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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Not scary, I just... couldn't... it's just a lot right now, and I don't have the mental space for all the trying to help you, and also help me to." She paused. "I'm sorry." @Weaver of Lights
  2. She ignored her surprise, and lost herself in the kiss, fingers tangling through his hair like they had a mind of their own.
  3. *whispers*

    Can I add you to my Shardbuddie collection? :P 

    1. Mat


      I don’t really know who you are and probably won’t be on the Shard much (if at all) but sure :P 

  4. She leaned into him, allowing herself to be comforted.
  5. GUYS!






    Meet my cat: Boromir! (Named after the LoTR character) (there's a story...) 


    HE IS FLOOOFYYYY @The Wandering Wizard




  6. She was silent for several minutes. "The door's open." She finally mumbled.
  7. "Well I don't want me the way I am, so how could you?"
  8. "You don't want me like this." Was her sorrow-filled reply.
  9. Rex shook her head, laying it back in her hands. "It's fine." Her voice was muffled and emotionless.
  10. Rex snapped her head up. "I... I'm fine." She called, failing to keep her voice from quavering.
  11. Rex dug the heels of her hands into her eyes, trying to stem the flow of tears, but to no avail. Stupid, stupid, stupid... why don't you just stop. End it? She pondered for a moment. The bathroom had a sink, she could try to drown... Rex shook herself, trying to force the thought out of her mind, but it wouldn't leave. It only sounded more appealing, the harder she tried to tired to force it away.
  12. Jinx looked at him. "I... no, sorry, not right... mistake." She mumbled, crawling deeper into the shadows.
  13. I can't do this right now... what is wrong with me? She started to cry, hating herself for it, but unable to stop.
  14. Rex slid to the floor, putting her head in her hands. The headache returned, and she swore at it mentally. It was the last thing she needed right now.
  15. She just shook her head. "Excuse me." She moved away, walking across the room, and into the small bathroom, closing the door behind her.
  16. "So? I'm human! I'm going to disagree with others!"
  17. "And who is that? Really?" She looked him in the eyes. "Who are you?"
  18. "Yeah... I just wish you could see who you really are. Who I see you as." She whispered.
  19. she nodded, biting her lip. "I... I read a book one time, and the author said, if you can't love yourself, you'll never be able to love others." Rex looked down.
  20. "Don't lie to me... You aren't fine. Please, tell me what's wrong? Did... did I do something?"
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