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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Iris was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry... how old...?"
  2. "True, but you can change how you see it." Iris looked at him. "Please? Will you tell me?"
  3. I'm sorry for all the trauma... it keeps hurting both of us.
  4. She looked at him, tears forming. You cry to much... She ignored the thought and curled up against him, letting him hold her.
  5. "Jared. Do you believe that you can get better?"
  6. She can't stop from what she's sending him. I made you unhappy- I'll get hurt, I'll get- left! She shuddered, trying to sink into the floor. It didn't work.
  7. Iris lays her hand in her lap. "Just breathe. Don't talk, just relax. You're safe here. So is Insa."
  8. Sorry. She sits up, scooting away from him, staring at her hands. sorrysorrysorry...
  9. Rex stopped, accidently sending her feelings. He's leaving, your not good enough, you went to far.
  10. Iris put her pen down, getting up from her chair and crouching in front of him, laying her hand on his knee. "Jared, I'm a therapist. I've seen it all. If you won't breathe for me, then please, breathe for your sister?" Her voice is soft and calming.
  11. On top of him now, she cupped his face, still kissing him.
  12. Iris looks up. "It's alright, just breathe."
  13. "Then... I don't know how I'm supposed to help you- or Insa."
  14. Good. She only kissed him harder, not caring if she knocked him over or not.
  15. "Well, PTSD usually doesn't show up by itself, so something must have caused it, right?" She pressed gently
  16. She wordlessly told him that her head was fine, and that she couldn't feel any pain. Don't be ashamed, please, just... enjoy the moment...
  17. "Can you tell me about the PTSD?" She asks gently
  18. She smiled slightly, lips still on his. She opened their link. I love this. She sent him all her love and wonderful feelings, along with deepening the kiss.
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