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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Can't-" She gasped, pain flooding her entire body. "Don't- deserve it-"
  2. She shook her head, but didn't open her eyes.
  3. "Worth it-" She managed to get out, before shuddering violently, teeth chattering.
  4. Rex shook her head, wincing. "It's not yours anymore." She whispered, voice cracking.
  5. "You have your feelings. Just not your self-hatred." She leaned into his fingers.
  6. "From everything." She whispered, tears falling from her eyes.
  7. "You don't seem like yourself... the pain... scared...." She shook her head, closing her eyes.
  8. "It's fine. I'm fine." She collapsed.
  9. "I... okay..." She was silent.
  10. "Just... What was the vision about?" Rex asked, chest heaving. "You scared me."
  11. Iris opens the door. "Come in! I'm so happy to see you." She smiles warmly at Athena. "Have a seat, and we'll talk." Iris motions to the small couch and takes a seat in her chair opposite her.
  12. It was bleeding through the bandage again. She hid it behind her back. "It's fine. What was the vision about?"
  13. Granted. You can only do it on the moon I wish for a Night Fury from httyd
  14. "What... what happened?! You were shaking and..." She looked at him helplessly, a tear falling from her eye. "Are you alright?" @Lightweaver2
  15. "Daniel!" She shook him, wincing as she felt the skin on her injured hand tear slightly.
  16. Rex snapped awake. "Daniel?" She asked, cupping his face, voice tinged with panic... "What's wrong?!"
  17. The guard smiles warmly. "Miss Winter has been expecting you. Go right on up, second door on the left." He steps to the side, and lets her through.
  18. She mumbled in her sleep and sighed softly. " 'ove you..." She whispered.
  19. She held it, curling against his chest and falling asleep.
  20. "I know you do..." She hummed quietly, stroking his forehead again, trying to lull him to sleep.
  21. Once again, Rex took away his self-hatred. This is no longer you. She flooded him with love instead, letting her soul touch his, impressing her love for him on it. She held him tightly.
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