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Posts posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. On 1/26/2024 at 4:17 AM, Just a Silvereye said:

    I had never heard of metallic bonds until today, and I have studied chemistry for a while. I've looked up the wikipedia page, and this thing is indeed weird and really cool. So I learned something too today.

    And it's the second time this kind of thing happens in this thread even though its still page one. Thanks everyone for posting and educating me!


    (For the curious, the short version is: metallic positive ions are sharing electrons that belong to neither of them. Also the way it's organized is a crystalline structure with the positive ions making the crystal proper and a "soup" of free electrons between the ions.)

    what's a TruthDancer?




  2. On 6/2/2024 at 7:22 PM, Kajsa said:

    you made me lose because I was innocently on your profile making sure I didn't miss any of your amazing arts or any funny SUs 


  3. 17 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    *sigh* Let's see...

    Mental health ain't doing too hot.

    Feelin' lonely.

    No motivation to get up in the morning (so i've been getting up in the afternoons instead)

    Groggy the rest of the day because of doing this^.

    Tired of being yelled at by my mom for just existing, so I go to my room to draw only to find out my apps aren't working and I probably won't be able to draw on a computer for another two months, so I try to see if I can fix them but then I get yelled at for "not spending time with my family," even though they're the last people I want to see right now and being around them only makes me more depressed.

    Mom is a huge introvert who doesn't believe in letting her kids see or text their friends for some reason, even though we're all extroverted, so that's nice.

    Nobody in my family seems to care about my mental health except my aunt, but she lives six hours away and I can't contact her...

    My bf has come over a couple times, but he's the only bright spot in my life right now.

    Just been suffering in silence for the past eternity since school ended.

    And it's only the second week of summer...


    only seventy days 'til school starts and I can finally get out of here...

    hugs would be appreciated...

    *hugs (many of the large type)*

    My PMs are always open if you want to talk.

    We love you and we're here.


  4. 2 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    Who is Roosif?


    1 hour ago, Vyzkel Willbender said:

    I have the same question.


    she’s a good friend, was only on for a few months then the mods found out that she was a month underage 😭😭😭😭😭

    she disappeared off the shard and her other platforms and we had a big scare back in January because she was a known suicidal, and she completely disappeared. Nobody knew her irl, so it was really scary. Turns out she was just in a bad car accident and was incapacitated for a few weeks. (Broken femur and sprained arm)

    but I have her email and she’s okay now.

    but she was so goofy and fun and positive… *sighs*

    I miss her -_- 

  5. 23 hours ago, BlueWildRye said:

    The start of the second one is Let It Go from Frozen lol. Really good though!

    On purpose! (And thank you smch) 

    19 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    thats what i thought!


    wow they are both amazing!

    Thank youuuu!

    18 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    Wow, Stick.


    You doin' okay?


    Much better now, though tired cause I cried myself to sleep and got a headache


  6. 22 hours ago, Scars of Hathsin said:


    7 hours ago, Edema Rue said:


    MAKE @Anguished_One LOSE!! OR @Immortal Platypus!! OR ANYONE WHO ISNT ME!!

    No no no don’t they get angry. 


    I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

    MY SHARDFRENS AS @Roosif used to say *SOB*



  7. Just now, Wierdo said:

    "Do you wanna go d-do something together?"

    "Okay... or we could find somewhere to talk or something." She tucked her long hair behind one ear, smiling bashfully. She didn't know why, but the casino didn't seem as scary now. 

  8. i wrote stuff this morning

    tw: depressing


    Strong: (Lies)

    Do you ever feel this way,
    My friend?
    Like the thing you wish you were,
    The thing you pretend to be,
    Who other people see you as,
    Is just a lie?
    You aren’t that person.
    We know this, deep down,
    As much as we try,
    It won’t happen.
    Life is trying,
    And ultimately,
    Failing again and again.
    And if it takes
    A few words to break
    Our illusion of
    Confidence, bravery…
    A few words.
    My friend Self conscious decided to
    Barge their way in again.
    It’s not always words.
    It can be even just a glance
    From the right person.
    My strength is a lie.
    No, not a lie.
    A lie implies that there was
    Something to begin with.
    My strength is an illusion.
    I’m lying, just by my clothes
    If I was strong, I could stand.
    If I was strong, I wouldn’t hide.
    If I was strong, I wouldn’t have
    So much
    I wouldn’t fail as often,
    Or as badly.
    So many lies…
    Strong: (lies)
    The lies are strong.
    Stronger than me.
    I might break.
    My illusion is misting away,
    I’m crumpled to the ground,
    Unable to keep going,
    Unable to lift my eyes
    ~ Stick 6-2-24
    Don’t feel,
    Don’t let them know.
    They don’t want you
    How you are.
    They want-
    No, need-
    You to hide.
    They don’t want to have to look at
    Their mistake.
    Their failure.
    Their… daughter.
    She’s better hiding,
    Alone where she can’t hurt anyone
    Keep your head down.
    Eyes down.
    Down where it’s
    Where everything is soft,
    Fuzzy and
    Be smaller.
    Hide it.
    Hide… them.
    Nobody wants to see that.
    Nobody can bear your
    Weakness, and the scars
    It left behind.
    They’re proud of you
    When you hide.
    They say you look better
    When you hide.
    How do I answer that?
    I’m sorry for not hiding
    I’m sorry I’m a failure.
    I’m sorry you have to look at me
    Every. single. day.
    I’m sorry I’m here.
    I’m sorry…
    Is that what they want?
    That’s what they get.
    I guess… my pretend bravery,
    Misread as defiance and pride,
    Was a mistake.
    A mistake made
    By a mistake.
    You can’t feel
    We won’t let them know.
    ~ Stick 6-2-24


  9. 17 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    You didn't ping me, but I saw this thread on accident so...

    @Pineap-spider @Immortal Platypus @Edema Rue @One of the Ten Fools @TheFrugalWizard @WhyEverNot_8 @Anguished_One


    6 hours ago, WhyEverNot_8 said:

    Dangit I got pinged too :(

    also @Anguished_One got revenge for me telling her about the 36 plates of sushi my family +2 friends ate the other day lol, so I lost


    1 hour ago, One of the Ten Fools said:


    30 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:


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