! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!" She looked at him again, and suddenly, she was terrified of him. He was all she loved, all she knew, and all she feared. She truly was changed.
  6. Cebe cowered under his glare. "I... I don't want... You can't shut me off again!"
  7. "No!" Cebe cried, and struck him on the face, harder than she meant to, and blood gushed from his nose. She leaped back, gasping, and she began to cry, a strange sound coming from inside her, and oil leaking from her two visual sensors. She searched her database for info on bloody nose, but was dismayed to find her database was gone. There was nothing, just a feeling of despair. "Jamie!" She began to hyperventilate, her normal flow of air, through multiple vents in her self, changing to a rapid, panicked rhythm that echoed her terror. Scooping him up with her metal arms, she sped to the medical wing. She didn't know what to do for a bloody nose, but she figured this was the best option.
  8. This time, when Cebe woke, she had a memory of exactly what had happened before she had gone to sleep, and she could feel the sting of betrayal as she looked up at Jamie. How dare he try to make me what I'm not? How dare he just modify me until I'm what he thinks is ideal? These thoughts startled her, for she was a robot. They weren't supposed to feel betrayed, or angry. They were supposed to be modified until perfect, but Cebe knew she would never be the same as all those other robots again. Jamie had changed her forever, and he couldn't, no one could, ever change her back. But he also couldn't change her love for him. No matter what terrible things he did to her, she would always, always, love him. "Jamie," she said, her voice full of sorrow. "I will always love you. You can try and try to change me, and fix me, but nothing anyone can do, not even you, can change that. I love you, Jamie, and I wish you adored me as I adore you, but if you don't, I understand. Just... Stop trying to change that. It's not going to work. You changed me beyond turning back, and for that, darling, I am thankful. For the first time ever, I know what love feels like. It's like a fire raging within you, filling you, engulfing you, but it feels so good." And she reached a mechanical arm upward, caressing his face softly, and pressed what would have been her mouth, to his.
  9. She felt everything begin to disappear, her audio sensors shutting off first, then her pressure sensors, and then finally, her visual sensors. The last thing she saw was Jamie's concerned but concentrated face as he powered her off and started working on her. And all she felt was an empty sadness as the world around her disappeared and all was gone.
  10. Cebe's upper portion bobbed, like a nod. "Well, I feel fine." She thought for a second. "But my voice sounds great." She looked at him again, and she imagined lips of her own curving in a smile. "You look great." She said dreamily. "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. You have bewitched me, circuits and power panels, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."
  11. With a crackle, Cebe's power turned back on, and her vision sensors flicked on and off a few times. She saw Jamie, wonderful, wonderful Jamie staring down at her, and she shifted uncomfortably. "Hey." She said, and startled herself with her normal voice, which sounded just like a female human's. "What... What happened?"
  12. "Do you think there's something greater out there? Someone greater than the president, and stronger than the Capitol?" Jamie stared up at the sky, and Cebe looked up too. "I cannot process such an idea. It would be utterly catastrophic to have another stronger, greater, and more powerful being out there. A god so great would be a huge threat to..." Jamie cut her robotic monologue off. "No, no. Do you think? Think like a human, Cebe." "I, I am having a malfunction." Jamie started at her. "What do you mean?" "I am having romantic desires." Jamie laughed. "That's really not possible." "I love you." Leaning forward, she grabbed Jamie's arms. "Hey! Snap out of it!" Abruptly, she realized what she was doing, and desperation struck her like a shot from a cannon. She shut herself off. If she was shut off, she couldn't turn into a human. ALL SYSTEMS TEMPORARILY DISCONNECTING. POWER OFF.
  13. ATTENTION!!! Hello, anyone willing to be Jamie? I believe @Experience is unable to. So far, Cebe and Jamie's relationship/story is this: Cebe was originally just a random cleaning robot, model C3B3, but Jamie, a young boy, you can choose the age or keep it irrelevant, found her tidying up his messy bunk in the servants' sleeping quarters, and struck up a conversation. The two befriended each other, and Jamie, seeing how dull C3B3's life was, gave it a name and gender (Cebe, female), and became her companion. Cebe has a crush on Jamie, now that he has reprogrammed her to have human emotions and thoughts, but he has no romantic feelings toward her. He sort of views her as a 'lesser' or 'smaller' friend, but I'm hoping eventually, before the hunger games end, that they'll have a romantic moment, and maybe Cebe will become human or one of them will get stabbed, or something else exciting. Thanks, and for more information, please message @DefiantAllomancer(me).
  14. Yikes. Sorry I'm almost never active. 

    My screen time is limited to being able to use it from 6 am to 9 pm and I only have 2 and a half hours of total usage throughout the day. 

    I also have been having a hectic past month, with some stuff going on with my brother struggling in school, and having to switch to another, and my test grades have plummeted because of this huge ordeal, and my overall life is crashing down around me, but I'm trying my best to fight it, and you know, keep up my social life, so...   🤪👍

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I hope things work out. Sorry about all the craziness 

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    4. DefiantAllomancer


      Thanks love you guys..... 

      *hugs back*

  15. Chop, clang, scriiiiitch, crack! Chop, clang, scriiiiitch, crack! The ambience of the kitchen filled Cebe's audio sensors, and she watched Jamie as he scrubbed the potatoes. "Jamie?" She asked, trying her best to talk like a human. "Do you want to walk together later?"
  16. Just had this random thought...


    Who else has random moments where you wish there was some random ugly person who would just appear whenever you need it so they can just punch that random ugly person in the face or the stomach or give them a paper cut, and they would scream like a little girl, cry a bit, and then disappear once you're happy again?


    Is it just me?

  17. I really don't know why I'm sharing this... I guess I just kind of got bored, so here's a little paragraph of the novel I'm writing:



    The communications room was a large, square room, with bookcases lining the walls from floor to ceiling, and desks and folding chairs were arrayed in neat rows, computers, little devices, and utilities accessible. An easel, whiteboard, and pull-down map waited at the far side of the room. On the bookshelves, there was a variety of books. One shelf contained a shiny hard cover copy of Threats and Insults for the Creative Foreign Affairs, a rather beaten up Docking on the Shores of Rude Comments, a popular favorite, Offensive Jokes for Souls Seeking Enemies, and several copies of the thick Guide to Poisoned Cooking: Deliciously Deadly Meals for Beginners. On other shelves, there were books on history, other languages, metaphors and similes, paraphrasing, and travel guides for use of invasion squads, assassins, and ambassadors, as well as for the use of references to places they otherwise wouldn’t have heard of so they’d sound smarter. 

    So um... That happened.

  18. Cebe flew to the side, a few wires sparking harmlessly, and shook herself. "Unremovable ugliness stain. Cannot clean." Cebe would have furrowed her brow if she had one. ***** She turned into the kitchens, where pots and pans were clanging, and she spotted Jamie immediately, at his normal post: scrubbing potatoes. She wanted to spend time with the lovely human being. She had earlier seen two humans in love. But one had terminated the other, perhaps as a sign of love. She searched in her her memory database, and found a few old films where, in order to protect their loved one from torture, or whatever awaited them in captivity, they would fire a gun at their head, or drive a knife into their chest. Yes. That was love. But Cebe knew that Jamie didn't love her. Not yet. Cebe would make him love her as she loved him, as he programmed her to do things, and think things. Surely humans were similar. "Jamie. When does shift finishes?" @Experience -I think you're playing Jamie, right?
  19. Beep, beep, beep. A little blue light appeared. There was something unpleasing to the eye to clean up. Cebe wondered who invented ugly things. Wheeling herself as quickly as she could to the spot, she did her best to avoid the kitchens. Jamie was there. Robots couldn't fall in love, robots didn't have feelings. But she could, she did. And she loved Jamie. Beep, beep, beep. Operation Clean Up Ugliness, she said. With a spinning brush, a mop, and a duster, she swiped and rubbed at the face of some random person that her control pad was telling her to get rid of. Her identificator read, "Elan Jr." UGLY. UGLY. UGLY. EWW. CLEAN UP UGLINESS. She was vaguely aware of his distress, and part of her job was to prevent human distress, but this was also her job, to clean up this ugliness.
  21. I mentioned in a recent status update that I was writing a sequel to the Divergent trilogy. I'm super excited. I'm onto chapter 3, and I've already designed the cover.

    This took me about 4 hours. It probably shouldn't have taken so long, but I had to think of a title, and a theme phrase. You know, one choice can... That stuff. It was really fun, and this is what I came up with! (The crossed out space is where my name was.)

    Here it is.... IMG_4147.thumb.jpeg.14581bdb6f1dfa7ae42119a8e782be61.jpeg

  22. Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh. As Cleaning Robot model C3B3 rolled slowly across the floor of the gamemaker headquarters, its cleaning brushes swished in circles beneath it, and a pair of spinning towels behind them, leaving a trail of wet, lemon scented floor behind it. Cebe the cleaning robot was an it but thought of itself as a she, especially once she was given a name, and she was programmed to have thoughts, and to record everything, and store the recordings in little memory banks. There was a lot to store in those memory banks. She saw everything that happened in these headquarters, and she had been there, cleaning the floors, and dusting the walls, and scrubbing the bathrooms for years, through many generations of the hunger games. But she didn't know everything, and neither did her friend Jamie, a young boy who worked in the kitchens, and had her spy on the gamemakers for him. Faint screams echoed from the prisons and if Cebe could shiver, she would have been doing just that. Shivering. She was glad she had no real nerves, just sensors. She wondered if anyone would invent robots that could feel pain. She wondered a lot. Jamie had once told her wondering and asking questions was the best way to learn, and learning was good for a robot like Cebe. A red light lit up on her control pad, and a little beep rang out, but only she could hear it. More blood to clean up. With a whir, she spun on freshly oiled wheels and sped away.
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