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About DefiantAllomancer

  • Birthday September 20

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  • Location
    Planet Earth
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, singing

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  1. Happy birthday!

    1. DefiantAllomancer


      Aww thanks. I haven't been here in a while.... So sorry for not responding sooner!!! Your birthday happiness is much appreciated!

  2. Thanks for following me!

    1. DefiantAllomancer


      Haha, no problem. I'm rarely on here anymore, so I'm sorry it took so long.

  3. Love your profile picture!! I'm actually singing Not About Angels from The Fault in Our Stars for my vocal lessons :D 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      A John Green enjoyer, I see... I haven't read TFioS, but I am a certified nerdfighter :P

    3. DefiantAllomancer


      I had no idea what a nerdfighter was, so I looked it up, and I still don't really know what a nerdfighter is. 

    4. The Aspiring Archivist

      The Aspiring Archivist

      Hehe... It's basically an online community centered around the Green brothers and being nerds :P

  4. Just finished Defiant. I need a pet taynix now. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      @Edema Rue

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I DO TOO


  5. Hi everyone, and happy holidays! 

    Quick update: I recently was able to get Defiant from the library, and I'm enjoying it so far. Had two church services yesterday, one today, and am slowly but surely losing my mind. At least there's hot chocolate. 

    Again, happy holidays. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. DefiantAllomancer


      It got even better!!!!! I got a hard copy (of Defiant) as a gift for Christmas, and it's absolutely perfect. I LOVE IT.

      I also got the Skyward Novellas, an assortment of pens, 6 notebooks, some clothes, and some other things. I'd call it a very successful Christmas, but I told some of my friends at church and they made fun of me. 😂

  6. Oops. I'm so sorry! I haven't been on the Shard in quite a while. YES I AM DEAD. I had quite an epic death scene, so you should go read it. @Ookla the Believer
  7. Ouch. Well, it was fun. I'll be inactive until 7 am, so bye bye, y'all.
  8. As the fire engulfed her arm and spread to the rest of her body, Allo was in too much pain to scream or make any sound of any sort. Her mind was doing enough of that. Swatting uselessly at the flames on her body, blinding her, she gazed up at the sky, mostly concealed by the jungle. Suddenly, a smile played on her lips. "Dine with me in burning hell, Hades." Forcing herself to her feet, she growled at the sky. No doubt there was some camera on her somewhere, and even if it weren't broadcasted, it was enough. With a curse, she watched pieces of her flesh peel away and wither and fall to the ground, but she was too empty to vomit. And she ran. She wasn't running anywhere in particular, she just ran. She didn't know how far she ran or for how long, but she just kept running. With a roar, she hurled herself to the ground. With one last burst of defiance and anger, she held up her hands, showing off her very beautiful middle fingers, and shouting a string of profanities as she died. Well, Mother.... How's that? Her mother, reaching out a hand, nodded, smirking, and they went together.
  9. Shrieking as a dark streak flew through the air toward her, Allo leaped, but she felt a hot, stabbing pain in her right shoulder. She groaned in pain and tried desperately to drag herself to a safe spot, but it was no use. She was sick, and dehydrated, and she was beginning to realize the real weight of the games. She gasped for air as she fell, crying, and scrambled up again to attempt escape. But as her family liked to say, "When death is inevitable, put out a welcome mat and invite it in for tea." She wasn't inviting it in on purpose, but it was closing in anyway. @Ookla thePresentParticiple
  10. Allo woke, shaking her head as she remembered the hallucinations from the strange mushrooms. She licked cracked lips. She needed water, and she needed to get a ship or to kill another tribute. But who knew how long she had been out, and what had happened while she slept. To start, she unsteadily wove a net of vines and creepers, and then she looped a knit of the creepers around a tree. Placing some food she had around the put out campfire, she nodded to herself, and crawled into a pile of greenery to hide and wait.
  11. Hey guys... Just finished first night of nutcracker last night! Today, I'm performing again. Wish me luck! 


    I'm playing a father (so I wear a suit and a hat) and a flower (so I also wear a big pink dress). 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. DefiantAllomancer


      It was unbelievably fun. I had more roles this year, too, so I was on stage for a lot longer. My toes hurt. 🤣 

    4. The Wandering Wizard
  12. Alright my guys, let's get down to business...

    It appears that I have not posted a statues update since NOVEMBER SECOND. That was TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS AGO. ALMOST A WHOLE MONTH!!!! Talk about a LAME person. Well, here I am, posting yet another, because I know you all can't resist (instead of hearing) reading my voice. Well, y'all... It's storytime with Defiant! 

    Okay, so the other day, I came home, and I sat on my bed, after a LONG LONG LONG LONG day. And I mean a LONG day. My family overslept that morning, and so we freaked out, my dad had to drive me to school. Then, I had a few tests, all of which I got good grades on, but found quite difficult. Next, we started the basketball unit in gym. If you know me in person, one of the first things you will learn is that I HATE BASKETBALL WITH EVERY TINY DARK SAD FIBER OF MY USELESS BEING. Like, who decided, "Hey! You know what would be a GRAND idea? Let's throw a big, heavy, hard ball into a group of people and tell them to get it in a hole, and expect nobody to DIE!!!"? And all the dudes in the room just nodded and went, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." And that's how the most idiotic, dangerous, nail-breaking, sadness-causing sport was invented.

    Anyway, at the end of the school day, my mom was coming to pick me up on her way home from work, but she was running ten minutes late, and so I decided, hey! 10 minutes isn't too long. And it isn't that cold out. I'll just wait outside by the parking lot! 

    Friends, don't be stupid like me. It very soon became apparent that it really WAS that cold out, and I thought I was going to die. But just as it was almost time for my mom to arrive, she texts me, "Hey honey, my pottery teacher was there and I didn't wanna be rude. So now I'm 10 more minutes late." 

    AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! So I waited in the cold and I didn't go into the field house or anything because the school building code didn't work after a certain time, and the boys were playing BASKETBALL in the field house. (Again, that recurring theme of basketball. It's like real-life foreshadowing. Maybe I'll be an NBA player when I'm older.) So I waited, and waited, and waited. She was even longer than she said she would be, and when she finally made it, I was VERY thankful. 

    As soon as I got home, it was time to get dressed really fast, because in a few minutes, it was time to go to ballet rehearsal, which I'm having every day this week for three and a half hours to four hours non stop this week, because I'm performing in the Nutcracker tomorrow and Saturday. Once I got there, I started to feel really nauseous, and it was worse than usual, which is always pretty bad anyway. (I have an infection in one of my organs.. I had to go to the ER a while ago.)

    So yeah, all that, and I got hame and didn't have enough time for dinner, because I had to go to bed. 

    So there I was sitting down on my bed, and all of a sudden, CHOMP! My cat, from under the bed, just bites my ankle, and keeps gnawing on it. And I say, "Mikey! You stupid, obese, psychopathic cat, why are you so mean?!" And he just stares at me and bites harder. So I swag at him, and he stops biting and looks up at me, and I say, "Baby, do you know what Mommy's been through today?" And he says, "Merpleferp!" 

    Obviously, he does know. So I say, "So why are you being mean?" And he replies, "Hoowoowooploopdoop!" 

    So I kicked him out of my room. The end. 


    Now that I think of it, that was a very boring story, but I hope you enjoyed storytime with Defiant! 

    😬 Love you all!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      The Paradoxical Phenomenon

      That sucks sorry


      i suck at it tho



      Lol luv u bro


    3. SmilingPanda19


      Girl I see you on the bus this morning-

      In 10 minutes I don’t care your getting a head pat

    4. DefiantAllomancer


      Uhhh thanks? It was supposed to be funny.

  13. Teddy was curled up on the ground, sheltered and hidden by leaves and vines that criss-crossed her body. It was really quite warm and comfortable. A little bird sang nearby. She had eaten some funny looking mushrooms earlier, and now everything looked kind of... black and white. Giggling hysterically at the green pigs with purple polka dots jumping out of the clouds, she fell asleep again.
  14. Teddy jumped at a crickets screech, yelping softly, and settled back down, relieved it wasn't some GIANT SCARY TEDDY BEAR WITH HUGE CLAWS, AHEM @Ookla the Yellow Sock, or something else scary like that. She stuck another finger in her mouth. She had burned seven in the last three hours.
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