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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. Rex sighed contentedly in her sleep.
  2. "H-hold me..." She fell asleep.
  3. "P-promise?" She asked, letting her eyes fall closed.
  4. "If... I fall zleep, will you-ou leave?" She asked, twisting a lock of his hair between her fingers.
  5. "Forev-ver." She mumbled, a smile spreading slowly across her face.
  6. "Don't... don't know... why." She furrowed her brow, concentrating on getting her words out right. "M... Morgan s-said th-that I will n-never..."
  7. "Really?" She muttered, brushing his cheek with her thumb.
  8. "Mm... 'ove you..." She mumbled, laying her head on his chest.
  9. "Thank you ou..." She moved over so that there was room beside her.
  10. "Staay with... me?" She asked, touching the side of his face gently.
  11. "Mm pain's goingg awayy..." She murmured, voice slurred. Rex slumped over on his shoulder slightly. "Layy dowwn..."
  12. The nurse finished and wrapped a clean bandage around Rex's hand again. "There, now, I'll give you some medicine for the pain." Rex didn't protest, taking the pill with a sip of water. "Please make sure you're drinking lots of water, and don't try to walk anywhere. That pill might make you a little woozy." The nurse said, making a note on her clipboard, then walking out of the room.
  13. "It's okay, just take some deep breaths, remember? Like we practiced over the phone?" Iris kept her tone soft.
  14. "I'll be your friend, if you want... and why do you think that they told you to come?"
  15. Rex shot him a grateful glance and squeezed his hand back, resting her head back on his shoulder. "Almost done now." The nurse muttered, busying herself with a small device. @Lightweaver2
  16. "That's alright..." Iris moves off the floor and turns the music down. "Would you like to tell me why you came to see me today?" She asks kindly.
  17. Rex flinched and hissed in pain as the nurse muttered an apology. Rex clenched her good hand, nails digging into her palm.
  18. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "I missed you..." She whispered. The nurse nodded and winked at Daniel, continuing her work on the wound.
  19. "It was a dream. It scared me. I forgot about my hand and I hurt it again." She said flatly, not looking up. "... I see..." The nurse said, beginning to clean the wound. She glanced at Daniel, and nodded towards Rex. Sit with her. She mouthed.
  20. "Mmm.." The nurse looked at Rex again. "How about you tell me and your boyfriend here exactly what happened?"
  21. Her face fell, and she glanced away. "How did this happen?" She nurse asked again, glancing first at Rex, then turning to Daniel.
  22. Rex looked up at him, and her face brightened slightly. The nurse unwrapped the bandage slowly, and Rex winced several times. "How did this happen?" The nurse asked, motioning to the reopened skin.
  23. "Thank you." She walked over and tapped Rex on the shoulder. "Can I have a look at that hand?" Rex nodded, and sat up, holding her hand out, numbly.
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