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Just-A-Stick last won the day on August 4

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About Just-A-Stick

  • Birthday January 22

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  • Member Title
    I'm Panda's gorgeous dirt princess!! ^^
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    With @SmilingPanda19 and @Part of The Narative in our Walmart dumpster
  • Interests
    I love books, books, books, Brandon Sanderson books, God, asking questions, my cats, my family, my friends, my house, buying expensive Stormlight Archive t shirts from Etsy, writing my own stories with my writing group ( aka my three best friends and me) making valiant attempts at writing romance, writing "juicy" scenes, avidly hating math, being socially awkward, drawing, memes, nightblood, singing songs from various musicals (HAMILTON! LES MIS!!! IN THE HEIGHTS! NEWSIES! THE GREATEST SHOWMAN!!) and movies, country music, gardening, animals, foreign cultures, the beach, the mountains, geeking out with my friends about all kinds of junk, eating gummy bears, exercising. POETRY! PHOTOGRAPHY!! PHILOSOPHY!! QUESTIONS!! ECONOMICS!! DEBATE! cOnSpIrAcY!!!!! oh, and did I mention reading? ( This is NOT in order of importance)

    *AHAHAHAHAHAHA* ~Hermes at all times


    Quotes formerly in "Contact Methods":

    I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory; this is where it gets me, on my feet, the enemy ahead of me, if this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me, weapon in my hand, a command, and my men with me. ~ Hamilton

    I don't think that anyone gets it So I don't wanna tell anybody what really goin' on in my head I just wanna be alone and listen to the music and let it tell me the way I need to feel So I don't think I'm defective ~ Hurt Myself, Ekoh

    I need a break from my brain From the doubt, from the stress, from the pain This anxiety is killing me and keeping me awake I need a break from my temper It's exhausting to live with the anger It weighs me down and it holds me back ~ Take Me Away, New Medicine

    I see you Crying in a gown that's blue Screaming through a breathing tube "How'd I get to this place?" I see you Wondering how you came unglued Feeling like your whole life's screwed "Who could love me this way?" ~ ICU, Citizen Soldier

    All my life I had to keep fighting And I'm a prove 'em wrong or I'm a die trying Head like a stone, heart like a lion I'm a prove 'em wrong or I'm a die trying ~ Die Trying, New Medicine

    Used to pull down my sleeves Used to put makeup on So everyone would think I'm fine and nothing's wrong I buried all the pain, used to feel so ashamed Of all the things I wrote about myself with razor blades ~ Tattoos Citizen, Soldier

    Broken legs, but I chase perfection These walls are my blank expression My mind is a home I'm trapped in And it's lonely inside this mansion ~ Mansion, NF


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  1. My sermon notes from this morning


    Sermon Notes 1-28-24

    If you’re feeling weak, it’s a sign of strength to come.
    “If someone thinks I’m a lunatic, that’s fine with me, I probably am!” ~ Derrel
    Hebrews 12:1
    “Let us run the race that is before us and never give up. We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.”
    The key to finishing a good race is to simplify your life. Get rid of the baggage, eliminate the distractions, the time wasters that keep you from God’s best in your life.
    PHILIPPIANS 3:3-14
    "Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race."
    Remember the reward.
    When you feel like giving up, you remember these words. “My faith will be rewarded.”
    1 CORINTHIANS 925-26
    "To win the contest, you must deny yourself! many things that would keep you from doing your best. But we do it for a heavenly reward that never disappears. So I run straight to the
    goal with purpose in every step. A heavenly reward, personally rewarded by God!”
    "Let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up.”
    Resist all discouragement. Proactively move against it!
    You either get discouraged, or you procrastinate. That is from the enemy!
    "Let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we wil reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up.”
    “If doing what was wrong was hard, nobody would ever do it!”
    When you plant a seed, do you get it back instantly?! No!! That’s not how it works in God’s kingdom! There is a delay between sowing and reaping. You just have to keep on doing what’s right, that’s faith.
    One of the greatest tests of faith is how do you handle delays? How do you handle setbacks?
    “Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.”
    “Great people are just ordinary people with an extraordinary amount of determination.”
    PSALM 94:19
    "Lord, when doubts fill my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer.”
    "God, who began the good work within you, will keep right on helping you grow in His grace until His task within you s finished. What God starts in your ife, He finishes, and He's not through with you!”
    Renew myself daily. If you’re going to last over the long haul, you have to renew yourself daily.
    2 CORINTHIANS 4:16
    "This is why we never give up.
    Our spirits are being renewed every day?”
    God is not through with you, your race isn’t over yet!
    “You are never a failure until you quit.”
    1. What have you felt like giving up on? What dream? What goal?
    Whatever it is, don't give up.
    1. What do you need to finish?
    2. What's holding you back? What has distracted you from God's best?
    You need to get up, focus on the finish line, and start moving again.

    Ahhhh… don’t you just love it when your paying attention to the sermon, then you happen to look down and see your older brother playing with a can of butane in church…..


    Anyway, it's a bit of a chaotic wreck, but, I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYS YOUR SUNDAY!


    ~ Stick


    ( @Part Of The Narrative, @Shardwatcher01)

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