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Everything posted by Just-A-Stick

  1. "Yeah, but..." She touched his face gently, "You need sleep to."
  2. She wiped her eyes and smiled weakly. "I love you too." She leaned against him. "I'm sorry for waking you up again." She winced.
  3. Rex shivered, then nodded, trying to regulate her breathing. She peeked at Daniel.
  4. Stick looks from one parent to the other, a tear falling from her eye. "Missed both of you." She whispered.
  5. "I... it was Morgan again." Rex sobbed.
  6. Stick reaches out her other hand towards @Part Of The Narrative.
  7. "Yes." She whispered, voice clogged with emotion.
  8. @Part Of The Narrative, @Edema Rue EDDIE LOOOOKKK!!!! *horror*
  9. "Mamma." Stick whispers, squeezing her hand.
  10. Stick reached out her hand, whimpering softly.
  11. *skips to where her room is set up* Stick grips the blanket tightly, knuckles white. Her face is covered in bandages, and she can only see out of one eye. Lily is still in the room with her. @Part Of The Narrative @SmilingPanda19
  12. She nodded, hiding her face against him, holding onto him tightly, though it was hurting her hand.
  13. "She has to be cleaned up first... then she'll be moved into a room, then she can have visitors. I'm sorry, but it's protocol." Mike laid a gentle hand on Stick's arm. "You'll be alright, I promise."
  14. "Daniel!" Her eyes snapped open, and she clung to him, crying.
  15. "Rodger." Mike said. He came into the room several moments later. "We'll get you cleaned up and moved into a new room shortly." He smiled kindly at Stick. Stick nodded, but her eyes were still roving wildly around the room.
  16. "I... I... ow." Stick is startled and confused. "Who... where...?"
  17. Stick opened her eyes, gasping, eyes darting around wildly.
  18. Rex! Rex shuddered, the voice... she knew that voice... didn't she? Rex! Give me your magic! GIVE IT TO ME NOW! "N- n... no?" She squeaked, flinching as the voice thundered in her ears. REX! IT'S MINE! Rex cried out in her sleep, trying to escape the voice... his voice.
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