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Just-A-Stick last won the day on August 4

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About Just-A-Stick

  • Birthday January 22

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    I'm Panda's gorgeous dirt princess!! ^^
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    With @SmilingPanda19 and @Part of The Narative in our Walmart dumpster
  • Interests
    I love books, books, books, Brandon Sanderson books, God, asking questions, my cats, my family, my friends, my house, buying expensive Stormlight Archive t shirts from Etsy, writing my own stories with my writing group ( aka my three best friends and me) making valiant attempts at writing romance, writing "juicy" scenes, avidly hating math, being socially awkward, drawing, memes, nightblood, singing songs from various musicals (HAMILTON! LES MIS!!! IN THE HEIGHTS! NEWSIES! THE GREATEST SHOWMAN!!) and movies, country music, gardening, animals, foreign cultures, the beach, the mountains, geeking out with my friends about all kinds of junk, eating gummy bears, exercising. POETRY! PHOTOGRAPHY!! PHILOSOPHY!! QUESTIONS!! ECONOMICS!! DEBATE! cOnSpIrAcY!!!!! oh, and did I mention reading? ( This is NOT in order of importance)

    *AHAHAHAHAHAHA* ~Hermes at all times


    Quotes formerly in "Contact Methods":

    I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory; this is where it gets me, on my feet, the enemy ahead of me, if this is the end of me, at least I have a friend with me, weapon in my hand, a command, and my men with me. ~ Hamilton

    I don't think that anyone gets it So I don't wanna tell anybody what really goin' on in my head I just wanna be alone and listen to the music and let it tell me the way I need to feel So I don't think I'm defective ~ Hurt Myself, Ekoh

    I need a break from my brain From the doubt, from the stress, from the pain This anxiety is killing me and keeping me awake I need a break from my temper It's exhausting to live with the anger It weighs me down and it holds me back ~ Take Me Away, New Medicine

    I see you Crying in a gown that's blue Screaming through a breathing tube "How'd I get to this place?" I see you Wondering how you came unglued Feeling like your whole life's screwed "Who could love me this way?" ~ ICU, Citizen Soldier

    All my life I had to keep fighting And I'm a prove 'em wrong or I'm a die trying Head like a stone, heart like a lion I'm a prove 'em wrong or I'm a die trying ~ Die Trying, New Medicine

    Used to pull down my sleeves Used to put makeup on So everyone would think I'm fine and nothing's wrong I buried all the pain, used to feel so ashamed Of all the things I wrote about myself with razor blades ~ Tattoos Citizen, Soldier

    Broken legs, but I chase perfection These walls are my blank expression My mind is a home I'm trapped in And it's lonely inside this mansion ~ Mansion, NF


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  1. Miracle



    I awoke and saw a bright,
    Yellow flower, sitting alone
    On my dresser.
    It was, and is, such a simple thing…
    A yellow flower. A spark in the darkness.
    A flame, ready to grow.
    But I saw it as so much more.
    I saw it as a promise. A miracle.
    This long, dark, depressing winter
    Can only last so long before Spring
    Makes her appearance.
    It was a symbol of hope, of light, of an ending
    To the dark.
    My heart laughs with joy
    At the thought.
    Warmth, sunshine, new life.
    So different from the cold, hard,
    Angry form of Winter, who has tried
    So many times to trap me in his cold,
    Sad, scary, embrace.
    But I will soon escape.
    The darkness, the cold, the fear,
    The depression, the anger, the emptiness,
    The loneliness, the sadness, the tears…
    They all make up the winter,
    The winter that I will soon escape from.
    With the help
    Of my tiny
    My little flower…
    I think of her as my friend now,
    One who is helping to 
    See me through the dark days,
    One who is promising light,
    And with the light, comes life,
    Comes new ideas,
    New hope, new purpose, new plans,
    What started this?
    A tiny, yellow flower…
    One who has become my friend,
    One who, at her passing,
    Will shrivel, and die.
    But my hope does not die with her.
    Nay, it springs afresh with each of her siblings.
    A fresh miracle, one for me to enjoy,
    Until hope comes to
    The outside world.
    Until the Miracle of Spring
    Is upon us. 
    ~ Stick 2-22-24





    The tears slide
    Down my face
    They sting my eyes
    Make them red
    They leave trails
    Of dark and
    Down to my chin
    Where they drip
    Onto my blanket
    Leaving little wet
    I sit here
    And let them
    And drip
    And travel towards
    The other puddles
    Where they join
    And make
    Bigger spots
    On my lap
    On my blanket
    I don’t even
    Bother to wipe them
    There is no point
    They will be followed
    By others
    I sit here and
    Breath catching
    In my throat
    And hitching
    In my lungs
    I have so much
    To mourn
    And so many tears
    Stored up
    They won’t come
    All at once
    But over the course of
    Of however long
    It takes
    To get relief
    From this
    Well of
    Pressure deep
    Down inside
    They slide
    And leak
    And pour
    From my heart
    They hurt
    But pain brings
    Once I have
    Cried all of
    Today’s tears
    I gently
    Remove the
    Streaks down
    My face
    Left by the tears
    I wash it all away
    Warm water
    Soft rag
    Quiet lights
    Peaceful music
    Crumpled tissues
    The sniffles
    And disappear
    But my eyes
    Are still red
    They still sting
    Still mirror
    The hurt inside
    That won’t come
    Out today
    I just have to
    Wait for them
    And hope
    That it’s a
    Good time
    To let the tears
    Go freely
    Down my face
    And start everything
    All over again
    I don’t know
    How to process
    The emotions
    And the tears
    Don’t always come
    They don’t always
    Make me feel
    They don’t always
    Cleanse me
    But I still
    Try to cry
    I make myself
    It hurts
    But sometimes
    I need
    The pain
    The pain that
    Will maybe
    Bring healing
    The tears are my
    Glowing softly
    In the dark
    Down my
    ~ Stick 2-25-24

    I Wish


    I Wish

    I wish I was as strong as Dalinar
    I wish I was as brave as Kaladin
    I wish I was as smart as Navani
    I wish I was as pretty as Shallan
    I wish I was as in love as Adolin
    I wish I was as mature as Jasnah
    I wish I was as likable as Lopen
    I wish I was as kind as Hesina
    I wish I was as awesome as Lift
    I wish I was as funny as Rock
    I wish I was as loyal as Teft
    I wish I was as confident as Veil
    I wish I was as bubbly as Syl
    I wish I was as happy as Gawx
    I wish I was as gentle as Lirin
    I wish I had as much purpose as Venli
    I just wish… I was different. 
    ~ Stick 2-28-24

    There you go :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhyEverNot_8


      Stick, you’re gonna make me cry in the middle of my storming creative writing class, these are so rusting good. (Also what a strange coincidence, because in CW we’re doing Poetry…)

    3. Just-A-Stick



      *hugs* Sorry, but I'm not really... but I am... hummmmm....

      Glad you enjoyed them :) 

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      *returns hug*

      You’re fine :D

      And thanks for sharing them!

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