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Posts posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. I have a question!

    (keeping in mind, I'm a sheltered homeschooler who is straight and I might not understand because of a learning disorder, so if this is mean/exclusive/bad-in-some-way I'M SO SORRY!)

    So, why do people use the term "queer"? In my mind, at least, queer is like... a synonym for weird or strange or something like that. Is it a term that only queer people can use? Is it more universal than breaking everything down into specifics? Where did it come from? How popular is it? Is there something better that you nice folks would prefer to be called?


    (and once again I'm so sorry if this isn't clear or if I offend someone!!! Please let me know and I'll do my best to make it right again.) 

    ~ Stick

  2. On 5/29/2024 at 10:47 PM, Scars of Hathsin said:

    Aaron looks up at the massive Casino that looms in front of them, gaudy colours flickering across massive screens, and lights lighting up the Strip, where casinos lined the sides, like leaves on a branch. "I am pretty sure this is out of our budget" he says out the side of his mouth to the others.

    @RoyalBeeMage@Lunamor@Wierdo@Part Of The Narrative@Anguished_One@anyone else

    Ashton glanced around nervously at the flashing lights. "I don't like this..." She whispered to Lucid, inching closer to him slightly, "There's too many lights and people... Places like this make me uncomfortable." She bit her lip. @Wierdo 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Through The Living Glass said:

    How can I say no to that?

    *to squirrel* I dub thee GUCCI. In all caps.

    S T O R Y ? ? ?


    I used to have a pet baby squirrel I adopted when it was abandoned alone in a parking lot and ran up my brother's leg. I named him Gucci and raised him until he was old enough to live outside, then I set him free 🥰

  4. 2 hours ago, Through The Living Glass said:



    (baby squirrel)

      Reveal hidden contents



    Edit: 2 things

    1. I've never drawn fur like that before; it was really fun.

    2. I have so much more drawing time now it's AWESOME!!






  5. 14 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

    Scene 9: Shades

      Reveal hidden contents

    Every kind of person is beautiful
    I swear its true
    If you don't see it now
    Let me show it to you
    Some people have brown eyes
    Some have blue
    Some people have green
    But what has that got to do with the persons beauty?
    Some people like one color over the other
    I think all should value one another
    Cause brown's the color of dirt
    and blues the color of rain
    And greens the color of grass
    They all need each other just same
    The dirt would have nothing to grow if it wasn't for the grass
    The grass would have nothing to drink if it wasn't for the rain
    The rain would have nothing to fill if it wasn't for the dirt
    The color that they are makes no difference to how they impact the world around them
    They're just as beautiful as each other just in different shades
    So why do we judge people the same?
    When the real beauty lies in the difference that they make

    I just felt called to write this. I think these people will like this.

    @Through The Living Glass @Anguished_One @Edema Rue @J. Magi @The Wandering Wizard @Spark of Hope @TheRavenHasLanded @The Bookwyrm @shortcake @Lotus Blossom @Kajsa

    😍 🥰

  6. 14 hours ago, Wierdo said:

    He proceeds to fall asleep

    She relaxes next to him, drowsy but not yet asleep. 

    13 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    @Scars of Hathsin @Lunamor @The Aspiring Archivist @Random Bystander @Part Of The Narrative @Anguished_One @Wierdo @outhers


    I'm good!!


  7. 1 minute ago, BlueWildRye said:

    In the Sandwichverse, everyone knows exactly where everyone else's houses are, as well as the exact location of the Sandwich. That's how it works. I made that up on the spot, but it explains how we haven't lost the sandwich somewhere random yet.

    *adds to The Sandwich Lore* 

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