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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Mmmhmmm.... that's nice. *pat pat* I'm still taller than you. True
  2. "Yes, but they are not your fault."
  3. "I could, but I'm not going to. If I was, then I would also be ashamed of myself, for having the same thoughts. If someone breaks their leg, are you going to be ashamed of them?" She asked.
  4. "Because, I love you, and I care about you. I can't be ashamed of someone who I care about so deeply." She said softly.
  5. "I do! It's my favorite!" She smiled.
  6. "I should be...?" She left her question hang.
  7. "Thank you." Iris says softly, taking some deep breaths as well.
  8. "No, it's not. You shouldn't be." She whispered.
  9. "It's nothing to be ashamed about." She said softly, cupping his face with her hand and tilting it toward her. @Lightweaver2
  10. "Sorry, never mind." She looked away.
  11. "Are you alright?" She asked softly, giving his hand a squeeze.
  12. "Daniel." She whispered, taking his hand in hers.
  13. She watched him carefully, noting that her head wasn't hurting, and that she could think clearly again. The medicine must have worn off.
  14. Rex slowly became aware of her surroundings. Something felt... different... I didn't dream. She realized. Rex opened her eyes slowly.
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