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BlueWildRye last won the day on July 27

BlueWildRye had the most liked content!

About BlueWildRye

  • Birthday 05/02/2011

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Frozen in time for 2 years
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    In a box under your bed
  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson (well of course), J.R.R. Tolkien, writing books, Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Balu Brigada, Civilization V and VI, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, The Legend of Zelda, my chickens, mythologies, history (ancient, medieval, and early modern, not modern as much but I still appreciate it).

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  1. Nelan dropped, groaning in pain. The rest of the witch hunters surrounded him, drawing clubs. "We're willing to fight all of you if it means finding the witch!" one screamed. "We'll burn down as many buildings as we can!" Sutter coughed and sneaked away. "Crazy cousin and his crazy cult..." he muttered.
  2. The witch hunters reflexively drop the torches as they grunt with surprise. Rye shoots awake and opens his window. "Time to go. I hope one of those people found my cache..."
  3. I'll have to make a character for this some time.
  4. Nelan busts down the door as he marches into the inn with his witch hunters... again. This time, they seem far more enraged. "WHERE. IS. THE. WITCH." Nelan demanded. It seems like at any moment they were ready to throw their torches at the dry wooden floor. Meanwhile, Rye himself is asleep in his bed.
  5. Wyldri studied it intently. "This could be anything really. A farmhouse, a temple, a fortress... We should investigate further." She glanced at the bird.
  6. Hi guys! @Edema Rue isn't going to be on here for some time but when she does she'll immediately lose the game...heheh...
  7. I scream "Crucio!" at the sandwich while holding a wand in my hand.
  8. "Wait..." Rye looked at all the other people. "I'm not actually dreaming, aren't I. Well, hi guys."
  9. Rye woke up, rubbing his eyes wearily. "That was a weird and seizure-inducing dream," he said. There were a lot of flashing lights, that he remembered. Then he noticed he wasn't in his bed. He was somewhere on a mountain. And his pillow was an empty backpack. "Well, I guess I'm still dreaming," he announced aloud. He opened the backpack and pulled out an ancient book full of archaic symbols, as well as a smaller journal with their translations and interpretations of the text inside. "Huh." @Through The Living Glass
  10. Rye finally woke up and strolled down the stairs and into the common room, then realized he'd forgotten to put his hood on. He quickly did so before anyone had time to make out his features, and smiled awkwardly. "Hello, everyone. I assume that witch hunter left?" *** Sutter began walking towards the stables, to find his horse and ride back to Issor. Nelan and the gang would certainly be angry with him, but really, who could blame him for wanting to relax a little before the execution? As he finally found his gangly brown mare, named Jest, a hand grabbed him by the shoulder and spun him around. "NELAN?" Sutter yelped, quickly jumping back. His cousin stood, surrounded by the rest of the witch hunters, enraged expressions on their faces. "That demon escaped," muttered Nelan in frustration. "Tell me. Did he come back?" "I... I don't know! I thought I felt the presence of a witch in the room, but I was a little drunk, and..." Sutter was unable to finish his thought as Nelan dragged him out of the stables. Another hunter threw his club at him, which he managed to catch. "We're going back into the inn," Nelan declared, "And this time, I don't care if we burn it down."
  11. The Sunlit Man can be described as...


    "Stormlight Book 11", "The Night Brigade Book 2", and "Mistborn Era 4 book 0.5".

  12. I poke my head out and see that it isn't Page 221 yet.
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