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Status Replies posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Started tomato and pepper seeds today.

    My inventory includes:



    Black Beauty, the skin is a deep purple/black color. I got these so I could make purple salsa

    Bushsteak, a beefsteak hybrid, for topping my burgers

    Chocolate Cherry


    Peppers, here's where the fun begins

    Lemon Drop, small C. Baccatum peppers with a very citrus flavor, incredibly tasty just on their own

    Pepperoncini, specifically there for pickling, we'll see if we actually pickle them

    Aji Charipita, the so called most expensive pepper ever, supposedly they have great flavor, and I really want to just pop one in my mouth

    Goronong, a Malay habanero, that grows in a beautiful spiral shape. I think I'll try to pickle these as well, also here for decoration, I like cool looking peppers

    Hungarian Yellow Wax, a yellow jalapeño like pepper, nothing special, but I grew them my first year growing peppers, so I keep growing them

    Habanero, I got these and the yellow was at a dollar store actually, as a 4 for $1 (2 ea.) deal

    Thunder Mountain Longhorn, a Chinese cayenne that grows up to 12-14 in long, I plan to cross these with some other varieties for decorative purposes mostly

    Mad Hatter, a sweeter, pepperoncini heat pepper, in the shape of a colonial tricorn hat. These were free with another purchase, not sure what to do with them

    Serrano, nothing to see here, though these might be a peppergate 23 casualty

    Buena Mulata, a small purple pepper that packs plenty of heat. Also here for purple salsa and hot sauce

    Cayenne, same as with serrano

    Jalapeno, nothing special here, but I have two packets, one from this year, one from last because I'm pretty sure last year's was a peppergate casualty as well


  2. Started tomato and pepper seeds today.

    My inventory includes:



    Black Beauty, the skin is a deep purple/black color. I got these so I could make purple salsa

    Bushsteak, a beefsteak hybrid, for topping my burgers

    Chocolate Cherry


    Peppers, here's where the fun begins

    Lemon Drop, small C. Baccatum peppers with a very citrus flavor, incredibly tasty just on their own

    Pepperoncini, specifically there for pickling, we'll see if we actually pickle them

    Aji Charipita, the so called most expensive pepper ever, supposedly they have great flavor, and I really want to just pop one in my mouth

    Goronong, a Malay habanero, that grows in a beautiful spiral shape. I think I'll try to pickle these as well, also here for decoration, I like cool looking peppers

    Hungarian Yellow Wax, a yellow jalapeño like pepper, nothing special, but I grew them my first year growing peppers, so I keep growing them

    Habanero, I got these and the yellow was at a dollar store actually, as a 4 for $1 (2 ea.) deal

    Thunder Mountain Longhorn, a Chinese cayenne that grows up to 12-14 in long, I plan to cross these with some other varieties for decorative purposes mostly

    Mad Hatter, a sweeter, pepperoncini heat pepper, in the shape of a colonial tricorn hat. These were free with another purchase, not sure what to do with them

    Serrano, nothing to see here, though these might be a peppergate 23 casualty

    Buena Mulata, a small purple pepper that packs plenty of heat. Also here for purple salsa and hot sauce

    Cayenne, same as with serrano

    Jalapeno, nothing special here, but I have two packets, one from this year, one from last because I'm pretty sure last year's was a peppergate casualty as well


  3. Kittens are coming!

    Sapphire is in labor, so far she's had four and three of them didn't make it. :( 

    There might be more, but we'll see.



  4. HI GUYS!!!

    IT'S ME!!!


    Panda gave me her info so that I can help with all 159 of her notifs!!!

    :D :D :D 

    I feel so powerfullll!!!!

  5. Oh, hey!!

    Face reveal time!!!!






    Do with it what you will.


    ~ Stick 

  6. Hey, thanks for following me. Don't know if we've officially met tho so hi :lol:

  7. I wrote a short scene thing.

    It will also be in my writing thread, which is linked in my About Me.



    TW: Blood, violence, neglect, self harm, school shooting, murder oh and suicide. 





    The girl looked in the mirror, adjusting the mask that covered the lower half of her face. It was turned up in a bright, cheerful smile. It helped hide all the pain on the inside. Is it good enough? It wouldn’t do to have anyone prying into her past. Not today.

    She brushed the mask over with makeup, matching it to the rest of her face, adding in a few beautiful details. Just to make them like me.

    The girl turned away from the bathroom mirror, satisfied that nobody would find out.

    She tugged her sweatshirt sleeves down, covering all of the many, ugly scars on her arms. Hiding the rope burns underneath her bracelets. Hiding where her ribs stuck out from lack of food with special pads in her clothes.

    She picked up her backpack, barely able to carry it because of its weight. It held so much baggage. It held everything. To lose it would ruin everything. So she would keep it with her.

    The girl struggled down the front steps of the decrepit old house. She turned the street corner and started walking, shoulders hunched against the cold wind.

    She walked that way until about a block away from the building. Stopping there, she stepped behind a tree, pulling out a tiny mirror and checking that everything was in place. Good… it’s all good. She snapped the case shut, put it away and finished her walk, one hand resting comfortably on the gun inside her coat.

    She ducked through the doors, walking down the hallway, a spring in her step and a smile on her face while, on the inside, her gut roiled with hatred.

    Hatred of herself, and everyone else. It was a swirling pit of darkness, cruel and twisted. But that was her. That was who she was. It was the most important part of her.

    She stopped at her locker, hand tightening on the gun in her jacket, fingers caressing the smooth, worn rubber. This wasn’t their first rodeo. They had killed before. It was easy. Ready? She asked the gun, not expecting a response, but asking anyway.

    She looked up and down the hallway, verifying that there were plenty of students. Targets. She corrected herself. That's all they are now. Targets.

    She would have to be quick. She would have to kill as many as she could before killing herself.

    All in one fluid motion, she yanked the gun out of her jacket and opened fire, tuning the screams out as blood sprayed the once white hallway.


                                                                                                                   . . .



    “Motivation?” The news reporter said to the camera. “The police were unable to find any. The murderer was the person the surviving students always saw as the smiling, happy, calm and respectful type. When trying to dig into her past, we couldn’t find anything except a few forged birth certificates. No family, no relatives, no caretakers. Just empty record after empty record.

    The murderer is now dead. She reportedly turned the gun on herself after killing and wounding a total of 35 students. Please be supportive of the families and friends of those lost, and together, we will stand through this tragedy as a community.”

    The broadcast ended and the screen went black. The girl stood up and left the room.

    It was time to move to a new city.


    ~ Stick 3-24-24


  8. Six years, very Shardiversary, much wow 


  9. Hey, thanks for following me. Don't know if we've officially met tho so hi :lol:

  10. Well, it took a lil bit for me to decide what I wanted my "I'm back" post to be...

    But! I decided to post more ✨Watercolor Art✨

    So, here we go!



    I did 3 trout for an environmental science thingy for school.




     BUT I DID IT!!

    (yes, i KNOW the brookie doesn't look right! i was rushed and I messed up a bunch)


    And, my Mom's birthday is on Saturday so I painted her a flower.

    It's supposed to be a ranunculus, but it looks more like a rose.

    Not the best, but it was okay.





    Anyway, I'm still alive, even if I don't feel like it.

    Love y'all,

    Stay safe,

    My PMs are always open.

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  11. Well, it took a lil bit for me to decide what I wanted my "I'm back" post to be...

    But! I decided to post more ✨Watercolor Art✨

    So, here we go!



    I did 3 trout for an environmental science thingy for school.




     BUT I DID IT!!

    (yes, i KNOW the brookie doesn't look right! i was rushed and I messed up a bunch)


    And, my Mom's birthday is on Saturday so I painted her a flower.

    It's supposed to be a ranunculus, but it looks more like a rose.

    Not the best, but it was okay.





    Anyway, I'm still alive, even if I don't feel like it.

    Love y'all,

    Stay safe,

    My PMs are always open.

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

  12. *attempts to refrain from panicking at the loud clapping and yelling that is happening*

    *counts down seconds till end of school*

  13. *attempts to refrain from panicking at the loud clapping and yelling that is happening*

    *counts down seconds till end of school*

  14. *attempts to refrain from panicking at the loud clapping and yelling that is happening*

    *counts down seconds till end of school*

  15. *attempts to refrain from panicking at the loud clapping and yelling that is happening*

    *counts down seconds till end of school*

  16. *attempts to refrain from panicking at the loud clapping and yelling that is happening*

    *counts down seconds till end of school*

  17. Oh no...

    The guys at my school just discovered that I have noise sensitivity issues...








    have my eye as well





    Courtesy of my mOtHeR








    have my eye as well





    Courtesy of my mOtHeR



  20. *SIGH*

    This aquaponics project is killing me...

    Apparently, you can't set the floating raft with the plants inside the fish tank, you apparently need a  separate fish tank for all the plants with pumps and filters and stuff in between...


    I'm so tired of this, but tomorrow is project day, so...


    that's where I'm at...

    back to research... 

  21. This paint water is absolutely gorgeous and the level of self control I’m using to NOT drink it is wild—




  22. This paint water is absolutely gorgeous and the level of self control I’m using to NOT drink it is wild—




  23. This paint water is absolutely gorgeous and the level of self control I’m using to NOT drink it is wild—




  24. Guys, I'm literally not watching the trailer for an R rated movie while I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork!

    That's not me!

    I would never do that...


    1. Just-A-Stick


      @SmilingPanda19 is my mamma, and my child, depending on the circumstances.

      You are, (i'm pretty sure) a dude.

      A dude who, is apparently fRiEnDs WiTh My cHiLd!!!

      That warrants my protection. 




    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  25. Helloooo

    Yesterday, we apparently had to get more animals, because 

    6 chickens, some assorted fish, 4 cats, (1 pregnant) andalltheothersican'tremebermybrainhurtsowch-

    Aren't enough animals

    so now we have these:


    image0.jpeg.9c455005419dfafe5d5bfa3a54b5e454.jpegMale hamster named Puff 

    image1.jpeg.df39a237cfa17dd3d20cf26a3b5e5e93.jpeg Female hamster named Coco

    Coco+Puff= CEREAL- 

    *eats animals*




    Love Y'all

    ~ Stick ❤️ 

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