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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Nothing... just... it's fine." She glanced down and continued stroking his forehead.
  2. @Part Of The Narrative, @Invisible, @TheRavenHasLanded @Anyone else who does this I'm having to much fun! WHO'S NEXT??
  3. "Yeah, alright." She smiled at him, trying to make it look genuine.
  4. not fans of Brandon, or fantasy in general more like...
  5. "Um... so that you can actually get some sleep?" She glanced away.
  6. Oh! It still is, my parents are just... uhhh... *cough* I'll say, I had about a 20 min argument trying to get them to let me read WoK...
  7. "And why's that?" She asked softly, stroking his forehead again.
  8. hehehee Favorite Mod?
  9. How??? I've only been here since... November 1st... XDD
  10. She smiled, relaxing beside him. "If I'm asleep, how am I supposed to make sure your sleeping?"
  11. "Hm... I suppose..." She grinned and cupped his face, and pressing her lips against his, trailing her fingers through his hair.
  12. "Hmm... you didn't say please though..." She sniffed self righteously, trying and failing to keep a straight face. "I only kiss people who use their manners."
  13. She laughed, "Alright, fine. What will help you?"
  14. She kissed his lips. "Stop smiling." @Weaver of Lights
  15. "Mmmhmm..." She moved her fingers to his brow. "I think you should sleep though."
  16. I LEARNED HOW!!!!! @Shardwatcher01 and @Thaidakar the Ghostblood cause you'd prolly find this amusing
  17. She huffed a breath. "Well, I'm sorry." Her eyes twinkled and she couldn't suppress a grin. @Weaver of Lights
  18. She rolled her eyes, grinning also. "You can't sleep if your smiling."
  19. *is working my butt off to try and make a meme*


  20. She stroked his cheek with one finger.
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