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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "It's fine! I'm fine!" She leaves.
  2. Poetry Dump!







    My mind rocks
    In the turbulent darkness
    It wavers on the brink
    Of a decision.
    A choice.
    A plan.
    I can’t continue.
    Everything hurts.
    Breathing is too much work.
    I’m drowning under all these
    That I have to do
    I’m drifting,
    Lost in thought.
    I have a plan,
    I can just
    End it.
    I want it to happen
    I’m practically begging for it
    To happen.
    It’s just too much.
    I can’t.
    I’m so sorry,
    But I just can’t.
    Can’t cry,
    Can’t feel
    Anything but this desire.
    Why am I here?
    I hate this.
    All of it.
    This pitiful,
    I’m trapped in this cage.
    I know only one
    Way to escape.
    That’s to just
    End it.
    I’m so tired.
    All I want is rest.
    I’m sorry,
    But it will happen
    One day
    I want it to be today.
    I can’t face tomorrow.
    Of torture.
    Trapped in my cage,
    This stupid
    The cage I can’t escape.
    The cage I hate.
    This cage won’t be here
    I’ll end my own suffering
    It’s only a matter of time.
    Till my unstable
    I can’t wait
    I want it to be now
    I want to leave
    I’m dead inside,
    So why don’t I just
    Finish the job?
    That sounds
    I wonder
    Who will be the first
    One to find my
    My dad?
    Will it be
    My mother?
    The one who
    Trapped me in here
    In the first place?
    They might
    Be devastated,
    But I’ll have found
    My peace.
    My friends
    Will mourn,
    But they’ll move on.
    They can find other friends.
    In time,
    They’ll move on.
    And I’ll be left,
    Ashes scattered
    Across barren land,
    Finally at peace
    I’ll be free.
    I’ll float,
    Without my cage
    To hinder me.
    I’m saying goodbye.
    I’ll miss you,
    But this is what best.
    I’m sorry,
    But I can’t keep living in this
    I’ve tried to escape before,
    And I don’t know what’s stopped me
    I won’t be stopped again.
    I’m leaving.
    I’ve tried
    Cutting my way out
    Of this cage,
    But it didn’t work.
    I have scars,
    But it’s worth it
    To feel the pain
    Instead of emptiness.
    The emptiness of
    My cage.
    I would ask
    To be saved,
    But I want this
    Not a savior.
    I want the death
    The peace that
    Comes after.
    All I have to do is
    Stop breathing.
    I won’t be unstable anymore.
    I’ll be gone.
    I’ll be gone.
    I’m leaving.
    I’ll miss you.
    But I’m just
    ~ Stick 2-7-24




    They are
    Only scratches.
    Nothing more.
    They scar,
    They bleed,
    They hurt.
    But they
    Are only
    And yet,
    I want them to
    Be more than
    Just scratches.
    I’m tired of scratches.
    I’m tired of drips
    Of blood.
    I want wounds.
    I want a river of
    I want it all to
    Go away,
    At the point of this
    I can picture it,
    I can start,
    But I can’t finish.
    I always fail.
    I always fail.
    I want to
    Add more scratches.
    If I get enough,
    I’ll finally die.
    Death by scratches.
    ~ Stick 2-8-24

    I'm Sorry


    I’m Sorry

    Dear friend,
    I’m so, so sorry.
    I’m sorry about last night.
    I’m sorry for the things I did,
    I’m sorry for the way I acted.
    I’m sorry for the way that I am.
    I’m sorry for my poor decisions
    I’m sorry for causing you
    Pain as well.
    I’m sorry for ruining
    What you gave me.
    I’m sorry for
    So many things.
    I’m sorry
    For the blood
    On your
    I’m sorry.
    ~ Stick 2-8-24


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue
    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      *hugs hugs hugs*

      Eddie is much better at words than I am, but she’s right. It is absolutely worth it to stay alive. There really is hope, even though it can be nearly impossible to see. Keep breathing ❤️‍🩹

    4. shortcake


      Stick, promise you'll remember that you are loved, okay?

  3. Sticketh stares at him. "WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" She explodes, throwing her hands in the air, and making to stomp out of the courtroom.
  4. "This person!" She points to @Invisible, "Keeps calling me weird nicknames that have to do with trees, logs, stick, leaves, and the like. I believe, Your Honor, that my contact in his phone is, in fact "Lady Log"...." @TheRavenHasLanded
  5. Yeah... but... I'm still sorry. I made you uncomfortable.
  6. She smiled and closed her eyes. I'm sorry about earlier to. I'm sorry for going to far.
  7. I forgive you. She sighed happily, relaxing further.
  8. She smiled, laying her head against his chest. Your welcome.
  9. For what? What have I done?
  10. "Thank you." Iris says, eyes gentle.
  11. I'll continue to forgive you, because I love you. She relaxed in his arms, showing him how safe he made her feel. Thank you, for being safe.
  12. "Because, it's my purpose in life. Without it, I'd be far worse off, and without a mission. I help people, because I need to. It's a job, yes, but it's also my joy. I need this. It helps me too. I hope that helps to answer your question."
  13. "Can you take some deep breaths? I know this is hard, that you don't know me, but I want to help you, and Isa."
  14. That doesn't make it alright for me to keep hurting you.
  15. "I don't think we are quite ready for that yet. Does she remember any of it?"
  16. "Shh... she won't come until you are ready, I promise." Iris soothed him gently, "Just breathe. It'll be alright."
  17. "Are you alright?" She asks. "When should ISA come back?"
  18. I MADE THAT!!! Low key SO cool! I love that it's also turnupsidedownable *hehehe* 10/10!!
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