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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Okay." She sighed happily, enjoying their nearness.
  2. "Alright, thank you for coming! I'll look forward to our meeting next week." Iris stands and opens the door for Athena.
  3. "I can do a week from now... same time?" Iris pulls out her laptop and types in a few things.
  4. Jinx cocked her head to the side and looked at the new arrivals.
  5. "I love you to." She smiled at him.
  6. "I'd really appreciate it." Iris checks the clock again. "It looks like we have about fifteen minutes of our session left. Anything else we should talk about? And do you think you'd like additional appointments, or is this the only one you would like?"
  7. She leaned in to the kiss, kissing him back, closing her eyes.
  8. "Do you think you could go just to make sure?" She asks gently.
  9. "Alright... maybe you should go sometime." Iris offers, "We need to make sure that you are heathy."
  10. "Good." She said, laying her forehead against his.
  11. 3,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  12. "Alright... when was the last time you went to the normal doctor?"
  13. She laid her hand on his cheek, looking in his eyes. "You are wonderful. Really."
  14. She smiled up at him. "I'll take that as a compliment."
  15. "Would you like to be? It might help you."
  16. She hugged him. "So you can believe that you deserve to be here, with me?"
  17. "Alright, have you ever been tested for any?"
  18. "Alright, do you have any mental health diagnosis?"
  19. "I don't want you to leave." She said honestly. "Can you believe that? That you belong here?" She held his hand.
  20. "Alright... do you have any magical abilities?" Iris asked
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