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Master if Magic

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About Master if Magic

  • Birthday 07/25/2009

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  • Member Title
    Master of Magic
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  • Interests
    Math, digital art

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  1. Thanks but it’s not as good as some of the other death posts though. I tried my best to make it good like theirs.
  2. Avalon sees Sharpie taking a breath, and she is done fighting her fellow tributes. “ I hope I made you proud Mom, dad, brother. I hope you will acknowledge my death.” Avalon is willing to sacrifice her life to be able to save another. She goes up to the tribute and says, “ You can kill me off now. Just make sure that my family is actually proud of me,” Avalon sniffiling and crying.
  3. Avalon sees Sharpie fall and attempts to grab her legs. She is then grabbed by Sharpie’s hands, and as he brings her to the ground, she uses this chance to stab him. @Justice_Magician
  4. Avalon dodges the swing while driving her scythe into the tribute. She also attempts to stab him with her dagger.@Justice_Magician
  5. Avalon dodges the swing and attempts to throw the dagger at Sharpie while swinging the scythe at him to catch him off guard. @Justice_Magician
  6. Avalon sees the tribute attack her, and defends herself with her scythe while trying to stab the tribute with her daggers @Justice_Magician
  7. Avalon walks near the cornucopia to find some silver weapons when she finds a scythe and a dagger made out of silver. She picks them up and says to herself, “ I am ready to fight.”
  8. Avalon hears the cannon go off, “ One more to go,” Avalon thinks. “ I have to get a weapon, and win this for my brother.” She begins to walk around the arena quietly and alert for the other tribute. She tries to find a dead body that has a weapon. @Edema Rue @Lotus Blossom @Ancient Elantrian @SmilingPanda19 @Justice_Magician
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