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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. She nodded. I'm sorry about that... I can see I hurt you to.
  2. Ahh... that is a good one... the only one I have... Rex looked down, then turned to him. You were trying to help me?
  3. Her essence tinged with sadness, and she laid her hand on the chest. What did you see?
  4. Yes... There is a lot of everything in here. She walked past him over to the light chest and peered at the lid, cocking her head to the side. It's been opened. She noted.
  5. She came closer, and embraced his. Thank you... and I'm sorry. What did you find?
  6. My Favorite Spotify playlist: Rue and Stick are crying

    (Made with the wonderful @Edema Rue)

    I highly recommend, and I hope it brings healing on your journey, friend. 


  7. Her essence floated toward him, looking rather puzzled. What are you doing here?
  8. Daniel? It's Rex's voice, calling him from somewhere nearby.
  9. The memories come flooding out... A specific one floats toward him, and he sees Rex, as a small, happy girl, perhaps four years old, swung into the arms of a figure who must be her mother. They are both smiling widely, and he is impressed with the feeling that he just violated something very private and special.
  10. He feels a clean, bright warmth seeping from it, trying to fill him and drown out the voices.
  11. As he gets closer, the bad voices are drowned out by a sweet music, the source of which is a glowing chest in a little alcove. Daniel.... It sings to him.
  12. Here... A light pulses not to far away.
  13. Daniel.... The voice is faint, but sweet, sounding like music... It beckons to him, begging him to stand up.
  14. Very faintly, he hears a voice calling his name, away from the dark corner.
  15. AHHH NO STAAAWWWPPPP PLEEEEEZEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. He starts to hear the whispers. Die... add more scars... no one will love you. Morgan's coming back... Daniel's going to leave you. You're not good enough. He'd rather die than be with you. Everyone is going to hurt you. block out the pain. Build more walls. Don't be vulnerable, hide, no one cares, bleed and die, on one cares. You're just suffering alone... On and on, they don't seem to stop.
  17. He sees a large black box in one corner, whispering appears to be coming from within.
  18. He is hit with a crippling wave of pain.
  19. Iris looks at her for a second, then opens her laptop and turns on some relaxing instrumental music. She lays the laptop on her desk and moves to the floor, grabbing a pen and doodling on the back of her hand, humming softly along to the music. @Ravenclawjedi42
  20. Her mind offered no resistance.
  21. "Would you like something to keep your hands busy?" Iris asks quietly, offering a small basket of fidget toys, taking one herself. "I find it helps keep my hands occupied so that I can think better. Iris smiles gently. "There is nothing to be afraid of, I promise."
  22. She brought her trembling hand up, touching the side of his face. "Love you-" She passed out, body going limp.
  23. "No-" Rex spasmed, arching her back in agony
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