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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "I'd like to talk to!" Iris smiles again. "Can you tell me about what you drew?"
  2. You are going to try and kill yourself again. She said shortly.
  3. "But this isn't about what I want. I'm here for you. If that means sitting here and not talking for two hours, then I'm alright with that." She said kindly.
  4. I don't need you to stop my pain. Pain is normal for me. I'm good at hiding it, and I'll hide it better, so that I won't hurt you.
  5. And how would that help me help you?
  6. Iris looks up at her. "Are you ready to talk yet?"
  7. Iris turns back to the leaves and vines she's drawing on her hand, humming again.
  8. "I do." She smiles at Athena and opens a desk draw, pulling out a small purple clipboard with a few sheets of paper attached. "There you go."
  9. Rex rolled her eyes and made the box disappear. We're in my head, remember? I kinda can control pretty much everything. @Lightweaver2
  10. Rex sighed. So what do we do? I'm not giving all this back. She motioned to a tiny dark brown box that he hadn't noticed before.
  11. Well, I don't want you to continue hating yourself. Whatever pain I go through is preferable to that.
  12. But I do... I caused you pain, by trying to help you. I took away your hatred fro your self, and made you afraid. She looked away.
  13. But they don't. She let him hold her, letting her essence vibrate with his.
  14. I'll always need you. You know what makes you different? It's the fact that you actually love someone like me. She looked down. People don't just love me.
  15. Because nobody does. Rex opened her arms to him, if only he wanted her.
  16. *sings* Welcome baaaaccckkkk *gasp* I NEED TO WATCH RIO AGAIN!!!
  17. You don't deserve pain. You lie to yourself, saying that you do, but you don't.
  18. She reached toward him, taking his hand, and scooting closer to him. Please look at me.
  19. Daniel, sit. She patted the ground next to her again.
  20. She sat down, motioning him to sit beside her. Hurt by... me?
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