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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. A single tear fell from her eye, landing on his cheek, but she brushed it away, clamping her eyes closed, and deepening the kiss slightly, already breathless, but wanting more of... of... him.
  2. Unable to hold back any longer, she cupped his face, and kissed him passionately, tangling her fingers through his hair.
  3. "Then maybe you should stop talking." She laid her finger against his lips gently.
  4. "Alright, thank you." Iris says, "See you tomorrow."
  5. "Can we schedule that for tomorrow afternoon? Maybe about three o'clock?" She offered.
  6. "Hmmm... there is a possible video call option... would that work?"
  7. "If getting here is difficult, then there might be other services that would be easier for to to access."
  8. "Yes, that is how my services work."
  9. "Are you sure you can't fall asleep?" She whispered, tracing his collarbone.


    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Let her know I say happy birthday as well

  11. Bracelet




    This little insignificant looking thing
    Holds so much weight,
    Holds so many memories.
    We were sitting
    On my bed,
    You handed me a tiny little
    It was my birthday.
    I could hardly wait
    To open it,
    Tearing away the wrapping,
    To reveal, a small,
    I took it out, and you
    Clipped it on
    My wrist.
    I look at it now,
    And miss you.
    I wish you were here.
    I want to hold your hand.
    I want to pull you close.
    I want to snuggle you,
    Kiss your forehead,
    Tell you how much
    I love you.
    But I don’t have
    All I have is
    ~ Stick 2-2-24

    *hugs everyone*

    Luv ya all!


    ~ Stick ❤️ 


  12. "But there is no one better." She ran her finger over his cheek. "Not for me, anyway." She whispered.
  13. "And where would I go?" She whispered, kissing his forehead.
  14. "Well, I don't feel like sleeping." She looked at him, smiling softly. "But I think you should."
  15. "Then what do you suggest?" She whispered, twisting a lock of his hair between her fingers.
  16. Rex thought for a moment, "Because I'm right next to you, and I'm helping you relax...?" She offered
  17. "Not asleep with me?" She smiled softly, running her hand through his hair again.
  18. Sick new PFP!

    What is it??


    1. TwinSouls



      I thought it’d look cool.

      It’s a Lemony Snicket thing.

  19. Holy crap... I have soooo much I'm the second-oldest, but my older brother is... ummm... shall we say toxic, and has some mental things going on (Not as many disorders as me tho ) and all the responsibility falls on me and they wonder why I'm suicidal... I always get the "Thank you for not being like your brother, we like how responsible you are, how we can have a civil conversation with you" T-T I have to be the responsible one, and keep everything inside... I can't have a big reaction to anything, and if I do, they punish me. I have to hold the brave face for all my younger siblings, and show my hurt... I have to babysit the children, even though it terrifies me... *sigh* that's my rant... ta-da!
  20. "Are you sure you won't fall asleep?" She whispered, smoothing an eyebrow with her fingers.
  21. "I love you..." She whispered, not stopping her hand.
  22. "No, it is in person, but we can schedule over the phone."
  23. "Mmmhmmm..." She continued to stroke his head, humming again.
  24. "Like I said," She ran her hand back through his hair, "I'm busy."
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