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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Hmm... what should we do about it?"
  2. Fun fact time!

    1. I won yesterday

    2. You just lost the game

    3. I like painting my overalls

    4. I have the same favorite kind of gummy bears as Brandon

    5. The people of the shard don't know where to spend their rep, because I SOMEHOW keep winning

    6. I introduced a new person to Brandon's work today, and he might be joining this forum soon!

    7. This guy saw me at church and thought I was 23 years old


    This has been fun facts with Stick, pics of my overalls tomorrow!!



    One Blood.


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. Kajsa


      scud, i hate losing the game lol

      also 23 is crazy 😂 it’s like when thaid thought i was 25 lolllll

    2. shortcake


      I had a kid think I was in my late 20s when I went to the pool last year 😭

  3. I'm winning! You all are losing! The game!!!
  4. "Hmm... that certainly sounds traumatic."
  5. *sighs*

    Okay, sad news time.

    TW: depressing


    So... my parents have been living separately for the last 16 months-ish, but I've still been seeing my dad a lot, and he's still been at my house almost every day, and sleeping overnight on the couch a bunch.

    That... all changed today.

    My dad is moving into an apartment.

    He's not going to be home anymore.

    They said at least four months, but maybe longer.

    That he might be back by October...

    They're not divorced.

    They say they don't believe in divorce.


    I feel like... the ground dropped from underneath me... again.



    Veil only got 9 minutes on her phone today...

    I got 57 words from her today.

    I... miss her so much.

    I still don't have an appetite. 

    I feel like giving up.

    I had multiple mental breakdowns today...


    I'm just... so done.

    I wanna go home, but nowhere feels like home...

    Except maybe Veil's or Shallan and Radiant's house...

    But they're all gone until Monday...


    I don't know what to do with myself anymore...

    So, there's all the depressing stuff.

    Sorry bout that.

    ~ Stick


    ima write more soon I promise.


    off for the night

  6. I made @SmilingPanda19, @WhyEverNot_8, and @Edema Rue lose! As well as my brother
  7. How can I get used to being happy, when there is so much that makes me sad? It's not that I don't like being happy, it's just that, whenever I am happy, I can't enjoy it because I know it won't last. Because I'm a pessimist. A pessimist borne of experiences. Is unhappy a lifestyle? Can it have substance apart from the one who feels it? Does it need to? And what is a feeling, other than a certain mix of chemicals in the brain?
  8. *massive question mark*


    *massive side-eye*



    Thanks tho


    love you guys to


  9. Did anybody get this yet? "Why have problems when you can use drugs!" ~ @Vyzkel Willbender
  10. I'm winning. Why am I winning, you ask? Because I need something to make me the slightest bit happy. Because the rest of my life feels like a living Hell. So here I am, winning.
  11. My phone case got a new sticker!!!

    Previously it was a chibi-style Maddison from Hamilton, and now we have:




    Also, yes, I know the case is scratched and breaking and I need a new one, but I keep spending the tiny bits of money I find/earn on art supplies instead. ;-;


    Sticker hack:


    If you wipe the surface with an alcohol wipe, then put the sticker on, smooth it on the surface, and apply lots of pressure, it works pretty good.


    if you add a layer of clear nail polish over the whole thing and let it dry, it stays on so much longer!!! and if the sticker starts to peel off after a while and you aren't ready to change it (let's be honest, guys, Etsy stickers are expensive) you can add another coat and it'll help stretch the life of the sticker out!!

    You just have to use some nail polish remover over the sticker before you can get it off.

    It also might have negative side effects with whatever surface you're stickering, so be careful 😅


    Next in line (after we say goodbye to the sisters) for the phone case is chibi-style Aaron Burr (also from Hamilton-)




    I'm trying to post something positive so that I have an excuse to spill everything else later.

    Don't read my next few unless you're ready for sadness/depression/whatever else

    I'll TW them.



    One Blood.


    ~ Stick ❤️ 

    1. WhyEverNot_8



      Your phone case ain’t that bad lol



      Thanks for the tips! I need to use those on my laptop stickers!

    2. Just-A-Stick


      Yeah, well, you could buy a new one.

      If you didn't spend every penny on nerd stuff.


  12. "So... they wanted to kill you because you were different?"
  13. I don't know if I do like being happy. Happy is different, and I don't like different. I don't like change and unhappy is what I'm used to. And is happy more than a passing feeling? Does it have substance? Or is it just a feeling? ... This has been Philosophy with Stick Tune in next time for who knows what else
  14. *finds myself crying as i'm reading through this again* you guys should rename it the "making Stick cry thread" *sighs* why do i do this
  15. Ahna fell into a coma-like sleep, completely still other than the occasional rise and fall of her chest.
  16. I have no idea who would see this, but I really need someone to talk to.

    i have 20-25 minutes.

    if anyone wants to pm me, it'd be really appreciated. 

    1. shortcake


      sticky I'm sorry I didn't see his earlier but if you still want to talk I can shoot you a PM?

      I do have work in about 30 minutes but I can text you still

      if you need my number for easier communication I can give it to you

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